View Full Version : Why can't I use any font?

2006-07-13, 08:38 AM
Curiously, I can change a cell to some fonts but not others. In particular I'm trying to use symbol fonts like wingdings. I want to use characters and character combinations from these in popup lists.

2006-07-13, 03:11 PM
Hi Stan-

This is somewhat confusing to users, but it's not actually a bug. Cocoa apps handle text a little differently than carbon apps do, and that's what you're seeing here.

To enable Dingbats and Symbol fonts in Cocoa apps, open your System Preferences panel and click the International icon. On the International preference pane, click on Keyboard Menu. Look for Symbol and Dingbats in the keyboard list and place a checkmark next to each. Click the Options button and make sure that command-option-space for switching layouts is checked.

Open a Cocoa application, hit command-option-space until you see either the Symbol or the Dingbat keybard icon in your menubar, and start typing. You should now see Symbol/Dingbat characters onscreen.

Let me know if you have any questions.

2006-07-13, 03:43 PM
I am using OSX 10.4.7. The International preference pane has ghree tabs: Language, Formats, Input Menu. When I click Input Menu I see a list of keyboard layouts etc. Neither Symbol nor Dingbats is on the list. What am I missing?

2006-07-13, 03:56 PM

I apologize, those directions are out of date. I was unaware of the change they made.

If you search the mac help file for "Typing special characters and symbols" it will walk you through how to do it.

Sorry for the confusion.

2006-07-13, 04:24 PM
That requires opening the character pallette, finding the symbol, and clicking on it to insert it. Works fine, though it's not exactly elegant.

I still don't understand why I can select text in a cell, then Wingdings in the font panel and have the text change to Wingdings.

2006-07-14, 11:57 AM
This is a result of OSX using Unicode. You haven't been able to use the wingdings fonts since 10.2.

More info: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106731

2006-07-17, 03:55 AM
This is a result of OSX using Unicode. You haven't been able to use the wingdings fonts since 10.2.

More info: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106731
Actually, that's a bit of a pain if you have to share docs with antique flavours of Windows, like I do. What we've got is so much better, but specifically, access to Wingdings, much as I dislike it, would help with documents that I have to get printed by our college typing office.
