View Full Version : TIP: Action-Oriented Projects

2009-04-12, 08:21 PM
When I create projects I type an action-oriented objective in the project notes to help me weed out dead-end projects. For example, if the project is "Personal Finances" I will set the note to: "Organize and update finances." This helps me make sure the project title is appropriate and if helps me assign actions to the project that meet the goal.

Basically, I set a goal to all projects and conform the actions to that goal. If they don't help meet the goal, I either create a new project or discard them.


2009-04-13, 11:19 AM
Just tweeted this. Thanks! :-)

2009-05-14, 03:30 PM
I do the exact same thing, stating with OBJECTiVE: in every project note field. I use Harrison's scripts for project support material and brainstorming. Good tip to share.