View Full Version : TCPCFSocket

2009-06-02, 11:07 AM

There's a small subclass to ONTCPSocket - TCPCFSocket, which allows a process to hook an ONTCPSocket into the NSRunLoop so that AppKit UI events and socket I/O are managed in a single place.

I use this code:

TCPCFSocket *socket;
socket = [TCPCFSocket tcpSocket];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(__runloopReceiver:) name:@"TCPCFSocketDataAvailableNotification" object:nil];
[socket dataAvailableWithNotification];

Problem: debugger console widow always says me that
-[ONTCPSocket dataAvailableWithNotification]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x012345

Like i'am trying to use ONTCPSocket instead of TCPCFSocket... But I even don't import OmniNetworking.h (only TCPCFSocket.h).

Where is the problem? I completely confused.

Thanks for any help!