View Full Version : Not enough "Dues" shown

2010-04-07, 10:41 AM
In the Due perspective, I can see Due within the next week, but not items due further away than that, such as Due within a month. Is there any way I can show those too in a Due view?

2010-04-08, 01:37 AM
I have created a "Calendar" perspective for that, but you can also make those changes in your "Due" perspective. However, I'd recommend you make a separate one and keep the "Due" as a perspective for your immediate attention. Either way, all you really need is to set <Grouping->Due> and <Availability filter->Remaining>. Then, just save your perspective: Perspective->Save window as->(the perspective you choose)

If you use OF for iPhone, such a "Calendar" perspective works even better on your phone than on the Mac, since OF for iPhone will specify all tasks per day whereas desktop OF only has next week, month, 3 months, etc. This will work both with a custom "Calendar" perspective or if you should choose to modify "Due" as specified above. But remember to allow for experimental features first, showing perspectives on your OF-iPhone/touch