View Full Version : A Stop Tab Drawer opening every New Tab option

2011-06-17, 07:11 PM
Stop Tab Drawer opening WITH every New Tab option in Preferences (it - the forum - wouldn't allow me to add WITH to the title even though it made me think it did)

Please or I'm likely to veer away to another browser.

Also a user agent changer.

Btw does anyone know how one would hack Omniweb to stop the tab drawer auto opening on every new tab?

2011-06-18, 08:20 AM
Not aware of a way to get the behavior you request for the tab drawer, but a workaround you could try would be to minimize the width of the tab drawer. You can slim it down to about 2x the width of the little gear menu at the top of the drawer.

You can control the user agent used for a given site/domain via the site specific preferences. See OmniWeb→Show Site Preferences, Preferences for <domain>, Other tab.