View Full Version : attach 1 file for several tasks?

2012-06-20, 02:36 PM

After I've read a book I write a summary of it and make several tasks that remind me after 3 days, then 3 weeks, 3 months, 1 years, 2 years etc. to read the summary. Every tasks gets the summary.pdf as attachment.
The problem, however, is that OF thinks that all these files are different and wants to sync all of them instead only once.

Is there any way to say OF that it only needs to sync the file once because the other tasks actually contain the same file?

2012-06-20, 03:49 PM
Not currently possible, but I'll write up a feature request on it. Thanks!

2012-06-20, 05:44 PM
You might be better off linking to the file instead of embedding it. If you store the file in Dropbox or other file storage that gives you the same pathname for the file on each system, it will be transparent — clicking the link will get you the file contents.

2012-06-21, 12:45 AM
thanks I didn't know OF on iOS can also get the attachments from Dropbox. That's a cool little trick!

2012-06-21, 08:48 AM
Sorry, it can't. If you were talking about multiple Macs, you'd be okay, but a Mac + iOS setup won't work with Dropbox in the fashion I described. In my defense, I'll note that you posted this in the OmniFocus for Mac forum and so I gave you a Mac solution, a weak justification perhaps, but I'm sticking to it :-)

What I use for this sort of thing is DevonThink, which has external references that work on both OS X and iOS. I put the document in DevonThink, put a link to the document in OmniFocus, and after I've synced OmniFocus and synced DevonThink, I can get to that document in either place.

I'm not a big fan of storing documents in OmniFocus unless it just isn't practical to carry them elsewhere, but sometimes it's the least objectionable solution. In your case, another approach would be to put the document in the project rather than in the actions, and have the actions remind you to reread the document attached to the project. Then you'd only have one copy of the document in your database.