View Full Version : Repeating tasks on Quick Entry

2012-07-02, 07:35 AM
The quick entry box has a column for repeating items (the circular arrows) yet there does not seem to be a way to make a quick entry repeating. Any ideas?

2012-07-11, 07:08 AM
Hi, I've been wondering the same thing. Thanks for starting the thread.

Anyone know the answer?

2012-07-11, 07:31 AM
The answer is there's no way to currently mark a task as repeating in the Quick Entry window, nor is there a way to specify the repeat behavior desired.

Getting repeats correctly specified takes just enough thought that I don't want to do it in a rush. Either I enter a new repeating action directly in the Inbox, or I add it from QE but with a note describing the repeat I want (or just that the task should be repeating) so that it gets fleshed out when I process the Inbox.