View Full Version : Action Due time?

2012-07-04, 12:52 PM

Is there a way to not have an action have a due time?


2012-07-04, 01:51 PM

If a task has no due time, but is due today, when is it marked overdue, if not completed? Are you looking for different behavior, or easier data entry?

2012-07-04, 02:02 PM
In the due column, you can type tomorrow 5 pm.

If the time reaches tomorrow, 5 pm, then the task will show up as overdue.

If no time is specified, the task defaults to 12 am.

Greg Jones
2012-07-04, 02:25 PM
If no time is specified, the task defaults to 12 am.
I believe it will default to the due time set in Preferences>Data>Default Time for Due Dates.

To the OP-you can set the due time to 11:59 PM, which means that tasks are not considered overdue until the next day (12:00 AM).

2012-07-05, 07:41 AM
Thanks for this. I guess I just did want any type of alarm going off at a certain time. I don't know the program well enough to know if I have a way to control that vs. just having the action show as overdue.


2012-08-16, 10:27 PM

So I understand the need to have a time in order for an action to become "overdue." But is there a way to set up a time an action is due so I can act on it vs. setting up a date (but no time) an action is due (and if the date passes, the action is overdue)?

2012-08-16, 10:46 PM
(and if the date passes, the action is overdue)?

When exactly does the date 'pass' ?

At the stroke of midnight ? (That is certainly the conventional view … )

If so, a time component of zero (midnight) is probably what you are really thinking about – either midnight at the start of a given day or midnight at the end of that day, in which case you can just bump up the date by one day … (or use a time component of 23h and 59m)

(The underlying data in the OF database is a unix datetime field, in which the time component can be set to zero, but can not in any way be persuaded into non-existence – it's simply a number of seconds elapsed since the stroke of midnight which marked the start of January 1 2001 i.e. around 366883200 at the time of writing …)

This may give a sense of what lurks under the hood, and why there are no 'timeless' dates in this system.

#OFOC=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to get id of application file id "OFOC"')
OFOC="com.omnigroup.OmniFocus" # For Appstore-purchased variant use (slower) line above instead
OFQUERY="sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Caches/$OFOC/OmniFocusDatabase2"
NOW=$($OFQUERY "SELECT (strftime('%s','now','localtime'))")
YEARZERO=$($OFQUERY "SELECT strftime('%s','2001-01-01')")
echo $(($NOW-$YEARZERO))

From which, where I am, I just got 366883620 seconds.


2012-08-17, 09:09 AM
Thanks for the information.
But I am looking for the option to set/not set a due time (and thus an alarm) for a an action, especially in iOS.

2012-08-17, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the information.
But I am looking for the option to set/not set a due time (and thus an alarm) for a an action, especially in iOS.

There is none.