View Full Version : Make it go away!

2012-08-10, 08:21 AM
RFE for Oo3:

A way beyond just checking off an item to make it 'invisible'; perhaps indicated only by a trace of a line, 'out of sight, out of mind..' And then to be able to bring those traces of hidden items back to full view later.


For long texts, an option to (down) size them manually, and for them to be scrollable if downsized. Sometimes I don't need to have 'everything' I've stuffed into a text field visible, and forcing me to haphazardly scroll up and down around it, yet I don't want to keep clicking the little text block visible or not again and again. A scrollbar in the text bubble seems the obvious answer.

2012-08-14, 09:21 AM
I'm a bit confused by your post. You say this a 'request for enhancement' (if I parsed the acronym right) for Oo3. Do you mean OmniOutliner 3?

This is the OmniFocus forum, but I could move your request to the OmniOutliner forum if that's what you intended.