View Full Version : Review Periods

2012-09-21, 09:56 AM
Would it be possible to set the daily reviews to be on specific days rather than a number of days. At the moment I have some of my projects set to be reviewed on a 2 or 3 day basis but this really doesn't fit in as I don't want to review them on a weekend. Ideally I'd like to be able to set the review to Mon, Wed, Fri

2012-09-21, 01:53 PM
So only do your reviews on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Stuff that would fall due for review on the weekend will get reviewed on Monday. Marking the project reviewed resets the next review date to be the proper interval away from the date it was reviewed, not the date it was first available to be reviewed, so when you mark a project with a 2 day review interval reviewed on Friday, it becomes available for review on Sunday, you review it on Monday, and the next review is set to Wednesday, just as you wanted. You only run into trouble if there are projects which you do wish to review on the weekend.

To make a feature request, use the Help->Send Feedback menu item in the app.