View Full Version : Calculated dates

2012-10-08, 02:47 AM
Calculated dates

I know that it's possible to enter dates in a relative form, relative to today's date e.g. +1w or +5d. But is it possible to enter other relative dates such as: a Due-Date in the format start+<period>; or a Start-Date as due-<period>, where <period> is the number of weeks, days ... (eg 1w 3d etc)?

Date Variables.

A few years ago a state of emergency was declared here following a large urban earthquake. A number of my projects had dates which coincided with the end of the declared emergency period. But then the authorities kept extending the SOE. So all the relevant OF dates had to be changed. It would have been useful to define a Variable with a value equal to the end of the SOE, and then the date value in OF could have been changed just once each time the SOE period was changed. Since then I have come across a number of situations where one or more of my OF dates are dependent on some other date, and so would have liked to use a date variable. Would others find that useful?

Completion Date

I would, optionally, like OF to automatically populate the start date of a project/action with the completion date of some other project or action.

Are any of these things possible, or likely to be ever implemented?

2012-10-08, 08:55 AM
These aren't currently possible.

I can't make any commitments about future features, but you aren't the first to ask for this sort of thing, and I'll be happy to add your notes to this request.

(Specific examples like this are very helpful for us when we're planning, because they help us make sure the thing we're building will really meet your needs.)