View Full Version : Flat file?

2007-05-25, 08:17 AM
In previous versions of OmniGraffle, I could save a file as a "flat” file rather than the default package. I did this by setting one of the preferences:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro PrivateGraffleFlatFile 0

This doesn't seem to work anymore (even though Property List Editor shows the value of PrivateGraffleFlatFile is 0). Is there a way to save an Omnigraffle file as a single file?

2007-05-25, 10:22 AM
If you're running the OmniGraffle 4.2 beta, then that control is now found in the Document Settings Inspector, where you can set it on a per-document basis.

2007-05-26, 07:26 AM
Yes, I am using 4.2 beta. Thanks.


2007-10-15, 01:27 AM
I have hundreds of OmniGraffle files, of which many are as packages (didn't notice the option until trying to start using SVN).

Is there an faster way, than searching them with Sportlight, opening them and changing manually the File format options to "Save as flat file".

I'm using OG 4.2.1 (Standard).

For example an Automator action would be great.

2007-10-15, 02:02 AM
I found that using the Finder search with parameters Kind = OmniGraffle document AND Number of items Greater than 1 finds all OG docs that are packages. The Type = Package does not find OG docs, which are packages.

This narrowed down the job to a time shorter than writing an Automator action, which would still be nice (or a set of them allowing batch processing OG docs)

2008-10-10, 05:31 AM
Is there really no way to set the default ?