View Full Version : Pages in dock don't reload from cache

2006-05-09, 07:41 PM
Not exactly sure how to title this one. Workspace A has a few windows in the dock and a few maximized. I switch to workspace B. Then I switch back to A. All of the maximized windows display the previous content without reloading. However, the windows that are minimized reload all of their content.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Len Case
2006-05-09, 08:33 PM
This relates to some implementation issues and other bugs...

Basically, windows in the dock can be closed but not hidden (one by one that is--they will be hidden when the app is hidden). So we close the minimized windows but merely order out the others.

Right now there is an issue that switching workspaces does not stop movies (or flash) so if you start a movie and switch away, you can still hear it playing in the background.

2006-05-09, 08:45 PM
I started minimizing stuff to clean up some desktop space. Couldn't figure out why every time I switched workspaces OW needed to take a power nap.

Thanks for the details.