View Full Version : Local urls and web shortcuts

2006-05-18, 05:59 AM
As a web developer, I frequently need to view pages on the built-in OSX apache server. I use the virtual hosts in Apache, and edit my hosts file.

So this way, I would type in a URL like "myclient/products/" into the address bar of a browser to see the index.html file in that directory.

The problem I'm having with OW is that by default, it uses the shortcut for *, and wraps my url with "http://www." and ".com" -- and the url fails.

If I go in then and manually delete what was added, I can view the local page.

Is there a way to prevent this behavior?


2006-05-18, 08:06 AM
Preferences > Shortcuts
remove the first one in the list.

Or, reference your local machine with something like http://machine.local and it shouldn't autocomplete the rest.

Ken Case
2006-05-18, 09:09 AM
Preferences > Shortcuts
remove the first one in the list.

Actually, OmniWeb won't let you remove it. But you can edit it, changing the URL of the shortcut from "http://www.%@.com/" to "http://%@/".