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patgallant 2010-08-04 09:15 AM

$39.99 is exactly what I thought the price would be and didn't flinch as soon as it showed up in the app store... bought it immediately and have no regrets.

gopi 2010-08-04 11:38 AM

[QUOTE=knit2day;82641]I appreciate this is an OF forum so - for what it's worth to anyone paying attention: the UI is important to me (I have to look at this thing regularly) as well as the functionality. OF has too little of the former and has the same problems with the latter that I have with Windows: too much opportunity to tinker with the system instead of actually getting stuff done. I have two careers (currently dealing with working on 5 technical books plus a regular tax lawyer caseload) and a home life to deal with so there's enough to get done that I don't need to add "tweaking the GTD system" to it.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I really like the UI of OmniFocus on the iPad. It doesn't have lots of frilly stuff just to be cute, but IMHO it goes beyond utilitarian and actually looks good. I think OF/iPad looks like good, clean design rather than Soviet style utilitarianism. I haven't used Things on the iPad but I prefer the OF screenshots.

Your points about tweaking the GTD system are valid. I do think that OF on iPad discourages tweaking compared to the desktop version. If Things does what you need without tweaking, that's great: I think it's always good if you can use a tool without tweaking. For me, the lack of nesting is simply a deal killer for Things.

endoftheQ 2010-08-06 06:42 AM

A quote from a recent post on TUAW.

[quote]Demos might not be a big deal for a US$0.99 app, but once you start edging over $5, it starts to become more and more of an issue. By $10, I'm giving it serious thought, and by $20, I'm pretty hesitant. What if something is priced at over $20? Well, let's just say that I've been looking forward to OmniFocus for the iPad for a long time, but I still haven't bought it.[/quote]

Follow this [URL=""]link[/URL] for the full article.

emory 2010-08-06 09:37 AM

Talk about Stockholm syndrome -- people defending Things in spite of being unable to sync away from your local network. Laughable.

Don't apologize for people that clearly don't get it.

Ninja Edit: $40 isn't that much money for software. This whole notion that you can do everything you want on a $5 application is hilarious. If you don't need OmniFocus, they don't want you to buy their application. It isn't targeted at you. You want something with petty colors and a calendar? Buy that instead.

It isn't any skin off their nose, since they don't want to support a user that wants a glorified calendar or todo list. They're in a different business, ffs.

Microsoft Word is an expensive text editor! FileMaker Pro is an expensive address book! Excel is an expensive calculator. Photoshop is an expensive photo viewer, and my Airport Extreme is an expensive DHCP server.

OmniFocus is an expensive series of todo lists.

But it's a bargain as a trusted system for implementing Getting Things Done. If you don't need it, you don't need it. For most people using it, that's maybe an hour's worth of work. Small price considering 50 hours a week being that much better because of it.

CatOne 2010-08-07 01:08 PM

[QUOTE=emory;82848]Small price considering 50 hours a week being that much better because of it.[/QUOTE]

Or like 25 hours/week if you're French.

Vramin 2010-08-07 04:14 PM

When I first read that Omnifocus would cost me another $40 for the iPad version I was pretty annoyed, but yesterday I went ahead and took the plunge. I'm thrilled in a few ways, largely because a lot of the user interface design is brilliant and simple to use - I'm hopeful that the desktop version will become more like the iPad UI. The Forecast view is fantastic as well. If anything I wish I hadn't bought the iPhone version. I don't use it much, and with this interface I'll probably rarely have occasion to reach for it.

I currently have Omnifocus on my personal machine, the company machine, and my iPhone. With the iPad release I will be able to retire the instance on my company machine (I don't like putting my personal stuff on the company hardware, so I run it all off of a flash drive) and do a *lot* less syncing.

Overall, $40 well spent.

Now, if only I could find myself using Omnigraffle on the iPad more... I spent the money for it, too, but I rarely ever use it...

endoftheQ 2010-08-10 08:14 AM

[QUOTE=Vramin;82946]Now, if only I could find myself using Omnigraffle on the iPad more... I spent the money for it, too, but I rarely ever use it...[/QUOTE]

You and me both, Vramin, I used OmniGraffle a couple of times and decided I preferred a different, less expensive, App.

I'm awaiting the release and pricing of OmniOutliner on the iPad with interest, to see whether it has enough compelling features to make me dole out the dosh and replace CarbonFin's Outliner.

gopi 2010-08-10 11:34 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;83148]You and me both, Vramin, I used OmniGraffle a couple of times and decided I preferred a different, less expensive, App.[/QUOTE]

Do you mind telling me which app?

I'm very happy with OmniGraffle for certain kinds of diagrams. But I find myself feeling like some different tools might help for other diagrams.

endoftheQ 2010-08-10 12:38 PM

[QUOTE=gopi;83161]Do you mind telling me which app?[/QUOTE]

Hi Gopi,

I used to use OmniGraffle for blue-sky stuff, mind-mapping, etc. as I don't find tools such as OmniFocus or Outliner conducive to exploring problems.

However, for creating mind-maps I always seem to gravitate back to [URL=""]iThoughts[/URL], which I really like. I also use [URL=""]iMandalArt[/URL] which, in my experience, people either loathe or love, but for me is the ultimate dumping ground for anything I want or need to think about. I've yet to find any other App that lets you 'play' with your problems!

I've opened up a [I]List your favourite Apps[/I] thread in the Omni Lounge, click this [URL=""]link[/URL] to go there. I'd be interested in hearing of any Apps you've found worthwhile.

Dillinger-63 2010-08-10 01:08 PM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;83173]Hi Gopi,

I used to use OmniGraffle for blue-sky stuff, mind-mapping, etc. as I don't find tools such as OmniFocus or Outliner conducive to exploring problems.

However, for creating mind-maps I always seem to gravitate back to [URL=""]iThoughts[/URL], which I really like. I also use [URL=""]iMandalArt[/URL] which, in my experience, people either loathe or love, but for me is the ultimate dumping ground for anything I want or need to think about. I've yet to find any other App that lets you 'play' with your problems!

I've opened up a [I]List your favourite Apps[/I] thread in the Omni Lounge, click this [URL=""]link[/URL] to go there. I'd be interested in hearing of any Apps you've found worthwhile.[/QUOTE]

Another thumbs up for iThoughts and you can import/export to MindJet Mind Manager.

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