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bpwhistler 2013-04-03 06:54 AM

@ jeremyp...I have no idea. I'm a relative rookie to AppleScript, so when I muck around with it I usually end up breaking it before fixing it. But I do know that if you want an answer from one of the forums experts, they'll want to know more about the setup you're using. Especially they'll want to see a copy of the script you're using. You might want to start out by posting that.

jeremyp 2013-04-03 07:07 AM

I haven't made any mods to the script

rkv 2013-04-20 12:11 AM

project name not being passed
After installing 10.8.3 the version of the script in abroess posting 120 is passing the email to Omnifocus. While MailTags allows me to select my Omnifocus project and context, Omnifocus is setting the context correctly but seems to be ignoring the project being set in Mail. The messages passed by the Mail Acton outbox rule seem to be associated with the first project in my library. The context is being set correctly.

Any thoughts or suggestions as to how to correct?

---------- subsequent update --------------------
After more carefully examining the early portions of this thread, I realize that my problem is most likely the result of my Omnifocus projects being in Folders. There are earlier posts in this thread such as ccgfour reporting a similar issue: [url][/url]

My apologies to all for not having been more thorough before posting.

SpinalTap 2013-06-20 05:32 AM


I am on 10.8.4 and the script in post 120 does not work for me. It appears to fail at the first attempt to [I]set[/I] variables (in the first repeat). I put in messages up to this point and they appear correctly, but as soon as it gets to the first set command, the messages no longer appear and the AppleScript appears to stop running (no further messages that I have inserted appear).

Anyone else having this issue?


carlwest275 2013-06-20 06:03 AM


מתפלל לאלוהים החבר :)

johnnydaboy 2013-06-23 05:59 AM

Add to mail to OF inbox with keystroke
I posted a simple script that I based off the Waiting For script.

You can download the finished script in this thread: [url][/url]

It makes it possible (with a Mail Act-On keystroke) to add items to OmniFocus inbox.

Would love to know if you find it useful or if you have suggestions for how to improve it.

bex 2013-10-14 12:55 AM


I am on 10.8.4 and the script in post 120 does not work for me. It appears to fail at the first attempt to [I]set[/I] variables (in the first repeat). I put in messages up to this point and they appear correctly, but as soon as it gets to the first set command, the messages no longer appear and the AppleScript appears to stop running (no further messages that I have inserted appear).

Anyone else having this issue?


I don't know if you fixed your issue or not, but I just recently started having a similar problem. I did some poking around and it appears that the problem was related to emails I was sending where there was no name associated with the email address. The script was using the name of the to recipient. When there was no name, it failed. I added an if … then to check for a name and when there wasn't one just used the address instead and all appears well.



bpwhistler 2013-10-23 08:37 PM

Anybody try this with Mavericks yet?

michaelschmid 2013-12-09 01:55 PM

[QUOTE=bex;127932]I added an if … then to check for a name and when there wasn't one just used the address instead and all appears well.[/QUOTE]

Hi bex,

could you please drop the [CODE]if … then [/CODE] script. This would be awesome.

Thanks a lot,


codog24 2014-01-16 12:25 PM

Waiting for Script or Outlook...?
This script appears to provide the functionality I am looking for, which is great, but there's only one problem - I use Outlook 2011. Is there anything similar available for Outlook?



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