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-   -   YOUR GUESS: How much it will cost vs. how much it should cost? (

doodiebrad 2010-07-13 03:05 PM

thn bcm a mdrtr, nd sht t dwn. Until then, your opinion is just that...your opinion.

Brian 2010-07-13 03:44 PM

Emory & Doodiebrad: we don't have a problem with threads like this, and the opinions you're expressing are fine.

However, it's not appropriate for either of you to tell another guest what to do on our forums. Please stop.

Eye_Doc 2010-07-14 03:03 AM

The simple fact is that Omni are the only people doing 'desktop' quality software on the iPad and that includes Apple who's cut down iWork suite is only fit for the lightest or word processing.

The only way Omni can afford to make 'desktop' software for a new risky platform is to charge for it.

So I would be pleased if it is expensive. The more expensive it is the more work they can put into it and other Omni products.

The sad thing however is that It does raise the barrier for entry. I haven't been able to justify the cost of OmniGraffle on the Ipad as I just don't use it that often. but when I can find a reason.....

So the price should reflect the quality and features of the software.

PS hoping it will be no more than £30(!)

hypotyposis 2010-07-14 07:07 AM

Will be: $49
Should be: $99+

I still am unable to comprehend how OG is able to provide such fantabulous support while charging such seemingly ridiculously low prices.
As per BZ's post, plenty of much more expensive software out there that I don't use nearly as much; but I've also had to call (yeah, emailing doesn't seem to work) Microsoft support more than once, and the experience was... painful. Omni is essentially the only company I [U]can[/U] use for my "trusted system".

endoftheQ 2010-07-14 10:56 AM

I'd pitch it at 99¢ and drop the price for OmniFocus for iPhone to the same level, and hold both there for a month.

I receive, in an average week, a dozen App recommendations from family, friends, colleagues, etc. If it's under a buck, I just buy - no reading reviews, no agonising over whether it's worth it, etc.

OmniGroup would be betting the farm, but locking in hundreds-of-thousands - if not millions! - of new users ("price competitively, go for volume") and the attendant publicity, might very well pay huge dividends in the long-term.

OK, fantasy over. I'm with hypotyposis on this one, expecting to pay $49, and more than happy to do so.

ckeck 2010-07-14 11:21 AM

Shouldn't cost more than it's other mobile counterpart -- $20 would be fair (and still quite high, but fair)

Just my opinion...already have over $100 invested into OmniFocus in some form/fashion. Hopefully if it is more they will include a discount somehow for current OF desktop license holders.


whpalmer4 2010-07-14 11:44 AM

In my opinion, one of the best, if not the best, things about any Omni product is the support behind it. Right now the support group seems to do well at keeping up with the work load, but there have been times in recent memory where they didn't (launch of the original iPhone OmniFocus and sync) until the group was expanded significantly. While it is true that they might get more revenue selling 50x as many copies at 1/40th of the price, I'm not convinced that it is in their interest, or ours, to have quite that many customers on board at that price point. Let's face it — there's a steep learning curve here, and a lot of those buyers are going to need help getting up it, but won't have contributed anything to the cost of providing that help.

I think Omni is better off sticking with the Apple approach vs. the Dell approach. They focus on customers for whom price sensitivity is relatively low, make some decent revenue, and plow a lot of it back into support and future development.

I suspect it won't take long to convince most people that the iPad app is worth considerably more to them than the iPhone app.

endoftheQ 2010-07-14 12:19 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80176]In my opinion, one of the best, if not the best, things about any Omni product is the support behind it.

Right now the support group seems to do well at keeping up with the work load, but there have been times in recent memory where they didn't (launch of the original iPhone OmniFocus and sync) until the group was expanded significantly. While it is true that they might get more revenue selling 50x as many copies at 1/40th of the price, I'm not convinced that it is in their interest, or ours, to have quite that many customers on board at that price point. Let's face it — there's a steep learning curve here, and a lot of those buyers are going to need help getting up it, but won't have contributed anything to the cost of providing that help.[/QUOTE]

Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80176]I think Omni is better off sticking with the Apple approach vs. the Dell approach. They focus on customers for whom price sensitivity is relatively low, make some decent revenue, and plow a lot of it back into support and future development.[/QUOTE]

The quote, "price competitively, go for volume" is from Steve Jobs (commenting on the App store), which, from a historical perspective, looks pretty hypocritical, along the lines of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

I have to confess, that prior to the high-volume sales of the iFamily, I wasn't completely convinced that Apple would actually survive. After all, I was around - way-back-when - to witness the demise of Apricot, Compaq, IBM, Olivetti, et al.

Admittedly, I would feel a bit more confident about my 'bet the farm' suggestion if there was a PC version of OmniFocus for the desktop!

whpalmer4 2010-07-14 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80185]Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!
Hey, if OmniFocus for iPad isn't really great, I won't be able to handle the increased workload :)

I do route quite a bit of my forum posting through OmniFocus, btw.

I had a couple of glasses of Jack with my friends last night, in fact, and got quite a late start today, maybe you shouldn't encourage that sort of thing ;)

hypotyposis 2010-07-14 02:18 PM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80185]Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!

:D :D :D

I think OF iPad [I]should[/I] cost more than its "mobile counterpart". As argued in another thread, I don't consider the iPad to be just a big iPhone (thats what eventually got me buying it -I initially thought it was just that but after some time playing with one realized it was incredibly different, and, how to put it?... Magical? *insert Unicorns here*).
I also think that besides support extraordinaire, the OmniGroup is also not too bad at marketing. So when I read posts about selling OF for $.99 (although that would be nice), I wonder what the reaction at OG must be: everyone was botching about the price of OG iPad as well, and look how many copies they sold. Obviously high pricing doesn't necessarily preclude volume selling.
Before I get chewed on, I'm a poor (well, indebted) student: I technically can't pay for the price I'm ready to pay for OF, but I'm happy to invest in it, because I know that any other solution would be broken soon enough to need a replacement, and thus more investment, etc. With Omni I'm guaranteed the robustness and support I need for an app I truly depend on.
[Yes, OmniGroup, I'm trying to sell my soul being your publicist in the hopes that my loud cries for a higher pricing of OF will get me a free copy...]

Joke aside, how can anyone drink Jack Daniel's?

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