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Ward 2007-11-20 09:35 AM

Separate Plan & Context windows work for me
Most of the time, I have two standard OmniFocus windows:

1. a Planning window displaying either my "Active Tasks (p)" or "Remaining Tasks (p)" perspective

2. a Context window always displaying my "Start Remaining (c)" perspective

I switch between the Planning and Context windows with Command-` (left accent).

From time to time, I've tried using a single window, either toggling between Planning and Context modes or changing among my three primary perspectives. Each time confusion/disorientation strikes and I return to my two windows. eronel's note about the interaction between Planning and Context mode seems very familiar. Perhaps a single window would work if I spent sufficient time creating and refining perspectives.

One thing I am realizing is that of all the applications I actually use, OmniFocus provides by far the richest set of user customization options (preferences and perspectives). Finding just the right combination is a continuing, rewarding challenge.

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