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HiramvdG 2008-09-18 11:55 PM

Let me add my vote here. I see two possible solutions, both of which have been proposed by others, earlier: either OFi launches in under 2 seconds, or it displays a functional inbox entry screen while the rest of the app is loading. Then the user can enter an item for the inbox, and press proceed to use the app, or close to close it, saving the inbox item of course.

I was more or less expecting to see this kind of improvement in a new version of the app... and to tell the truth, I have been expecting an update with this and other improvements (notably: colored text for next actions and flagged actions) for a while now...

Dear OmniPeople, when are these things due? Is the version we are waiting for under review at Apple already? I hope it is!

pjb 2008-09-19 03:58 AM

OF is in my dock on an iPod touch, but the load time is too long for quick access. The progress bar stalls at about 3/4 and often I just give up and move on.

mseibert 2008-09-20 05:56 AM

[QUOTE=Mauronic;47420]I said it in the slow syncing thread and I will say it here. The slow load time makes OF practically unusable for me. I don't know what to do about it.

I hope one of the developers make a response here.[/QUOTE]
I completely agree and posted that here also:

al_f 2008-09-22 04:36 AM

[QUOTE=Grail;47152]Sure, paper isn't as flexible as electronic - but when she can erase an entry from her "Inbox" (you know, with an eraser - that's the little white bit on the end of a pencil, for those who can't remember) and rewrite it in the appropriate context faster than I can with the iPhone, where's the advantage to spending $AU1000 on the iPhone and an extra $AU23.90 on OmniFocus? ;)[/QUOTE]

Burn her diary, then say "But you've got the data backed up, haven't you? Haven't you?". That'll sort her. :)

holland 2008-09-22 11:54 AM

interesting that no-one from Omni has responded to this post. It seems like the most obvious flaw in OF - the rest is pretty great

Ken Case 2008-09-22 01:46 PM

Sorry, we're not ignoring this thread; we've just been very busy!

I just launched OmniFocus on my iPhone (from the home screen), and according to my stopwatch it took 4.9 seconds before it was ready to accept input. (I currently have 1,124 tasks in my database.) I launched the built-in Notes app (which is much simpler than OmniFocus), and it took about 4 seconds.

Now, I know that OmniFocus doesn't always launch in less than 5 seconds—and we're busy working to make OmniFocus load faster, sync faster, and to let you immediately switch over to adding a new inbox item without waiting for OmniFocus to finish loading your data in the background. But it's important to be realistic about how much faster it's possible for OmniFocus to be.

P.S. — I also realize that if the phone is asleep in your hand it will take even longer to unlock it before launching OmniFocus, and that if you left the phone running another app it could take even longer as you switch to the home screen—but those delays are common to launching all iPhone apps and I'm afraid that it's not something we have any control over. If you'd like to see the ability to launch third-party apps by double-clicking on the home button, please [URL=""]submit your iPhone feedback[/URL] to Apple! (Hopefully Apple counts votes for requests like that, as we do for our apps.)

ptone 2008-09-23 05:34 AM

Well there must be some amount of memory management that the phone is doing RE paging or cacheing etc, as sometimes OF loads relatively quickly and sometimes quite slowly. I feel the times it loads fastest are after it has been recently quit, and the times it loads slowest is when several intervening apps have been run.


Toadling 2008-09-23 08:45 AM

I haven't noticed much variation here. It seems to consistently require 4-5 seconds to load my database of some 2,000 items. I'd love for it be faster, but I actually find the current speed to be acceptable.


jenniferp 2008-09-23 12:42 PM

I have never once gotten mine to even load all the way without crashing or given me an error message about incompatible databases or some such. :(

So consider yourselves lucky! ;)


Toadling 2008-09-23 12:50 PM

[QUOTE=jenniferp;47660]I have never once gotten mine to even load all the way without crashing or given me an error message about incompatible databases or some such.[/QUOTE]

By any chance, do you have any pasted graphics from OmniGraffle in your OmniFocus database? Back on version 1.0 of the OmniFocus for iPhone app, it would crash while transferring my database from my Mac. It always seemed to happen at the same point.

So I systematically removed records from my database and re-synced over and over until I had narrowed it down to a single record in which I had copied and pasted a graphic from OmniGraffle. After I deleted that record, everything has transferred virtually error-free since! I'm not sure if the problem still exists under 1.0.3 (never had the time or courage to try :).

Just a thought...


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