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JohnJ80 2011-06-24 10:53 AM

I'm worried about modifying data in two places and then overwriting it my manual syncing. It's just a pain to keep it straight. So, I use the padsync method and never use Notebook on my mac unless it's plugged into my iPad and padsync is running.

What I've been doing is using OO, which works great, and then moving it to Notebook kinda sorta later. Notebook, until they get sort of cloud sync established just isn't production ready for me.

Your comment made me think though, if Omni took and added a note function that was compatible with all their other mac and ipad apps - OF, OO, sketch, etc... it would be huge. You could take notes in OO or the note app and then pull them all together. Mark a cell as an action and it would go to OF etc... Could be huge. In other words, integrate what they have now.


Flex 2011-07-01 09:06 AM

I'm also still searching for that one, true, perfect note taking app.

I used VoodooPad for a while, because it syncs between Mac, iPad and iPhone, but for some reason I just never really grew to like it. For one, it just feels sterile, which is a nitpick, but any blank white page just drains any creativity right out of me (I never could write creatively in Word, when I still had a PC).
Also there's syncing issues from time to time.

Nowadays I mostly use Notebooks (Alfons Schmid, not Circus Ponies), which does most things I need. It solves any syncing issues by keeping both versions and creating a log of the problems.
But sadly there's no Mac version yet. It's supposed to come out soon (third quarter), but we'll see.

I'd love to do my note taking in OO, but besides the missing iPhone version, an outliner is (like you said) not very inviting for longer texts.
Also it takes a while from launching it to get to a point where you can actually enter text.
Maybe a simple quick entry window would go a long way towards making OO a better note taking app.

joelande 2011-07-01 10:12 AM

I also tried Notebooks by Alfons Schmid, at first I was hyped, but I found it lacking.

I also hated that the display changed so much between edit mode (MarkDown View) and view mode.

Outlining/Numbering especially. You would add items in the rows, and the numbers would be off, then when you changed to view mode, the numbering would "re-jigger" and display correctly.

I also found it problematic when editing an outline, inserting rows and moving items around messed up the formatting.

JohnJ80 2011-07-01 05:36 PM

[QUOTE=joelande;99139]I also tried Notebooks by Alfons Schmid, at first I was hyped, but I found it lacking.

I also hated that the display changed so much between edit mode (MarkDown View) and view mode.

Outlining/Numbering especially. You would add items in the rows, and the numbers would be off, then when you changed to view mode, the numbering would "re-jigger" and display correctly.

I also found it problematic when editing an outline, inserting rows and moving items around messed up the formatting.[/QUOTE]

Notebook on both the iPad and Mac work fine as far as I'm concerned and they are improving every day. The main issue for me is manually managing the notes in the notebooks and trying to remember which one is more current. Don't change something in both sides or you will lose one or the other - that's a show stopper for me and I'm anxious to see what they do with either iCloud or Dropbox.

That said, where Notebook falls down is turning action items taken in a meeting into OF actions. What I do know is take my notes in OO for iPad, upload it to my mac, open OOmac and highlight the cells that are action items and then invoke an applescript that I have that puts those into actions in the inbox. This would be so-o-o-o nice if Omni built a notebook metaphor that allowed a page to be an OO file (ala CP Notebook) and then to be able to take that cell in the outline and drive it into an action item in OF. The actions or files would be visible in the notebook and individually in the separate programs. Actions sent to OF would show as such in the notebook and sync back and forth to OF or OO on either the iPad or mac seamlessly. That would be a huge product, I think and tie all of the Omni building blocks together. I'd pay a lot of money for that set of products....


Flex 2011-07-02 03:14 AM

For that to be possible, Apple would probably have to allow apps to not only access their own folder on iCloud, but also the folders of other apps by the same developer. I.e. let developers create little pools inside iCloud, to which they can allow any of their apps access.
Seems possible, but I'd be surprised if they did it, at least right away.

glasside 2011-07-16 05:56 AM

[QUOTE=joelande;99139]I also tried Notebooks by Alfons Schmid, at first I was hyped, but I found it lacking.

I also hated that the display changed so much between edit mode (MarkDown View) and view mode.

Outlining/Numbering especially. You would add items in the rows, and the numbers would be off, then when you changed to view mode, the numbering would "re-jigger" and display correctly.

I also found it problematic when editing an outline, inserting rows and moving items around messed up the formatting.[/QUOTE]

I agree with all of the above, and also have found myself using circus ponies notebook. However I keep trying to make room for Alfons Schmid's simply due to the send to omnifocus and open in omnioutliner. They are invaluable.

I too would love to see omnigroup's take on a note taking app. Both omnifocus and omnioutliner on the iPad are a joy to use, and omnioutliner is tempting to use as a note taking tool, it just falls short in too many ways.

The circus ponies notebook is truly powerful, a very well thought out piece of software, but the look of it and it's insular nature make me inclined to continue my search for a great fully-featured notes app.

It's really quite strange that all of them still fall short of the mark.


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