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-   -   Will Omniplan output to pdf or print [now available in v1.1] (

glasside 2012-06-08 01:31 AM

Will there be export to pdf?
I was reading through a number of posts here this morning and saw that the overwhelming response to the new app is - "what no export to pdf".

Before I abandon the app I thought it might be wise to ask if indeed the intention was to add this export functionality at some point?

So - good folk from omni - will there be export to .pdf?

If there will be - when might we expect it?

I have always noticed how good omnigroup have been at listening to and responding to its users, so I'm sure we will know soon!


jsruzicka 2012-06-08 06:34 AM

I've been evaluating PM apps for our group and it was down to SG Project Pro and OmniPlan. We've loved OmniFocus and OmniOutline, but I agree with the others that OmniPlan's inability to create a PDF file or SOME type of printable report is really a showstopper.

We have some PC users and they'd be out in the cold. It's too bad, because the look and feel, and ease of use, of OmniPlan is, IMO, superior to SG Project Pro, but SG has a very nice output and e-mail function so in this case we're probably going to have to go with form over function.

HappyCatMachine 2012-06-08 09:56 AM

I do love Omni and their products but when so many clamour for the same thing (Dropbox) my ability to be a fan wanes. That and their anti-productive file browsers and export capabilities (Visio for OmniGraffle, a usable outline format with OmniOutliner, and now PDF for OmniPlan) coupled with their high prices feels very ugly. I used to be a Mac elitist but am not any longer. It seems that after having OG for years without Visio support that Omni just doesn't care about people who want to use their software in a cross platform environment. I hold out hope that I'm dreadfully wrong!

omniperson 2012-06-08 09:57 AM

Omni should respond on export to PDF
I see Omni guys on here responding to other questions yet they are silent on this simple question. Not cool.

Omni software is expensive enough that we deserve better.

I have always recommended Omni to others. But know this Omni, tides can turn rather quickly.

I know that is rather melodramatic but the point is that we pay a lot of money to shop in your store. As such, the risk is higher that user opinion sways to something negative.

Though it may not be true, it's easy to interpret the lack of pdf export as a means to force users to buy the desktop version. And that smacks of greed.

Hard to imagine a legitimate reason to leave such basic functionality out of this application.

Why be silent on this when it's clearly an issue ???

derekr 2012-06-08 10:04 AM

Thanks all! I've just added upvotes to our "Export to PDF (and more)" feature request to reflect the responses here.

I'd encourage you to send email for other feature requests, too. As always, it's appreciated.

Leif 2012-06-08 11:10 AM

There is a thread regarding this, where Omnigroup has responded [url][/url]

skwirl 2012-06-08 12:18 PM

Sorry that the lack of export options is a show stopper for some of you at the moment.

For 1.0, we really wanted to get the Gantt chart touch interactions and syncing with OmniPlan for the Mac working well because after talking to a lot of folks, those two were by far the most important requests. Not to worry though, Now that 1.0 has been released we don't plan on stopping! We'll definitely be working on adding import/export options as well as other features that have been requested.

As derekr mentioned above, if you have any feature requests that you'd like to see in OmniPlan for iPad, please email us. We really appreciate it!

skwirl 2012-06-08 12:22 PM

For 1.0, we really wanted to get the Gantt chart touch interactions and syncing with OmniPlan for the Mac working well because after talking to a lot of folks, those two were by far the most important requests. It was never our intention to force OmniPlan for iPad users to purchase the Mac version.

Not to worry though, Now that 1.0 has been released we don't plan on stopping! We'll definitely be working on adding import/export options as well as other features that have been requested.

If you have any feature requests that you'd like to see in OmniPlan for iPad, please email us. We really appreciate it!

DCaptura 2012-06-08 01:14 PM

Roadmap/Intro Price?
Why not publish your short or medium term roadmap so potential buyers know where the app is heading; in what timeframe. This helps them make a more informed choice.

Also, if Omni agrees the first release is lacking some basic much needed features like MS Project import/export and Adobe PDF export or print, why not price the app accordingly until it's fully baked?


[QUOTE=skwirl;111317]Sorry that the lack of export options is a show stopper for some of you at the moment.

For 1.0, we really wanted to get the Gantt chart touch interactions and syncing with OmniPlan for the Mac working well because after talking to a lot of folks, those two were by far the most important requests. Not to worry though, Now that 1.0 has been released we don't plan on stopping! We'll definitely be working on adding import/export options as well as other features that have been requested.

As derekr mentioned above, if you have any feature requests that you'd like to see in OmniPlan for iPad, please email us. We really appreciate it![/QUOTE]

Ken Case 2012-06-08 02:20 PM

[QUOTE=DCaptura;111321]Why not publish your short or medium term roadmap so potential buyers know where the app is heading; in what timeframe. This helps them make a more informed choice.[/QUOTE]

Your feedback is helping us make informed choices about our roadmap: we shipped the core functionality we knew everyone needed, and now we're listening carefully to see which things people want next.

If OmniPlan for iPad doesn't meet your needs today, we don't want to sell it to you based on future promises of what we plan for tomorrow. Our advice is for you to wait until it does what you need, then start using it.

[QUOTE]Also, if Omni agrees the first release is lacking some basic much needed features like MS Project import/export and Adobe PDF export or print, why not price the app accordingly until it's fully baked?[/QUOTE]

OmniPlan doesn't do everything it could do or will do, but we feel its essential core functionality is in place, letting people collaboratively edit and update project plans. (Not everyone needs compatibility with Microsoft Project, or to be able to send plans to people who don't have OmniPlan. You can share plans live using the device, either on its screen or by projecting to a large screen.)

OmniPlan for iPad is a bargain at its current $50 price. We’re not looking for impulse buys; we’re selling to serious customers who are willing to invest in their own productivity (and we charge them less than an hour of professional consulting time would cost). Note that on the Mac, OmniPlan sells quite well at $200—which is far less than similar software costs on other platforms.

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