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RobTrew 2009-06-20 01:52 PM

Hi, I'm glad the scripts are useful.

[QUOTE=marshallj;61454]I'm particularly interested in the third script that opens a project folder and creates an .oo3 file if one isn't already created. The script creates a folder structure but doesn't create an oo3 file. Just an empty folder. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? [/QUOTE]

On this, three initial questions:[LIST=1][*]Are you sure you're using the right script ? ([I]OpenProjFolderInDevon[/I] does indeed just open a folder - the one you want is [I]OpenProjNotesInDevon[/I])[*]Is OmniOutliner Professional installed on your system ?[*]Are you getting any error messages ?[/LIST]

marshallj 2009-06-20 05:20 PM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;61459]Hi, I'm glad the scripts are useful.

On this, three initial questions:[LIST=1][*]Are you sure you're using the right script ? ([I]OpenProjFolderInDevon[/I] does indeed just open a folder - the one you want is [I]OpenProjNotesInDevon[/I])[*]Is OmniOutliner Professional installed on your system ?[*]Are you getting any error messages ?[/LIST][/QUOTE]


Yes, I have OO v3.8, DTPO pb5, and OF 1.6.1

There are no error messages and I did run the right script. Both of the above mentioned scripts do the same thing. They create a folder for the project that is selected in OF but neither creates an OO document.

I wonder what the problem could be? I installed all four scripts and they run fine except for the "OpenProjNotes" one. Does "Omnifocus Notes" need to be the default database?

I don't know much about scripts other than how to install them.

Is there another way to create the linkback to the OF project?

whpalmer4 2009-06-20 10:07 PM


Yes, I have OO v3.8, DTPO pb5, and OF 1.6.1

You have OmniOutliner or OmniOutliner [b]Professional[/b]? The scripts try to invoke the latter...

marshallj 2009-06-20 10:38 PM



RobTrew 2009-06-20 10:58 PM

[QUOTE=marshallj;61461]Is there another way to create the linkback to the OF project?[/QUOTE]

The simplest way to get a linkback from the Devonthink folder to a corresponding OF project is to drag and drop the OF project to the DT folder. This will create a record containing a link.

Re the script, if there are no error messages, I would begin by removing the scripts from the OF toolbar, downloading them again, and installing them afresh. (An earlier version imported the .oo3 file through the DT2 Inbox, which was associated with a delay, and could have caused your problem. You should have version 4 of the Project Notes script).

Then, I suggest you watch OmniOutliner 3 Pro fairly closely:
[LIST][*]If OO Pro is closed when you run the script, does the script cause it to launch ?[*]If you look at the [B]File > Open Recent[/B] list in the OO Pro menu system (before and after running the script) do you see any difference ?[*]If the [B]File > Open Recent[/B] list shows a file matching the project name, where is it ? (Try opening it, or searching with Spotlight)[/LIST]
Finally, you are welcome to send me a message through the [URL=""]Private Messages[/URL] system of this board (see link at top right), to continue the discussion off-line.

bpwhistler 2009-08-19 09:42 AM

I get the following error when I run the script OpenProjNotesInDevon.scpt:

"The script 'OpenProjNotesInDevon.scpt' could not complete.

AppleScript reported the following error: Finder got an error: Can’t get alias "MacBook HD:Users:Bretts:Library:Application Support:OmniOutliner 3:Templates:Default.oo3template"."

Any help would be great

bpwhistler 2009-08-19 12:02 PM

Let me start by saying these scripts are an excellent idea, and after examining your workflow description on the DT forums, I can anticipate their usefulness. I use all 3 of these applications extensively. Except for a few minor "glitches" (which I outline below) the OpenProjFolderInDevon and Save2DevonAsOO3 scripts work as expected.

The following are the problems I'm having with the scripts. I'm running all but the SaveToDevonAsTXT script:

1. If DT is open prior to running a script that sends a .OO3 file, a new DT window is opened for the "OF Notes" database regardless of whether it is already open or not. If I run a script multiple times, I get a new "OF Notes" database window for each time I send an .OO3 to it via the script. Very annoying. At one point I had over 20 DT windows open. If the database is open in DT but currently not the active database, can the script change to the "OF Notes" database without opening a new window? Or if the "OF Notes" database isn't open, but DT is, can the script open the "OF Notes" database in the current window?
2. When DT opens with one of these 3 scripts, the file tree is not visible...even if the .OO3 file just added is visible. I have to switch to another database and then back to "OF Notes" or close and relaunch DT for the file tree to become visible.
3. When making a new .OO3 file with the Save2DevonAsOO3 script, an untitled .OO3 file is created in addition to the .OO3 file to be stored in DT. It is left open & blank on OO after the OF -> DT .OO3 is saved to the DT database. If many files are sent to DT as .OO3 files from OF, this can be quite annoying and cumbersome. Is there anyway to auto-delete (or just not produce) these untitled files?
4. When running the OpenProjNotesInDevon script, an error is produced: "The document “Untitled 2” could not be saved as “• Misc. get organized notes.oo3”." When I acknowledge the file is saved to the "OF Notes" database and 2 untitled .OO3 files are left open in OO. Untitled 1 is the "extra" .OO3 file mentioned in #3 above. So an "extra" .OO3 file is created with both scripts that produce these file types.

I was wondering about "streamlining" the interface. I know next to nothing about AppleScript, but I do have limited Toolbar real estate. Is it possible to include Boolean type operators in the scripting. Instead of having 3 separate scripts, have 1 that works differently under different situations.
-If nothing is highlighted: just open the "OF Notes" database in DT
-If a project is highlighted: open that file in the "OF Notes" database or open the database and create the folder if it is not present
-If an action is highlighted: convert to a .OO3 file and place in the proper "OF Notes" database file or create the file if it doesn't exist and then place the .OO3 file in it.

RobTrew 2009-08-19 09:10 PM

On streamlining the toolbar - no need to install the script icons there - you can assign keystrokes to each of the scripts.

Will try to reproduce your error message when I get time - not something I have seen.

Generally, the scripts are posted "as is" - in the form in which I use them myself, and you are very welcome to modify them to suit your own work-flow (though you might find some of your goals are hard to achieve with the existing scripting interfaces, particularly on the DT side).


Greg Jones 2009-08-21 03:56 AM

RobTrew, I just started playing with these scripts this morning and I think they could be useful to me. I do have one question that I hope you know without asking you to research and test the scripts. If not, I'll poke around and see if I can find the answer.

As is, the scripts create and/or expect to find the OF folders at the root level of the DT database. That is, if I have the following structure in OF:

Folder: 'Researcher' that contains:
Project: 'Research Project A'
Project: 'Research Project B'

Then executing the 'Save2DevonAs003' script on the project 'Research Project A' will create these new groups (folders) in the DT database:

'Research Database.dtBase2' root:
Group: 'Researcher'
Sub-group: 'Research Project A'

This organization works well if one is using a dedicated DT database (as example, OmniFocus Notes) to link to OmniFocus. What I would like to do is link to a DT group in an existing database, and group all groups and files created by the scripts to be organized in one master group. So my structure would ideally look like this:

'Research Database.dtBase2' root:
Group: 'OmniFocus Research Projects'
Sub-group: 'Researcher'
Sub-group: 'Research Project A'

So, this has been a rather wordy way of asking, can the script(s) be easily edited so that the scripts create/find everything in a user-specified group in the database rather than at the database's root level?


RobTrew 2009-08-21 04:34 AM

[QUOTE=Greg Jones;65027]can the script(s) be easily edited so that the scripts create/find everything in a user-specified group in the database rather than at the database's root level?[/QUOTE]

Should be no problem - you will just need to experiment with adjusting the path strings.


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