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Ken Case 2008-11-04 10:16 PM

[QUOTE=rh26;50169]I guess I'm asking is this bottom line question: OF iPhone can't sync in the background so a) OF iPhone has to be running, AND b) the Mac with the OF Bonjour sync database must be up AT THE SAME time for items to get on and off the iPhone, correct?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's exactly correct. (That is why we started out implementing the server-based sync solution rather than Bonjour syncing, because we thought most people would rather independently sync each client against a server that was always available. But it's nice to have options!)

rh26 2008-11-05 03:55 PM

Thanks Ken. One question (in my entirely too long post) that you didn't address: If I make some edit in OF iPhone and then *immediately* press the Home button and go to another app, will OF attempt to sync while quitting, or (since less than 1 minute has passed) will that sync be deferred until next time OF is run?

Ken Case 2008-11-05 04:55 PM

[QUOTE=rh26;50264]If I make some edit in OF iPhone and then *immediately* press the Home button and go to another app, will OF attempt to sync while quitting, or (since less than 1 minute has passed) will that sync be deferred until next time OF is run?[/QUOTE]

There's no opportunity for OmniFocus to sync on quit: when you press the Home button, iPhone apps aren't allowed to do anything that takes more than a fraction of a second or they'll be force-quit by the system. (The Home button needs to be very responsive on a telephone!)

So if you want to sync before you quit, you can press the sync button in the toolbar and wait for it to finish. (If you're not planning to do something else with your phone, you can also turn off the screen with the top switch and leave OmniFocus running in the background.)

mmurray 2008-11-06 12:41 AM

[QUOTE=mmurray;50092]On a related note: during a single day I work in typically three places -- coffee shop, office and home. All have wireless networks. Is there a way of avoiding having to send the sync instructions from the mac to the iPhone each time I change locations ? I could use mobileme as all locations have internet but the Bonjour sync is so fast :-)


To answer my own question: some of the time it seems to remember the connection but it will throw up and error the first time I try and then if I hit Retry it will sync.

Setting up an ad-hoc network on my macbook and connecting to that from the iPhone also works well.


Ken Case 2008-11-06 12:48 AM

[QUOTE=mmurray;50301]To answer my own question: some of the time it seems to remember the connection but it will throw up and error the first time I try and then if I hit Retry it will sync.[/QUOTE]

Oh, sorry I missed that bit! Once you've set up Bonjour syncing, you shouldn't have to ever change those settings again even if your network setup changes (as long as both systems are still connected on some local network).

The next time it throws up an error, could you take a screenshot (hold the Home button, and press the Sleep/Wake button) and email that to our support ninjas at [email][/email]? I'm not sure whether we'll be able to do something about the error or not (maybe we could retry automatically?), but it's worth looking into!

mmurray 2008-11-06 03:25 AM

Done - picture on its way - thanks Ken.


y011 2008-11-07 09:15 PM

annoying - can't get beyond bonjour registration - oh wait I can

I used to use a local WebDAV server to sync but switched to Bonjour with new release. Blew away DB on phone intending to start fresh from computer. Am able to see settings from computer on phone when I select Share Settings on computer and am able to select that.

No sync ever happens. I just get "Unable to synchronize database with server. can't find host" and a cancel/retry.

Mine doesn't work after failing one time like mmurray's. Mine just Fails :-)

Looking at tcpdump I *can* see my iphone attempting to talk to mac and getting a reset for its trouble.

Ho I gots it to work. Turned off wireless on phone, turned back on. Went into sync prefs on Mac, switched to 'connect to an existing' and then back to sync on this mac. set different password, shared settings to bonjour.

went back to phone, got settings again. this time I didn't go into host and turn off auto-sync. selected home, sync and got prompted for password and syncd.

So yeah one of those 80 different variable things above. :-). I suspect it was turning off autosync before first sync. Paranoid me.

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