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RobTrew 2011-02-20 11:50 AM

Ok, the next things that I would check:[LIST=1][*]That the version of the .osax the right one for your version of the operating system.[*]The provenance of the opml files (there may be something about their content that the script is choking on).[/LIST]
Finally, you could try this version (attached as zip), and see where the error occurs.

Ilajn 2011-02-20 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;93779]Ok, the next things that I would check:

That the version of the .osax the right one for your version of the operating system.
It's 2.9.4 for OS X 10.6.
The provenance of the opml files (there may be something about their content that the script is choking on).
Well, if I had this knowledge I would write scripts on my own... May I send you a sample?

Finally, you could try this version (attached as zip), and see where the error occurs.[/QUOTE]

Output: application id "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus" of «script» kann nicht gelesen werden. (canot be read)

RobTrew 2011-02-20 02:28 PM

[QUOTE=Ilajn;93839]Output: application id "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus" of «script» kann nicht gelesen werden. (canot be read)[/QUOTE]

I assume that you do have OmniFocus open and running when you run the script ?

(You can upload a zipped .opml sample to this thread if you like)

Ilajn 2011-02-21 11:27 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;93841]I assume that you do have OmniFocus open and running when you run the script ?

(You can upload a zipped .opml sample to this thread if you like)[/QUOTE]

Yes, OmniFocus is open and running while using either the droplet or the testscript.

Sample follows later on, I'm busy at the moment.

Ilajn 2011-02-22 11:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)

(You can upload a zipped .opml sample to this thread if you like)[/QUOTE]

Here is the sample:

RobTrew 2011-02-22 03:03 PM

[QUOTE=Ilajn;94016]Here is the sample:[/QUOTE]

Trying to open this file as OPML with OmniOutliner3 trips the error message:
[INDENT][I]The document "Example English.opml" does not appear to be a valid OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) file. Please check its contents. If you believe this file to be valid, please file a bug.[/I][/INDENT]
You may need to initiate a conversation between the authors of Projekt (which appears to have generated this file) and the engineers at Omni - some divergence here in what constitutes OPML, I think ...

RobTrew 2011-02-22 03:38 PM


There seem to be characters in the linkId0 attributes which are not XML-compliant.


If Projekt can be adjusted to write these out correctly, you should be fine. Until then, you would have to hand-edit the raw text to remove the link ids (e.g. in your sample, from the Meetings, To-Dos and Memos lines ...)


RobTrew 2011-02-23 12:11 AM


You should be able to strip out the illegal character sequences (assuming that they are only in LinkId attributes) by running the file through a search and replace shell command before sending it to any kind of XML processor, whether the XMLTools.osax, OmniOutliner, or any other tool which expects compliant XML.

e.g. in a window something like:

[CODE]sed 's/linkId0="[^"]*"//g' ~/Desktop/Example\ English.opml > ~/Desktop/mended.opml
osascript ~/Desktop/ ~/Desktop/mended.opml[/CODE]

(Replacing the reference to your desktop with the paths of the folders containing the script and OPML file(s))

(Note that calling the script on the command line with an argument, using osascript, only works with version [URL=""]updated today)[/URL].


RobTrew 2011-02-23 02:50 AM

I have also updated [URL=""]OPML2OF[/URL] to improve handling of OPML nodes which do not have the [I]_Note[/I] attribute used by Omni products.

Ilajn 2011-02-27 11:41 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;94046]I have also updated [URL=""]OPML2OF[/URL] ... [/QUOTE]

Hi, I can't unzip this file. "Fehler 1 - der Vorgang ist nicht zugelassen." which means something like: Error 1 - this action is not allowed.

I'm in contact with the developer of Project. He wrote:

I see the problem. The LinkIds are internal adresses for the agenda entries. These adresses are produced by your phone (for entries created from within the calendar application) or by Projekt (for entries created from whithin Projekt). I had never seen entries formed like the ones I can see on your screenshot. What is the model of your phone ?

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