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elektroglide 2009-10-12 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=BevvyB;68144]I'm grown up too. :P[/QUOTE]

i'm not - i'd like to be able to seamlessly view information in any of the omni apps - graphic/flowchart/mind map > outline > todo list > project managament, and move easily between them as the focus requires. hyperlinking individual outline items to expanded mindmap/outline/todo's, converting any item to any other format etc etc.

i think the omnisuite might have some growing up to do yet...

ToddPeperkorn 2009-10-13 08:20 AM

I think I'd be happy with a scriptable way of importing/exporting data from OF into MindManager or NovaMind or something like that.

whpalmer4 2009-10-13 09:46 AM

I think you've already got it, though there might be more scripting involved than you want :-)

I don't have any of the commercial mindmap apps you mentioned, but a little bit of looking around suggests that you could use Rob Trew's OmniFocus to OmniOutliner export Applescript ([url][/url]) and then import the OmniOutliner file into NovaMind Pro or Platinum. Both NovaMind and MindManager appear to have Applescript support, so once you've figured out the appropriate incantations to generate an object in the destination, it should be feasible to take something like Rob's script above and modify it to build up mind map objects instead of an OmniOutliner document.

DamonC 2009-10-15 10:18 AM

This is a good thread, lots of interesting views.

I use MindManager on my Mac and find it immensely useful. I used to put most of my thoughts into OmniOutliner but find it's linearity to be, well, too linear. Don't get me wrong, I use (and love) OmniOutliner a lot too but it doesn't work well for me for brainstorming. I find the visual aspect of a mind map to be far more helpful to me than a list of items, I jump around the map and add things to it far easier than scrolling up and down a list. I design database systems in FileMaker Pro for my job and come from a Design/Print background so using a visual tool works well for me.

MindManager can export an OPML file so OmniOutliner can open that file and save it as a native OmniOutliner file and import into OmniFocus. I haven't played around with any AppleScript there but I would be able to build a droplet that you could drop the MindManager file onto and have AppleScript automate the process of bringing the mind map into OmniFocus' Inbox - so long as OmniFocus' import process can be scripted (I haven't looked yet).

philmur 2009-10-15 06:10 PM

Mind mapping - thoughts
Years ago I used [U]Inspiration[/U] as my outliner/planner. One could make mind maps and turn them into outlines at the click of a button. Then I discovered OmniOutliner, which won my heart. I must admit: I am more of an "outliner" than a "mapper." But as a teacher, the mind mapping feature of [U]Inspiration[/U] was invaluable. I could create dazzling maps to preview my lessons. What if OmniOutliner added a mind mapping feature? Would this solve some problems posters are having?

piratemacfan 2009-10-16 09:07 PM

GTD, contexts, and 'Hats'

I use 'Hats' to organize most everything I do: my document folders on iDisk; Safari bookmarks; Mailbox folders; calendars in iCal.

I used 'Hats' to organize tasks/projects in that other GTD software, Things. If you are familiar with 'Things', my 'Hats' appeared as 'Areas of Responsibility.'

I am testing 30-day trial of OmniFocus (for the second or third time). I haven't yet seen where 'Hats' fit in OF.

In summary, I have found 'Hats' works VERY well as the primary organizing principle for computer folders, bookmarks, mailboxes, and calendars. For GTD, it works well too. However, it introduces some 'clutter' and it may not be as efficient as 'contexts' and 'projects'.

piratemacfan 2009-10-16 09:25 PM


One additional item: a very nice post on the topic of 'Hats' in another section of this forum, in thread 'Fear of OF/GTD':

2009-05-31, 02:02 PM

BevvyB 2009-10-17 01:01 AM

re: Hats

I've started using the hats thing as project folders / sub folders - works very well and gives me another way to sort things

Toadling 2009-10-17 06:14 AM

[QUOTE=BevvyB;68445]I've started using the hats thing as project folders / sub folders - works very well and gives me another way to sort things[/QUOTE]

I agree. I've been using folders as areas of responsibility in OmniFocus for years now and it's worked extremely well for me. I've always thought that was the intended use for folders in OF. The ability to expand/collapse, focus, group, and nest projects and actions inside of folders allows me to stay on top of a lot more stuff than I might otherwise be able to handle.


johnsel 2009-10-20 01:33 PM

Just attach the mind map file
I use MindMap (free version) for mind mapping. It's simple, uncluttered and easy to use.
I think expecting to start with a mind map and then automagically generate OF entries is an unrealistic hope. The creativity of a mind map and the structure of an OF entry are not really very similar - other than some mind map nodes might well translate into projects and tasks. But you still have to assign contexts and perhaps dates and other supporting detail when you put it into OF.

What I do is create my map in MindMap. Save it. Create a placeholder Project in a folder called "WhateverTheTopic MindMap". I then add the MindMap as an attachment to that Project.

The topic will then have projects, tasks etc each of which are entered into OF, but it is quite seamless when I want to review my map to click the attachment.

I find this works very well.

I'm wary of turning OF into a swiss army knife, but if the Omni guys could add mind mapping that is a simple and streamlined as MindMap then I'd welcome it in the product.

Certainly OF has lots of things it could improve. But it is a great product and provides enough flexibility that with a bit of thought you can usually make it work the way you want it to.

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