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BwanaZulia 2010-03-30 02:20 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;75227]Might I suggest reserving judgment until we actually announce a price? At that point we'll also announce what the product is and can do—which is the context you'll need, if you want to judge whether it's worth its price for you.[/QUOTE]

At least you have some good market research...


Púca 2010-03-30 07:24 PM

[QUOTE=BwanaZulia;75233]At least you have some good market research...


And it was free, to boot. :)

dannythefool 2010-03-30 11:52 PM

But as long as iPads are accessories to your main computer, you need to price the software as an accessory to the main product.

It being an accessory makes no difference. You either need it your don't. The iPad itself costs more than half of the price of a Macbook too.

Púca 2010-04-01 05:50 AM

[QUOTE=dannythefool;75246]It being an accessory makes no difference. You either need it your don't. The iPad itself costs more than half of the price of a Macbook too.[/QUOTE]
True, but the iPad isn't primarily a content [I]creation[/I] device. It's primarily a content [I]consumption[/I] device.

With the iPad in hand, you're sitting on the couch browsing the web while watching TV. Maybe checking e-mail and replying (more so than on the iPhone's tiny screen, but less seriously than, say, while sitting upright at a desk on your MacBook Pro). Playing games, checking YouTube. Starting a modest document in Pages or Numbers.

Will you be writing War & Peace? Creating the ultimate spreadsheet to run your business on? Creating the ultimate flow chart?

Maybe, but probably not.

It'll be lighter uses. Mocking up a 2-page newsletter in Pages; creating a spreadsheet for your kid's baseball team; creating a garden plan in OmniGraffle. That sort of thing.

dannythefool 2010-04-01 06:19 AM

[QUOTE=Púca;75298]True, but the iPad isn't primarily a content [I]creation[/I] device. It's primarily a content [I]consumption[/I] device.

It's what you make of it. If it's a content consumption device for you, you don't need to buy OmniGraffle.

[quote]With the iPad in hand, you're sitting on the couch browsing the web while watching TV.[/quote]

Maybe you are. I got rid of television ten years ago and never looked back.

Looking back in history at computers I've used for work before, the iPad compares very well to devices that are only five years or so older. If I go back ten+ years then the very expensive Pismo Powerbook I used back then probably loses out to an iPad.

What I think Apple is doing with the iPad is trying to "reboot" personal computing. Normal people don't need all the bloat of a full-blown modern personal computer. As far as I can tell, they may well have correctly identified the few key things that people use their computers for.

[quote]It'll be lighter uses. Mocking up a 2-page newsletter in Pages; creating a spreadsheet for your kid's baseball team; creating a garden plan in OmniGraffle. That sort of thing.[/QUOTE]

If you are willing to spend $600 so you can create a garden plan in OmniGraffle, then surely $50 more doesn't make a huge difference because you probably have money coming out of your ears :)

bceaser 2010-04-01 01:01 PM

I also think that $49.99 is too steep, particularly for those of us who already have licenses for the Mac version. There's just no way for me to justify that much extra for functionality I already have on the Mac. One idea: a discounted price or version (or some equivalent depending on app store constraints) for current OmniGraffle licensees.

I also think that a more aggressively priced iPad OmniGraffle app will lead to more OmniGraffle Mac sales.

Púca 2010-04-01 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=bceaser;75313]I also think that a more aggressively priced iPad OmniGraffle app will lead to more OmniGraffle Mac sales.[/QUOTE]
That's my feeling, too: the App Store would give them free advertising. Of course, Omni has the right to charge whatever they want. I was just giving feedback.

BTW, it's on the App Store now. It does look very nice*. It's just not for me (not at $49.99, anyway).

*--It's not clear if you can have custom stencils. Everything I do is with custom stencils, so if it can't do custom stencils, I'm not interested at all, really. But maybe you can e-mail them to yourself and open them on the iPad? I hope they have some sort of solution for that. Omni makes great products.

Richard.Stevens 2010-04-01 08:58 PM

I began my journey with OmniFocus on the iPhone, which led me to their suite of Mac apps. It all began on the mobile for me, and at the time I was very, very skeptical of spending 19.99 on an iPhone app. I think the app was worth 20 bucks. But it would be hard to convince me to spend more than that.

To me, the complete OmniFocus experience cost me $100. Since the Pro version of OmniGraffle is $200, I think they were going for another 1/4th the price of the full version scheme. But OmniGroup sells a version of OmniGraffle for $100, so I might be convinced to buy it for 1/4th that, $25. That would almost feel reasonable to me.

sidlinger 2010-04-01 09:16 PM

My take differs:
1) If you look at how much magazine & newspaper subscriptions for this device cost, and how much TV shows cost, and how much 3G service costs, most things iPad cost a lot. Apple's mainstream apps are cheap but that's anomalous because *everyone* will buy them and also iWork apps drive other Apple revenues (e.g., device sales) whereas Omni has to cover development, marketing, sales and support costs from licensing fees alone. Also, most third-party apps are low-stakes, consumer apps without support, whereas I consider Omni's stuff to be targeted to professionals. iPhone/iPad apps for professionals in specific vertical markets can be *very* expensive. Omni is in the middle: professional-grade but of general interest. And their pricing is about in the middle, perhaps even a bit low.
2) I want Omni's development efforts to be well-funded. I depend on their applications every day and want them to continue to be feature-enhanced, bug-fixed, and well-supported. I use Omni as much as I use Adobe CS4 Master Collection and CS4MC costs $2,499 *for each* of my Mac Pros and Mac Books and $899 (once again, for *each computer* - Adobe won't let you float a seat between systems) every time they roll out an upgrade. I would actually want Omni to charge *more*, across the board, if that would let them go really all-out with feature additions.
3) Nowadays, $50 is, like, lunch. At least in California.
My $0.03

bnz 2010-04-02 01:00 AM

I think it is impossible to discuss the price if we don't know the features. To be honest, if the iPad version really has all the features of the standard Omnigraffle 5 Mac version, but with a touch user interface, then its half the price. While still steep for the App store, this is then a fully fledged App that is worth the price in my opinion.

Having said that, i can't wait to see a video preview of Omnigraffle for the iPad.

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