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dave_m 2011-04-21 07:20 AM

I think the problem may actually be related to the setting "Links to other sites" in OmniWeb Site Preferences > Other or in OmniWeb's global prefs on the Tabs and Windows page. I believe that if this is set to something other than "work as specified..." you'll see the redirect.

frankiec 2011-04-21 10:38 AM

I still cannot replicate this with a clean install of OmniWeb. My guess it's a user-set preference (see above post) or a user-installed plugin.

whpalmer4 2011-04-21 11:24 AM

Agreed. First step when troubleshooting things like this should usually be to create a brand new user account, not move any preferences, plug-ins, etc. over, and try to reproduce it there. If it doesn't happen there, it is almost certainly related to preference corruption (or poor choices), something you've installed, or some other factor unique to the original environment.

dru 2011-04-22 10:25 PM

Update: I went to "Tab & Window Preferences" and it's definitely caused by "Links to other sites:" setting.

When it's set at "Work as specified in the web page" there's no redirection.

When it's "Open in a new tab," which I normally use, you get the redirection and extra tabs.

I've seen this happen but I've not investigated the cause. If I find anything I'll report back.

I can report it's not related to the Google plugins (tested by unticking them in preferences):[LIST][*]GoogleGadget,[*]npgtpo3dautoplugin,[*]Google Earth Web Plug-in,[*]googletalkbrowserplugin[/LIST]

It doesn't happen in a clean user account.

Deleting all Google cookies has no effect.

Deleting ~/Library/Application Support/OmniWeb5 has no effect.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

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