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Solana 2012-10-08 06:53 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;115723]If you don't have OmniGraffle on your system, you will need to edit the .applescript text version to comment out any functions containing references to [I]application id "OGfl"[/I]

(i.e. [I]ExportToOG()[/I] and [I]DrawTree()[/I])

Once it is working, you can save an .scpt (compiled) copy.[/QUOTE]

That did it.


eurobubba 2012-10-08 08:36 AM

Mucho thank Rob! Always appreciate your scripting work.

RobTrew 2012-10-08 09:35 AM

Thanks, I'm glad it's useful.

Ver 0.09 is slightly re-structured and should now compile on systems which do not have all three of the Omni apps installed.

It's now a .scptd bundle rather than a flat file, so I haven't added an .applescript text file this time, but I'll leave the ver. 008 files in place for reference.

RobTrew 2012-10-08 11:53 AM

Ver 0.10 should now only throw up a menu if more than one of OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, and OmniOutliner are installed.

korm 2012-10-08 11:54 AM

Over here, OmniGraffle doesn't come with a default template named "Standard" -- the out-of-box default is "Blank". "Standard" isn't the name of a template that ships with OG, AFAIK. If I leave [B]pstrTemplate[/B] set to "Standard" this odd error is thrown:

[QUOTE]OmniGraffle template "Org Chart(plain)" not found
Edit the pstrTemplate property at the top of the main script to specify a template.
Temporarily using "Org Chart(plain)"[/QUOTE]

Despite the message, OG use the "Blank" template.

All is fixed when I manually update pstrTemplate to set it to "Blank"

RobTrew 2012-10-08 12:05 PM

Thanks for spotting that.

I've just uploaded a version (011) which should fix it.

RobTrew 2012-10-16 08:01 AM

Ver 012 changes the way in which installation is tested, which seems to make exports to OO3 marginally faster.

pattulus 2012-10-29 10:16 AM

If there was an award for OmniFocus scripting Rob would bring it home.

JoshGilliland 2012-10-29 11:53 AM

Error message
Hi all,

This is a great script. I just bought FoldingText and was very excited to see the existence of this script. (It is, in fact, one of the things that pushed me over the edge toward purchasing it.)

Anyway, when I run the script I get the following error:

[CODE]error "The variable pTitle is not defined." number -2753 from "pTitle"[/CODE]

Any idea why that might be?

RobTrew 2012-10-29 12:59 PM

Sounds like the first line of the script might somehow have been lost.

I would start by downloading a fresh copy.

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