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steve 2007-05-25 05:54 PM

I would like to vote for parallel and sequential sub-project. Here is an example:

Project: Company Shirt

Sub-project: Decide on Design (parallel)
- send link to online catalog to the team
- ask bob for input
- ask cindy for input
- email charlie: how many shirts do we need?

Sub-project: Order shirt (sequential)
- get shirt company phone number
- call for a proposal for shirt
- get a PO
- order shirt

Craig 2007-05-25 06:26 PM

[QUOTE=steve]I would like to vote for parallel and sequential sub-project. Here is an example:

Project: Company Shirt

Sub-project: Decide on Design (parallel)
- send link to online catalog to the team
- ask bob for input
- ask cindy for input
- email charlie: how many shirts do we need?

Sub-project: Order shirt (sequential)
- get shirt company phone number
- call for a proposal for shirt
- get a PO
- order shirt[/QUOTE]

This now works in the beta. You can check (or uncheck) "Parallel" in the contextual menu for each subproject.

steve 2007-05-25 06:45 PM

How do you make a sub-project? I used group under the "structure" menu, but that obviously doesn't do it.

edit: I noticed you wrote "beta" I'm using: Revision: alpha 87462. Are you using a different version?

Craig 2007-05-25 07:26 PM

No, I should have said alpha.

By "subproject" I meant "a task made up of other tasks." (It will appear in the main task window, not in the projects list on the left.)

Within "Company Shirt,' make a task called "Decide on Design." Hit return to start another task, "send link to online catalog to the team." Hit Cmd-] to indent it (or, select Indent from the Structure menu). Assign a context, hit return for a new task, and keep entering the remaining tasks of the "Decide on Design" subproject at that same level of indentation.

You can "outdent" to make the "Order Shirt" subproject, and indent again for its tasks.

Lastly, ctrl-click on "Decide on Design" and make sure "Parallel" is checked; ctrl-click on "Order Shirt" and make sure "Parallel" is not checked.

This is working beautifully for me, except for one bug (which I have reported): within parallel projects, the first task of a subproject will not be listed when the filter is set to "Available."

(By the way, a subtask can immediately be built from a task by pressing Cmd-shift-], a behavior familiar to me from OmniOutliner.)

steve 2007-05-25 07:51 PM

Brilliant! I hadn't noticed that. I was looking for an icon to appear at the top the sub-project group. Craig, it seems like you are figuring things out. What do you think "group" is for under the structure menu?

Craig 2007-05-26 04:01 AM

Funny that you ask - I just noticed that option for the first time when I was writing the instructions above. I wondered the same thing...

Brian 2007-05-29 03:35 PM

[QUOTE=steve]What do you think "group" is for under the structure menu?[/QUOTE]

"Group" takes the selected items and places them all under a new parent. In the project sidebar that would be a new folder; in the task list or context sidebar, that would make the selected items all children of a new parent task or context.

Edit: Apparently I can't post even once today without making a typo or otherwise requiring an immediate re-edit.

<scurries off to find more caffeine>

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