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Janice 2007-06-29 03:40 PM

[QUOTE=isam]One question, in OF, in the Inbox View, I am setting the project and context for a certain task, I am expecting it to "move to project" without me dragging the task to it, but it never happened.. the task stays in inbox, after I process it, and it have the project name beside it, and it never appears inside the project.

Maybe I got this wrong, but isn't it supposed to "automatically" move the task to the selected project? if not, why is there a project column in the inbox view ?[/QUOTE]

Great question.

Lizard 2007-06-29 03:45 PM

isam: "Clean Up" in the toolbar or the Edit menu will take all the actions with Projects set from the Inbox and move them to their projects.

isam 2007-06-29 11:30 PM

Thanks Lizard.. Does the system Automatically cleanup at least once a day ? or on OF exit ? or every few hours ?

pjb 2007-06-30 01:44 AM

[QUOTE=LizPf]...Perhaps we could have a right-click "Send to:" menu that we could populate with our applications....

Just musings ... unless our fearless ninjas have this in the queue, I wouldn't expect it for v 1.0.


I was about to write this same thing; a set of scripts to interact with the rest of my mac is lacking. A framework for the average joe to modify to be able to invoke LaunchBar or Quicksilver would do, but does OG want to be depenent on these other apps? I do, however, think a fairly complete way of moving items out of the inbox should be part of 1.0.

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