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mrtaber 2007-12-21 11:36 AM

Thanks, Lizard! I'm going to check this out. (And it gives me an excuse for a nice new slick thumb drive).

Mark :)

eloyramirez 2007-12-28 11:56 AM

Is it possible to Sync Omnifocus between two Macs
I use a MBP and an iMac in the office. is there a way to have my OmniFocus data synchronized between the two. Not talking about syncing to iCal, but syncing the actual data within OmniFocus.

jpitkin 2007-12-30 02:19 PM

.mac syncing
Is there any plans to let .mac sync the OmniFocus Data? I use Yojimbo for clipping, passwords, serial numbers etc. and love the fact that it syncs with my .mac account. A similar system for OmniFocus would make this so much more usable for those of us who live on multiple macs during the day...

JKT 2007-12-31 02:43 PM

There have been a fair few other threads on this - the upshot is that OmniGroup intend to add this feature, but it won't be ready for the version 1.0 release (however, they don't state when it will be added, just that it is planned). I believe some people have tried storing their OF database on their iDisk so that more than one computer can access it, but I don't know how successful that has proven to be.

sciman 2008-01-01 05:46 PM

syncing would be great
I'm just wanting to support this thread. I use BusySync to keep all calendar items updated on my desktop and laptop through a wireless network around the house. But it'd be soooooo helpful to add to my do items on the desk from the laptop somehow. I'd be more than willing to carry the program or database on a thumb drive if that were possible. I'll try to search for threads and see if there are solutions. Thanks!

jgrafix 2008-01-04 02:41 PM

I've recently spent the last few days trying OF with the database on iDisk. The problem that I tend to get is that the iDisk sync chokes on the OmniFocus Lock file for some reason so the sync is usually not successful.

I've resorted to just copying it to a thumb drive and mvoing it back and forth. It ended up being much quicker for me.

marhar 2008-01-06 06:24 PM

this is my most desired feature
+1, I also have a desktop mac and a laptop.

My ideal situation: it will work just like imap mail, where if you have both open and update one, the other will automatically update.

gratuitous suggestion: hey, maybe you can configure to store the data in an imap folder. Walla, easy sharing!

Ken Case 2008-01-06 07:11 PM


What I'm using right now are crontab entries that rsync each of my commonly used machines (work desktop, home desktop, laptop) to an always-available server, and then when I switch to a new machine I type a command that rsync's the latest version from the server back over my local copy. But I'd much rather have something built-in that handled all this automatically.

(And, of course, that's what we're planning to do.)

digginestdogg 2008-01-08 11:14 AM

[QUOTE]What I'm using right now are crontab entries that rsync each of my commonly used machines (work desktop, home desktop, laptop) to an always-available server[/QUOTE]

That's great Ken but not real practical for a lot of us. Don't get me wrong, your team is doing a great job on this. But this is a really, really, really important feature. I rely on GTD to manage my day and having multiple out-of-sync GTD DBs makes me feel like Drew Barrymore in the film "50 First Dates". Its a real inhibitor to using OmniFocus effectively. In fact, if I can't hack some kind of similar solution, I considering stopping using it until you provide this essential feature. I would not have bought Yojimbo if they didn't have this feature--many of us who work have at least a desktop and a laptop and these kinds of tools simply have to be of one mind or their promised productivity is decimated.

The only always-on server I can reach through the port-80-only corporate firewall is my iDrive and people have already reported problems synching with it. Anyone care to share a good SSH-through-VPN-tunnel over port 80 to rsync server solution? Otherwise I need to hack on it myself and it won't be pretty nor quick.

kenny 2008-01-08 02:25 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;30455]+1!

What I'm using right now are crontab entries that rsync each of my commonly used machines (work desktop, home desktop, laptop) to an always-available server, and then when I switch to a new machine I type a command that rsync's the latest version from the server back over my local copy. But I'd much rather have something built-in that handled all this automatically.

(And, of course, that's what we're planning to do.)[/QUOTE]

the wording of your solution sounds quite familiar from my *nix days, but thats the past for me now and i never look back ;)

except for a few bugs, i really enjoyed testing omnifocus but i will have to keep on using iGTD simply because it syncs to .mac (and does so flawlessly). itīs one thing that OF does not support .mac-syncing in 1.0, but i am not ready to pay 79,95 if i am not given at least a vague idea *when* it will be implemented.


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