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yucca 2008-02-09 07:32 AM

[QUOTE=Zoolok;32375]I also like Together. I have been using DevonThink Pro for ages, but it is too easy to fill it with cr@p[/QUOTE]

Not sure what you are trying to say regarding DTP. It certainly can scale as I have one database that is topping 15 GB, and there are others on the devon forums with much bigger databases as I recall. Search is still snappy for me, but I did take pains to classify data into a fairly fine grained hierarchical folder system.

If you just want to throw a ton of unrelated stuff into a few folders, I will agree that DTP is not the product for you. Of course, I'm not sure if any product is going to help with that sort of filing system . . . ;)

pvonk 2009-12-01 09:08 AM

I use Devon Think Pro Office for all things needing to be in a filing cabinet (bills, credit card statements, scanned in - DTPO is great for that, and lots of other long term items to be filed away).

I've used Thoughts to store on-the-fly notes, full or part images of web sites, anything else that is "temporary" or needs to be accessed frequently.

I've begun testing Eagle Filer, and while it doesn't seem to be as good for jotting down notes as Together, it does support MetaTags. I use Leap and Tags for tagging files, and it's now important for my filing apps to support these tags. Together and DTPO do not, instead they support their own version of tags. The tags are important for files and other content that don't fit into a folder-like hierarchy, which is why EagleFiler's support of metatags looks attractive. The way I use DTPO, tagging is not important.

Oh, and I use PersonalBrain for thoughts that are interrelated with other thoughts. I use that for information that I may not be able to find if tagged, since I may not be looking for a specific item or I may have forgotten what the item is about (hence I can't do a search).

Greg Jones 2009-12-01 10:43 AM

[QUOTE=pvonk;70362]I've begun testing Eagle Filer, and while it doesn't seem to be as good for jotting down notes as Together, it does support MetaTags. I use Leap and Tags for tagging files, and it's now important for my filing apps to support these tags. Together and DTPO do not, instead they support their own version of tags. The tags are important for files and other content that don't fit into a folder-like hierarchy, which is why EagleFiler's support of metatags looks attractive. The way I use DTPO, tagging is not important.[/QUOTE]

The next beta of DTP (expect it any day now) will include OpenMeta tags.

pvonk 2009-12-01 01:18 PM

[QUOTE=Greg Jones;70365]The next beta of DTP (expect it any day now) will include OpenMeta tags.[/QUOTE]

That's great news! However, I do also like the folder structure of data stored in EagleFiler. DTPO stores files in a package (which I'm will to accept, since that's basically a folder), but the folder structure inside the package loses the folder structure given by the interface. All files of the same type are stored in one folder. The interface structure is stored in the database files. EagleFiler maintains the folder structure within the main folder and it corresponds with the interface structure - in other words the folder structure presented by the app is the same structure used when filing files in finder's folders. That's one plus if one is to abandon EagleFiler and want to easily retrieve the files to be stored in another database. I just went through all that with Together.

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