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miguelmarcos 2010-04-16 04:19 AM

Perhaps a bit of a tangent, but here goes: I hope Omni is considering or looking at some elegant but non-webdav cloud solution for syncing between desktop and iPhoneOS devices. Not something they build but rather some way to write and read like from DropBox but via http instead of webdav.

niels 2010-04-16 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=miguelmarcos;75994]Perhaps a bit of a tangent, but here goes: I hope Omni is considering or looking at some elegant but non-webdav cloud solution for syncing between desktop and iPhoneOS devices. Not something they build but rather some way to write and read like from DropBox but via http instead of webdav.[/QUOTE]

WebDAV IS http read & write. It's industry standard for file services over http, so I'm not sure it would be good for Omni to create their own protocol to replicate WebDAV.

What about WebDAV is a problem for you to a custom protocol would better serve?

jasong 2010-04-16 08:32 PM

As a long-time customer of Omnigroup, and an OmniFocus user since the early betas, and as a big fan of the company qua company, I am heavily invested in the continued success of OG.

And while I'm disappointed from a user perspective that I don't get a snazzy new OmniFocus on my snazzy new iPad, I am not even slightly upset about it. Why?

I use OF primarily on my Mac. I do 90% of my entries there because I'm at a computer 12 hours a day. OF on my iPhone is there for the remaining 10% capture, and for checking (and checking off) actions on those rare instances I'm not in front of my computer.

I know people are expecting iPad to replace laptops, but that's not here yet (at least not for me, and not for a while based on my particular needs). For now, and I'd guess for most people, iPad is a promise. Some folks are trying to accelerate that promise by living on their iPad; I'm doing it on a trial basis, fully hoping to have a huge amount of my laptop needs replaced by iPad.

At that time, or as part of making that happen, OF on iPad will be awesome.

But, as I said, I don't really care. I always have my iPhone on me anyway, so my workflow doesn't change while I'm away from a computer. I'm not going to pull out my iPad in the middle of the street and tap in an action item, no more than I would pull out my MacBook Pro.

The only time not having a native OF on iPad matters is when I don't have my computer, and I want to do more than a quick review or check a few actions. And since I don't tend to be away from my computer very long, I don't tend to need to do much of that.

Six months or a year from now, when I'm using my iPad as a primary system in place of my MBP, then I'll be happy to have OF for iPad.

Until then, I am still happy with using my iPhone, and using the app double-sized on iPad, while not ideal or markedly different, remains useful for me.

blewis 2010-04-17 02:17 AM


I use OF primarily on my Mac. I do 90% of my entries there because I'm at a computer 12 hours a day. OF on my iPhone is there for the remaining 10% capture, and for checking (and checking off) actions on those rare instances I'm not in front of my computer.


Most of us don't have the pleasure of using macs @Work. The business world is primarily PC.


The only time not having a native OF on iPad matters is when I don't have my computer, and I want to do more than a quick review or check a few actions. And since I don't tend to be away from my computer very long, I don't tend to need to do much of that.


People forced to use PCs @Work are in that situation every morning 5 days a week.

miguelmarcos 2010-04-17 06:16 AM

OK, I'll try out swissdisk for the webdav.

> Most of us don't have the pleasure of using macs @Work.
> The business world is primarily PC.


jasong 2010-04-17 02:36 PM

I'd love to know what percentage of OmniFocus users are using OF for iPhone as their primary (or only) interface, rather than OF on the desktop.

I've always assumed the vast majority of folks used OF for iPhone as a secondary interface.

wilsonng 2010-04-17 04:57 PM


Like you, I do my primary work in the Mac client. Then I use the iPod touch for capturing and checking off tasks while I'm outside.

For time where I am waiting in line doing errands, I'll start doing a mini review and re-arrange some projects and tasks. I never know when I'll find inspiration and it's always nice to have the iPod touch around to capture those brilliant yet fleeting ideas......

ksrhee 2010-04-18 02:48 AM

My primary machine is the MacBook Pro, and I use it both at home and at work. In the iPhone only days, I used OF in my MacBook 90% of the time, and OF in iPhone about 10% of the time to capture my ideas/thoughts/tasks while on the move and occasionally browsing for the task. I think this has been true for other iPhone programs as well.

However, the iPad has been a game changer for me. Now I split 50/50 on my Mac and iPad (for some days, even more - yesterday, I used iPad 90% of the time). For my task management, I now use iPad 90% of the time, and use Mac about 10%. So, my need for the native OF version has gone up considerably.

For most of the readings I used to do in my computer, I now use the iPad, and any short note-taking, taking notes in meetings, etc. etc., iPad is my device of choice. So, the only time I'm using my MacBook Pro is when I'm doing heavy lifting. Even some heavy typing sessions, I'm using my iPad with the Apple wireless keyboard, and that combination has worked well given how less distracted I'm from "multi-tasking." So, here is one case where the lack of multi-tasking in iPad is a blessing.

All in all, I think the iPad is a game changer, and for one, I would have preferred having a version of OF in my iPad even if the only change has been scaling up the program to a native iPad resolution.

MutantSquid 2010-04-18 10:51 AM

I haven't read over the entire thread, so pardon me if I'm repeating something that has already been said...

I would happily pay for Omnifocus for Ipad, and here's why....

I was originally a Things user. When I would look at OmniFocus, I'd grumble about the price, the visuals, etc. But after waiting for an eternity for Things to incorporate basic features (some of which still haven't "landed") or fix bugs (I waited for 6 months for them to fix one), I finally paid for OmniFocus, and man-o-man am I glad I did.

OmniFocus WORKS, and works GREAT. Omni COMMUNICATES and doesn't treat its users like children. If you go poke your head into the CulturedCode forums, you'll find a LOT of people asking for rudimentary features or regretting the $19.99 they spent on Things iPad.

I really don't care how long OF iPad takes, or how much it costs....I just hope Omni keeps on updating the blog and sharing screens and info to keep us in the loop.

WillisWasabi 2010-04-20 10:34 AM

Sad day…
I no longer have OmniFocus on my iPad. It's just not worth using there. It's still installed, but it's out of the sync schedule with the database wiped just in case I need to use it suddenly.

I have an iPhone 3G, and OF's speed on that phone when you have more than a couple of zip files laying around is atrocious. I found myself loading OF on the iPad most of the time just to have it be in sync with the others, and not so often to mark off or add tasks.

If OF had a faster sync system and database or I had a 3GS I'd probably be ok, but this just isn't worth it. On the iPad it was always nice and fast, but I still need the iPhone version to be usable. The only way to do that is to either leave the iPad on syncing with OF constantly, or not syncing at all.

So, please, don't consider OF to be "on the iPad" for some of us. Most iPad owners have iPhones or iPod touches, and many of those are on the slower versions. I suppose if I wasn't such an active user of OF… but then what's the point? I could probably be a Things user then. :P

For now, I'm counting the days until "June".

dfjdejulio 2010-04-20 01:40 PM

Please add me to the "I'd really like a stopgap solution that eliminates the pixel doubling" list.

Another way in which the iPhone app interacts badly with an iPad (beyond just looking ugly) is that when an iPad app uses a bluetooth keyboard, you can hide the on-screen keyboard, but when an iPhone app running "in emulation" uses a bluetooth keyboard, the on-screen keyboard stays visible. And another is that the "home button on top" screen orientation isn't working (and since that's where the cable plugs in, I often prop my iPad up that way).

The other thing to remember is, yes, the iPad offers APIs that the iPhone doesn't today, like USB file sync and keyboard support (both bluetooth and dock). But we already know that OS 4.0 is going to bring at least [i]some[/i] of that stuff to all these devices, and it's not impossible that there will be an "iPhone HD" with 1024x768 pixels on its display at some point. The (good) reasons to have distinct apps today could easily disappear. By the end of [i]this year[/i], it could be easier to maintain one universal app than two apps that differ based only on their original target hardware. (I think a lot of the developers who rushed out "for iPad" versions are going to be caught in a suboptimal situation once OS 4.0 hits and the devices get full API parity, and I'd hate for OmniGroup to be caught by that. Differentiating the versions as "lite" and "pro" rather than "iPhone" and "iPad" might help prevent that.)

email68 2010-04-25 09:26 PM

One thing that I love about OF on the mac is to bring my Mac Mail to zero by using the mail link shortcuts.

I'm hoping there will be something similar on the iPad.

It would be great during dead time in a meeting to work through my email an add to or create projects by linking the iPad mail app to the iPad OF.


tedhogan 2010-04-26 07:35 AM

Glad to see the June 2010 date. That's reasonable. Late 2010 was not.

I am using the iPad as my primary "go-to" device now. I walk around at work and edit spreadsheets with it, do all of my calendaring in it, watch TV on it, read with it, surf the web with it, take notes in meetings with it, AND manage my tasks with Things on it because "late 2010" was too late.

I'm very happy to see the June 2010 timeframe. I miss Omnifocus.

Things sucks. It's beautiful, but it SUCKS. You can't even search by tag for crying out loud. Who releases something like that?

I always see people raving about Things on the net. They're smoking crack.

I think once you guys at Omni start fooling around with Omnifu on the iPad, you'll be hooked. I think the iPad will be the future for this type of application.

jdh 2010-04-26 07:48 AM

[QUOTE=email68;76445]One thing that I love about OF on the mac is to bring my Mac Mail to zero by using the mail link shortcuts.

I'm hoping there will be something similar on the iPad.

It would be great during dead time in a meeting to work through my email an add to or create projects by linking the iPad mail app to the iPad OF.[/QUOTE]
I agree that this would be a great feature, but I suspect that OF would have to really code some weird workarounds to pull it off. At this point, the iPhone/iPad Mail app is not extensible, so you wouldn't have any way of saving a link to OmniFocus from within Mail, and I'm pretty sure that thir-party apps can't open the content within the Mail app's database either -- there are no APIs for that right now, nor does it look like OS 4 is going to offer that capability.

This means that OF would essentially have to function as its own Mail client, which seems a bit beyond the scope of where Omni is headed with it right now.

If you're using a webmail service like GMail, you can sort of work around this by using the "Send to OmniFocus" bookmarklet, but your mileage may vary with different webmail services -- for instance links from GMail mobile don't open properly on the desktop, or vice-versa.

[QUOTE=tedhogan;76455]I am using the iPad as my primary "go-to" device now. I walk around at work and edit spreadsheets with it, do all of my calendaring in it, watch TV on it, read with it, surf the web with it, take notes in meetings with it, AND manage my tasks with Things on it because "late 2010" was too late.

Things sucks. It's beautiful, but it SUCKS. You can't even search by tag for crying out loud. Who releases something like that?

I always see people raving about Things on the net. They're smoking crack.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you wholeheartedly, except that I couldn't bring myself to use Things on the iPad -- I'm still living with the pixel-doubled version of OmniFocus, which really isn't [i]that[/i] bad -- it's light-years more functional than Things in terms of planning and organizing my daily routine.

I downloaded Things when the iPad version came out just out of morbid curiosity more than anything else (I could easily justify the $20 for research purposes :) ). I didn't expect much from it, so I wasn't particularly disappointed, but was underwhelmed nonetheless. The phrase "lipstick on a pig" comes to mind. :) The iPad version provides zero extra functionality from the iPhone version -- it's just a redesigned UI for the iPad.

Admittedly, the desktop version of Things isn't [i]too[/i] bad, but the iPhone and iPad versions are extremely feature-poor by comparison. The thing that still blows my mind is that you need to sync (over Wi-Fi no less) to the desktop version on a daily basis just to get your repeating tasks to show up -- the iPhone/iPad version has [i]no[/i] support for repeating tasks on the device -- they don't appear in the "Scheduled" section and you can't create them -- it depends entirely on the desktop sync to plunk them onto your device. This behaviour was barely tolerable on the iPhone version; on the iPad it's a complete joke.

Anyway, like everybody else here, I'm awaiting the iPad-native version of OmniFocus with bated breath, however until then the iPhone version isn't [i]that[/i] bad... It may not be pretty, but it still lets me actually [i]manage[/i] my tasks from the device.

email68 2010-04-26 04:45 PM

[QUOTE=jdh;76456]I agree that this would be a great feature, but I suspect that OF would have to really code some weird workarounds to pull it off....[/QUOTE]

Well, they are ninjas. :D

miguelmarcos 2010-04-27 07:17 AM

<mmmbuzz>, thanks for the reference to Swissdisk. I created an account today and synced both my MBP and Touch.

babbie 2010-05-01 04:33 AM

iPad Things Sucks
I second the above assessments about Things on the iPad. The desktop version is workable but pales in comparison with OF. The iPad implementation is awful. Maybe I'm stupid, but I was unable to create any reasonable order among the items on the iPad. Supposedly everything was there, but you have to search up and down the list looking for what to do next.

Even in the "Next" view, it would have been nice to have items in chronological order within projects.

I think is must have been done hastily. Can't critcize the ninjas for being too hasty. But, a little hasty might not be bad. Hint. Hint.

Actually, as an OF Alpha tester, I admire your commitment to excellence and will wait patiently (yeah, sure) for OF on the iPad.

jdh 2010-05-01 04:48 AM

[QUOTE=babbie;76657]Even in the "Next" view, it would have been nice to have items in chronological order within projects.[/quote]
Things is tied [i]very[/i] closely to the desktop version. The idea here is that you put things in order on the desktop and they sync in that order to the iPad (and iPhone version). There is a lot of stuff in the iPad and iPhone versions that requires a desktop sync in order to work properly.

[quote]I think is must have been done hastily. Can't critcize the ninjas for being too hasty. But, a little hasty might not be bad. Hint. Hint.[/quote]
I'd buy that if not for the fact that the two-year-old iPhone version is almost identical in features and has seen virtually no updates over the past two years. I had hoped that the iPad version would be their "big" update in terms of functionality, but it's actually nothing more than a redesigned UI -- I don't think there's a single new feature there.

babbie 2010-05-01 06:37 AM

iPad OF temp fix
BTW, thanks to whoever suggested using the iPhone OF at 2X. It actually works quite nicely, even though I am hoping for more when the real thing come along.:)

babbie 2010-05-01 06:39 AM

You've seen the iPad version?

babbie 2010-05-01 07:01 AM

[QUOTE=jdh;76659] I had hoped that the iPad version would be their "big" update in terms of functionality, but it's actually nothing more than a redesigned UI -- I don't think there's a single new feature there.[/QUOTE]

Have you seen the iPad version of OF?

I didn't think it was available.

jdh 2010-05-01 07:24 AM

No, I was talking about Things in that context, which is what I had thought you were referring to when you indicated that it "must have been done hastily."

babbie 2010-05-01 10:01 AM

Thanks for the clarification. I'm relieved that the iPad OF isn't a disappointment (yet). I was just out on a shopping trip (that is, driving a shopper) and working in the parking lot on my 3G iPad. I found the iPhone version of OF, blown up to 2X, was perfectly workable, though hardly elegant.

atreinke 2010-05-04 04:20 PM

I have been using Things on my iPad because I didn't like how OF looked in the x1 or x2 display mode. I got the WiFi iPad on launch day (and got the 3G the day after it's launch day) so I had given it about a month long test. I didn't like it, simply put - just not enough behind it performance wise. OF beats it hands down. The jailbreak for the iPad came out Sunday night and since I am a long time iPhone jb'er I didn't waste any time doing the same with my iPad. I found a way to make a very small change to the plist file in OF that allowed it to be displayed in full screen without any distortion on my iPad. Things is now gone, OF is back where it belongs, and life is once again in harmony.

JKT 2010-05-09 02:35 AM

Things is all flash and no substance, and if you think that Omni's schedule for getting OF onto the iPad is longer than it should be, consider that Things has been promising features like over-the-air syncing and full repeating task support for a year and a half now. I downloaded Things for the iPad, not because I was interested in switching to it, but simply for research purposes because I write about iPhone and iPad stuff for a living.
I'm late to this thread, but what jdh is saying here is the elemental truth - buy into Things at your peril. It is coming up to 18 months ago that they promised the ability to set recurring tasks on the iPhone version would be added and yet they [I]still[/I] haven't been implemented. Instead of doing the (seemingly) hard work of fixing their pretty-but-utterly-mediocre iPhone app, they waste their customers time releasing an iPad app with the exact same limitations. Their work ethic and attitude to customers is beyond atrocious.

wbaccus 2010-05-09 06:54 PM

When I heard that we have to wait a few more months until we get a native ipad client for OmniFocus, I began to look into Things, but that just confirmed that OmniFocus was the best app for me, so I'm waiting it out.

But I'm waiting it out in style. If your phone is jailbroken, there is a preference file hack that makes it run as if it were an iPad app. Most apps don't handle this well, but so far. OmniFocus does.


There's an app called FullForce that makes this even easier to implement. This makes the wait for the full version a little more bearable.

BK0001 2010-05-17 08:47 PM

OmniFocus UI (vs. Things)
Agree with the posts that functionality of OmniFocus iPhone trumps the "pretty" Things app.

That being said, I really hope OmniGroup has worked on the GUI for the ipad version. My Mac App is feeling a bit long in the tooth design-wise. The toolbar (Filter - Grouping - Sorting - Availability - Status - Time) dropdowns seem very dated, and I continue to be surprised that I can't do things like drag columns to rearrange.

Look forward to the iPad version...

Dillinger-63 2010-05-20 11:26 AM

To each their own, I prefer Things. If Omni Focus floats your boat, then good, if it's Things, then the same.

Lightstorm 2010-05-20 11:51 AM

[QUOTE=JKT;76947]I'm late to this thread, but what jdh is saying here is the elemental truth - buy into Things at your peril. It is coming up to 18 months ago that they promised the ability to set recurring tasks on the iPhone version would be added and yet they [I]still[/I] haven't been implemented. Instead of doing the (seemingly) hard work of fixing their pretty-but-utterly-mediocre iPhone app, they waste their customers time releasing an iPad app with the exact same limitations. Their work ethic and attitude to customers is beyond atrocious.[/QUOTE]

JKT-I couldn't agree with you more. I must admit, OF is not the prettiest app, but syncing between my Mac, 3G iPad, 3GS iPhone has been stellar (using MobileMe). I've got too much, organizationally, invested at this point and I've gotten very used to squeezing a lot out of it. I was watching Things and Midnight Inbox for awhile (I'm attracted to good UIs), but Cultured AND Midnight Beep push their dates back constantly. I understand development has these lapses, but if I remember correctly, I think CC was a full year late on delivering their v1 app.

In opinion, OF can do some very robust things using large databases, while Things appears to work for the casual GTD'er.

Just my $0.02.


vballas 2010-05-26 11:19 AM

June is almost upon us ...
Dear Omni,

With June almost upon us and the iPad launching in Europe, could you let us know when in June we should expect Omnifocus for iPad ?
June 1 to June 30 is a BIG difference.

Thank you in advance

wolfneuralnet 2010-05-26 12:56 PM

I don't expect a date, but any info at all would be great -- a screen shot, or news that a beta program has started, etc...

Really missing this on my iPad -- I have a solution for almost everything else.

wilsonng 2010-05-26 04:49 PM

[QUOTE=vballas;77662]Dear Omni,

With June almost upon us and the iPad launching in Europe, could you let us know when in June we should expect Omnifocus for iPad ?
June 1 to June 30 is a BIG difference.

Thank you in advance[/QUOTE]

Well, June 1 to June 30, 2010 is not as big a difference as when the iPad was first introduced back in January 2010. Patience....... We'll get there........

wilsonng 2010-05-26 04:52 PM

[QUOTE=wolfneuralnet;77674]I don't expect a date, but any info at all would be great -- a screen shot, or news that a beta program has started, etc...

Really missing this on my iPad -- I have a solution for almost everything else.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you can have a beta program for OmniFocus iPad unless you have an iPad SDK to run it in simulator mode on your Mac.

I'd rather be surprised upon release date and get my socks blown off me at release date.

As much as I wanted to know the ending to Lost: Season 5 and 24: Season 8, I waited until I got home to capture that experience! It's the same thing I expect when I see OmniFocus iPad.

whpalmer4 2010-05-26 05:15 PM

[QUOTE=wilsonng;77690]I don't know if you can have a beta program for OmniFocus iPad unless you have an iPad SDK to run it in simulator mode on your Mac.
There is a mechanism for handing out copies to alpha or beta testers, but there is a very small limit on the number of different devices that can be used, and that includes the developer's test gear. As a result, there were only 4 of us testing OmniFocus 1.6 for iPhone, and to test the iPad version, we would occupy 4 more of the precious slots, because we would be using different devices. I do not know if the developer gets a fresh set of slots for a different application. With the first two Omni iPad apps, no one had any hardware (Omni included) prior to the launch, so everything was done with the simulator, and I haven't heard of any outside testers being utilized.

As much as I wanted to know the ending to Lost: Season 5 and 24: Season 8, I waited until I got home to capture that experience! It's the same thing I expect when I see OmniFocus iPad.[/QUOTE]

I haven't watched the finale of 24 yet, though I couldn't wait for my sweetie to be convinced that she should watch the previous 120 episodes of LOST so we could watch the finale together without a million questions, er, maybe that should be an additional million questions :) I [B]did[B][/B][/B] manage to hold off on buying OmniGraffle for my iPad for more than a month, but wish I had given in earlier. OmniGraffle on the iPad makes me quite optimistic about the prospects for OmniFocus on the iPad! I would also say that seeing screenshots of OmniGraffle really didn't convey just how nice it is to use.

Eye_Doc 2010-05-27 11:44 PM

Almost June!
Well We now have our iPads in the UK and the rest of Europe and after the fun is over and one try to use the iPad for something more OmniFocus!!!

Looking forward to June (technically only 3 days time!) and OmniFocus iPad. I understand that it is an investment to get it going for the iPad and I am really pleased that one publisher is doing desktop quality software at an appropriate desktop price.

However please consider is a way for the iPad version to be bundled as an 'Universal app' so that those of us who have bought the Mac version, the iPhone version and now the iPad version. 1Password managed to do it well in that the 'Pro' version became Universal and there also standalone iPad and iPhone versions for those that only need the one or the other.

mcogilvie 2010-05-31 03:37 PM

Salivating for OF iPad
I'm in the middle of my 2nd trip with my iPad already, and it's been both revolutionary and completely unremarkable. On my first trip, I used Keynote to give a talk, and it just worked- most of the other speakers had to fiddle to get their laptops to work with the projector. But I am relying heavily on OF to juggle a lot of things, and using other apps on the iPad makes me really conscious that using OF natively on the iPad should be much better than using the iPhone version. Omnifolk, please release OF for iPad before my next trip!

sgecko 2010-05-31 06:42 PM

i've been using my iPad for a couple weeks now and love it. although using the iphone version of OF is not a problem, i do now realize the potential of the iPad version of the program. especially after using OGraffle on it. so today it is June 1 here (on this side of the dateline), and am patiently anxious for the update.

although this is in the wrong forum, i really am excited about the OO on the iPad. i see a lot of 'notes' apps, but so far nothing like my trusty old OO.

i guess it is a compliment to the developer to have all these customers 'dying' for more. good job omni! wow us!

aliteralmind 2010-06-01 06:57 AM

Please don't forget about us iPhone-only (PC desktop) users!

We want some of the goodies, too!

MissKaren 2010-06-01 07:09 AM

When, please, when?
I hate to, really, I do.....BUT..any way we can be given even the SLIGHTEST hint as to when to expect OF for the iPad??? I know I've read June...but that leaves me with 30 whole days in which I feel compelled to anxiously check in at the App store each and every day....and that's not being very "productive" :). I don't need a "hard" date..just a general idea. Please? Pretty please??

Ken Case 2010-06-01 07:26 AM

Here's a very quick (4-second) peek at OmniFocus for iPad:
[INDENT][URL=""]OmniFocus for iPad sneak peek video[/URL][/INDENT]
It won't be ready this week, and next week we're all at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference, but hopefully we'll have it ready to submit to the App Store by the end of the following week.

MissKaren 2010-06-01 05:00 PM

Thank you for the very timely response! MUCH appreciated!

Young Daniel 2010-06-01 06:59 PM

That was great, thanks Ken.

BwanaZulia 2010-06-02 04:21 AM

Cannot wait.


wolfneuralnet 2010-06-02 06:06 AM

Thanks for the timeline Ken -- very helpful. Interesting interface! Have a great time at WWDC!!!

jonoslack 2010-06-02 10:29 PM

Thank you Ken
We Wait with Baited Breath.

ksrhee 2010-06-11 02:13 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;77882]Here's a very quick (4-second) peek at OmniFocus for iPad:
[INDENT][URL=""]OmniFocus for iPad sneak peek video[/URL][/INDENT]
It won't be ready this week, and next week we're all at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference, but hopefully we'll have it ready to submit to the App Store by the end of the following week.[/QUOTE]

Any more previews?

jasong 2010-06-11 09:18 PM

I was fortunate enough to run into an OmniGroup employee this week and got a super-secret sneak-peek.

What I saw was a significant improvement over the 4-second preview. It wasn't what I'd design or ask for, but it was pretty compelling. I'm not sure it will compete visually against Things, ToDo or Taska, but it will likely be a must-have app for its functionality (and it won't be ugly).

As a 1.0 product, it should be pretty good; I think the eventual 1.5 version will be fantastic. You'll just need to be patient and have faith that the app will continuously improve (as the desktop and iphone apps have).

Devastato 2010-06-12 01:23 PM

6 Days until the end of the week after WWDC! I caaaan't await it!

BwanaZulia 2010-06-12 04:59 PM

[QUOTE=jasong;78478]I was fortunate enough to run into an OmniGroup employee this week and got a super-secret sneak-peek.

What I saw was a significant improvement over the 4-second preview. It wasn't what I'd design or ask for, but it was pretty compelling. I'm not sure it will compete visually against Things, ToDo or Taska, but it will likely be a must-have app for its functionality (and it won't be ugly).

As a 1.0 product, it should be pretty good; I think the eventual 1.5 version will be fantastic. You'll just need to be patient and have faith that the app will continuously improve (as the desktop and iphone apps have).[/QUOTE]

OmniGroup has a great record of slowly, but surely creating some of the best apps.

I trust.


sean7768 2010-06-12 06:16 PM

[QUOTE=jasong;78478]I was fortunate enough to run into an OmniGroup employee this week and got a super-secret sneak-peek.

What I saw was a significant improvement over the 4-second preview. It wasn't what I'd design or ask for, but it was pretty compelling. I'm not sure it will compete visually against Things, ToDo or Taska, but it will likely be a must-have app for its functionality (and it won't be ugly).

As a 1.0 product, it should be pretty good; I think the eventual 1.5 version will be fantastic. You'll just need to be patient and have faith that the app will continuously improve (as the desktop and iphone apps have).[/QUOTE]

I agree. Taska, Things, and ToDo are very appealing visually, but lack the depth of OF.

Here is my take on the three...

Taska: Coolest and Smoothest UI. Most potential as a fantastic GTD app. Still very buggy on both iPhone and iPad.

Things: Training wheels app for GTD. No cloud sync?! Yeah, yeah... they're workin' on it!

ToDo: Nice looking app. Solid performing app, but it is very confusing for me as a GTD'r. I just get frustrated with it.

I am looking forward to OmniFocus for iPad. I must admit that I have tried to make these other ones work, but in terms of function for a true GTD'r, they cannot compare!

ksrhee 2010-06-12 11:56 PM

Taska: Coolest and Smoothest UI. Most potential as a fantastic GTD app. Still very buggy on both iPhone and iPad.


If Taska had OF reliability and ease of entries and OG-like support, then it would be a no brainer.

Or another way to say this is if OG adopts some of the UI features of Taska, that would make OF the best task management application for iPad!

I think I have a better chance for #2 than #1.

MissKaren 2010-06-13 09:02 AM

When??? When??? How much longer will we have to wait? Just a "hint" please- I beg you!

whpalmer4 2010-06-13 10:17 AM

[QUOTE=MissKaren;78519]When??? When??? How much longer will we have to wait? Just a "hint" please- I beg you![/QUOTE]
Go back and read Ken Case's post on the third page of this thread and you'll get an authoritative answer.

TC!! 2010-06-14 01:32 AM

[QUOTE=Devastato;78500]6 Days until the end of the week after WWDC! I caaaan't await it![/QUOTE]

Think you need to hang on there. Ken said "hopefully" so don't take it as gospel they will be submitting it the week after WWDC. Even if they do submit it then there's no telling when Apple will approve it.

Just keep your fingers crossed to see it before the end of June and I think you'll have a better chance of not being disappointed.

Keep up the good work OmniFolk and get it to us when it's good and ready.

steven 2010-06-14 09:16 AM

I like what I've seen in the 4 second preview.

1. the consolidation of all non-outline data to the left pane. Seems a logical "halfway between Mac & iPhone" decision.

2. outline hierarchy maintained (in the right pane) until you unfold a project, then the listed tasks align full left to take advantage of minimal iPad screen size. thoughtful.

Minor ugliness can be cleaned up after writing these new gui rules.

I'm just relieved they didn't use the (iPad photo album-style) "grid of square icons" to represent projects - outside of photos or other highly graphical content, I find the grid model ugly as hell. I have a newsreader that uses that, and I think Things (iPad) does IIRC.

Pvet 2010-06-16 10:54 AM

Another great GTD app discover today: [url][/url]
... If this can help OF team ;)

atreinke 2010-06-16 12:55 PM

[QUOTE=Pvet;78733]Another great GTD app discover today: [url][/url]
... If this can help OF team ;)[/QUOTE]

I just purchased this and installed it, it's interesting. I have only tried it out for about 30 minutes, I can tell already that it will take some learning but it is interesting. I love OF and do not think that this will beat it out in my opinion but I guess I'm a little desperate to get something with a little more than the OF iPhone app has to offer. If only there were some way to get the OF desktop version installed on my iPad.....

CatOne 2010-06-16 12:57 PM

[QUOTE=Pvet;78733]Another great GTD app discover today: [url][/url]
... If this can help OF team ;)[/QUOTE]

Ahhh… Midnight Inbox.

The app that's had a vaporware 2.0 version on the Mac for like 3 years now. The app that makes the delays in Things and The Hit List look like small potatoes. The guys that put unstable software on the map.

Glad to see they've continued in their tradition of pretty, yet buggy software. The reviews speak wonders.

I'll keep waiting for OF for iPad, thanks. I'm pretty confident it will work, and I'm pretty confident it will sync, which will make it the first app of its kind to do so.

jasong 2010-06-16 03:36 PM

[QUOTE=Pvet;78733]Another great GTD app discover today: [url][/url]
... If this can help OF team ;)[/QUOTE]

Another vote against Midnight Inbox. I don't know why that app is so unstable.

The app is also very rigid about its approach to GTD (which may work for some, but not me).

I think it can help the OF team by showing that functionality and stability are the really important things to focus on, rather than prettifying the interface.

hypotyposis 2010-06-16 08:49 PM

[QUOTE=CatOne;78754]Ahhh… Midnight Inbox.

The app that's had a vaporware 2.0 version on the Mac for like 3 years now. The app that makes the delays in Things and The Hit List look like small potatoes. The guys that put unstable software on the map.

Glad to see they've continued in their tradition of pretty, yet buggy software. The reviews speak wonders.

I'll keep waiting for OF for iPad, thanks. I'm pretty confident it will work, and I'm pretty confident it will sync, which will make it the first app of its kind to do so.[/QUOTE]

CatOne, I see we share many experiences with task managers!
I can't believe Midnight gets away with the first (and only 5-star) review of their app... have a look if you haven't yet, it's quite funny. I wonder how many 'Report a Concern' Apple will need before removing it...

tabrentals 2010-06-19 05:23 PM

[QUOTE=atreinke;78753]I just purchased this and installed it, it's interesting. I have only tried it out for about 30 minutes, I can tell already that it will take some learning but it is interesting. I love OF and do not think that this will beat it out in my opinion but I guess I'm a little desperate to get something with a little more than the OF iPhone app has to offer. If only there were some way to get the OF desktop version installed on my iPad.....[/QUOTE]

Will still buy OF iPad the day it is released but until then I am using iTap VNC client to run my desktop machine while traveling.

PeterNorman 2010-06-20 12:46 PM

TabRentals! Thank-you for mentioning iTap VNC for iPad!

I've been looking for just such an app but iTap somehow escaped my notice.

Mocha VNC, iTeleport Jaadu VNC and iSSH/VNC Console are not doing it for me so I've been using LogMeIn Ignition on my iPhone and iPad. However, I like the idea of connecting directly to my iMac or Mac mini when at home - without having to go thru the LogMeIn servers for a computer thats downstairs.

I'm just being lazy about accessing the iMac but the Mac mini is headless and used as a shared iTunes Library for my AppleTV. iTap will rock!

Thanks again!

(I visit this forum at LEAST once a day for news on OmniFocus for iPad. Sometimes I consider spending more of my tech-budget on therapy but it hasn't helped yet, so....)

Cameron 2010-06-29 09:38 PM

If this will let me do my Weekly Review right from my iPad, I will love you guys... more than I do now.

moniot 2010-07-22 05:22 AM

Well, it's official.
It's happened.

I'm to the point where I check this thread about nine times a day, hoping to see the announcement that OF for iPad has cleared the app store and is available.

My co-workers have noticed.

My mother is worried.

My girlfriend has started seeing some guy named Otto.

Please, oh please, Mr. Ken there any new news?


curt.clifton 2010-07-22 05:42 AM

Please, oh please, Mr. Ken there any new news?

You're looking in the wrong place. Try [URL=""]here[/URL].

KiltedGreen 2010-07-23 02:12 AM

It must be dispiriting
I've started writing iPhone/iPad apps and looking at the app store comments makes me wonder what idiotic comments people will write about my apps - if they bother.

I was looking at the reviews for Taska and saw the following (with my comments added):

"I've been an OmniFocus (Mac and iPhone) user for a long time with no complaints"
[I]So, no complaints. A satisfied customer in other words.[/I]

"Taska has just blown it out of the water"
[I]Wow! That's some really huge improvement over OF then. What does it offer then that "blows [OF] out of the water"? Maybe I should consider changing too? Reading further though doesn't give me any idea really except that "usability and simplicity are superb"[/I]

"Get the syncing sorted and it's a knockout"
[I]So it doesn't sync correctly? What are you telling me here - that you may have stuff via that isn't on your iphone and vice versa? Your data can't be relied on then? Now OF has syncing that works just fine (the user had 'no complaints') but despite 'blowing [OF] out of the water' for, usability, it doesn't sync?[/I]

If I was in the Omni Group I'd be banging my head against the wall with drivel like this being written about my products. I suppose this is internet democracy or something ...

jdh 2010-07-23 05:19 AM

To be fair, I really suspect there are a lot of people using OmniFocus who don't really [i]need[/i] or [i]understand[/i] OmniFocus. The overwhelming popularity of apps like Things would seem to suggest that there are many folks who are content with a much simpler task management solution and find OF to be overly complex for their needs. Realistically, if you're only managing a simple list of household chores then OF may very well seem like trying to drive a nail in with a sledgehammer.

IMHO that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd prefer that OF not "dumb itself down" to the least common denominator and remain a sophisticated tool for those of us with busy schedules and real project and task management needs.

moniot 2010-07-23 04:03 PM

Thanks, Curt!

HiramvdG 2010-07-28 01:55 PM

[QUOTE=jdh;80666]To be fair, I really suspect there are a lot of people using OmniFocus who don't really [i]need[/i] or [i]understand[/i] OmniFocus.[/QUOTE]

While I think I do [i]understand[/i] OF, I am beginning to realize I may not need it. I use it for much more than household chores though: I run a small company through it, and organize small conferences, and, yes, also enter household and personal finance stuff. But as I was unwilling to pay a lot of money for yet another OF app (I bought licenses for the iPhone and Mac releases), today I looked at the competition, not Things, which is more like a toy, but Taska for iPad. Despite the silly name and occasional bugginess, I am quite impressed with it. I will see how it holds up in the coming days, but I might just learn that I really don't need sequential projects, even though I always thought I did. I do miss start dates, though. We'll see. Of course I'll also look at OF iPad once it comes out, but I might just stick with the 4 euro alternative. Sorry, good people of Omni!

Brian 2010-07-28 02:55 PM

[QUOTE=HiramvdG;81115]Sorry, good people of Omni![/QUOTE]

Obviously we hate to lose a customer, but not so much that we don't want folks to use the tool that works best for them. That's far more important in the long run!

If there are any areas in OmniFocus that you think we could simplify or improve, we'd love [EMAIL=""]to know your thoughts[/EMAIL]. That's you doing us a favor, though, so we totally understand if you need to get on with your actual productivity. Either way, thanks for being a customer! Hopefully, you'll forgive us if we continue to hope to see you here again someday. :-)

acetuk 2010-07-28 03:20 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;81118]Obviously we hate to lose a customer, but not so much that we don't want folks to use the tool that works best for them. That's far more important in the long run!

If there are any areas in OmniFocus that you think we could simplify or improve, we'd love [EMAIL=""]to know your thoughts[/EMAIL]. That's you doing us a favor, though, so we totally understand if you need to get on with your actual productivity. Either way, thanks for being a customer! Hopefully, you'll forgive us if we continue to hope to see you here again someday. :-)[/QUOTE]

That's a truly great attitude Brian. One of the reasons I personally love using Omni products and being here.

I personally think OF is as complex as you want it to be. It can be used as a more basic to-do list app if that's what you want but in that case, as this person rightly states, it is a lot of money. Toodledo will do that for you for free on the web and for a little money on the iPhone / iPad.

But if you want to dive a little deeper, as I do, then Toodledo quickly comes unstuck. It has a lot of great features and I use it currently for quick family style task reminders, keeping OF clean for my work projects. It can't however offer genuine project management style task structures that I use and need.

I suspect I will move everything over to OF soon but that isn't a statement on Toodledo. More that I really only want one system and OF for iPad will fill the missing piece I need.

costmo 2010-07-28 03:37 PM

[QUOTE=hypotyposis;78790]CatOne, I see we share many experiences with task managers!
I can't believe Midnight gets away with the first (and only 5-star) review of their app... have a look if you haven't yet, it's quite funny. I wonder how many 'Report a Concern' Apple will need before removing it...[/QUOTE]

FWIW, here is some sample text to include when you 'Report a Concern' when it is obvious that a developer has submitted fake reviews to push sales.

[QUOTE]This review is from the developer, and based on other reviews, is deceiving people into thinking that the app is better than it really is.

The iPhone Developer Program License Agreement, section 12.2 (Termination), subsection (f) specifically mentions falsified consumer reviews as grounds for termination from the iPhone Developer Program.

Thank you.[/QUOTE]

I think that quoting the developer license agreement is the only way to get Apple to do something about fake reviews by developers. Being an app developer, I have watched inferior apps leech sales from my own based on falsified reviews from the developer, so this is an issue that is close to my heart.

The language that provides grounds for developer termination from false reviews did not appear in the widely publicized version of the license agreement in March ([url][/url]). I first noticed it in Rev. 6-7-10, which is the currently in-effect agreement.

Edit: I found a copy online so you can verify that the claim I make is true without me violating any NDA with Apple to show you.


Section 12.2 subsection (f) is on page 17

HiramvdG 2010-07-29 12:18 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;81118]Obviously we hate to lose a customer, but not so much that we don't want folks to use the tool that works best for them. That's far more important in the long run!

If there are any areas in OmniFocus that you think we could simplify or improve, we'd love [EMAIL=""]to know your thoughts[/EMAIL]. That's you doing us a favor, though, so we totally understand if you need to get on with your actual productivity. Either way, thanks for being a customer! Hopefully, you'll forgive us if we continue to hope to see you here again someday. :-)[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Brian, for your kind words. And like I said: I'm still on the fence, if that's the right expression. OF for iPad might win me over again from the competition.

If I do decide to leave OF behind, I'll email you with my thoughts, like you asked. Or maybe I will do so in any case :-)

Thanks for the great support.

francola 2010-07-29 03:40 AM

I have tested Taska extensively and found numerous issues with the syncing via Toodledo between the iPad and iPhone version. While I like the direction they are going with the interface, without reliable sync the app is useless to me. The developer has released many updates that have consistently enhanced the UI, but the sync issues have remained. If you are just using it on one device, I imagine you might be fine.

mrio 2011-01-23 12:07 PM

Feature Request for OF @ Ipad- indenting tasks
Finally having decided to support good development, i recently purchased OF for the iPad and so far i am delighted. One thing i dearly miss though, is the possibility of conveniently indenting tasks under a project. Currently, I am required to 'move' the task inside the parent task, which is cumbersome. I simply want to order the tasks (the child below the parent), and then indent the child. Quite like on the OF for Mac, in fact.
Otherwise, I am very pleased, another customer satisfied =]

PS. I hope i am not duplicating nor posting on the wrong thread...

whpalmer4 2011-01-23 04:53 PM

If you have one child indented under the parent, you can tap the Edit button and simply drag others there. The only catch is that you can't drag to the last position—you've got to drag before the last indented item. If you want it to be the last one, there's an extra step to drag the last one before the penultimate one, but that's only one extra step.

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