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BwanaZulia 2010-04-21 07:34 AM

Is it going to offer any other type of features beyond what MobileMe offers? Have you taken a look at the guys who set up Basecamp syncing with his own Webdav server? It is pretty cool.


Nutty87th 2010-04-26 10:35 AM

Delighted to hear you're looking for alternative syncing options. I'm very interested in any new solution you can offer end users.

Good luck with it!


raph 2010-04-26 12:44 PM

Dreaming awake...
Just wondering how difficult it would be to resuscitate the web-ui interface to plug it in on top of the webdav server... That would be a wonderful improvement for people working on windows/linux PCs...


Brian 2010-04-27 04:40 PM

[QUOTE=intranation;76145]I don't suppose you want to disclose your security (who can see what?) and backup details (is there a plan?) at all...?[/QUOTE]

You can see your files. If you can see someone else's files, that's a bug. Our sysadmins can pull files off the sync server, but the rest of us can't. That's by design.

We've got redundant hardware in place, and we back up several times an hour. If something blows up, the same folks that run our online store will work on getting it back up and running ASAP.

We're not ready to make specific uptime promises yet, though. It is a beta, after all. :-)

curiousstranger 2010-04-29 04:27 PM

Are there any plans to offer remote syncing with encrypted contents? I'd love to be able to sync my data somewhere centrally, but without ensuring the contents are encrypted for my eyes only, I can't trust it.

deejacker 2010-04-29 11:31 PM

I have signed up to offer whatever help I can. I am no OF heavy user, but I suppose the more the merrier.

I appreciate that these things take time and you are only looking at sync services for now, but I definite second a web app for managing OF data on-line. I have a macbook and an iphone and would love to bin my Windows PC at work...but I have more chance of winning the lottery than that ever happening.

Also, I am very interested in seeing what additional things could be possible over and above the basic sync services.

Brian 2010-04-30 05:32 PM

[QUOTE=curiousstranger;76593]Are there any plans to offer remote syncing with encrypted contents? I'd love to be able to sync my data somewhere centrally, but without ensuring the contents are encrypted for my eyes only, I can't trust it.[/QUOTE]

It's possible we'll add something like this down the line, but at the moment, the data is not encrypted on disk. I know there are some hosting providers out there that offer this sort of service, though...

curiousstranger 2010-05-01 08:09 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;76652]It's possible we'll add something like this down the line, but at the moment, the data is not encrypted on disk. I know there are some hosting providers out there that offer this sort of service, though...[/QUOTE]

I'd love a pointer towards them if you can. Additionally to encrypted on disk, the keys should only be in my possession. Without some sort of custom storage access client, this would be difficult, so eventually it would have to be something implemented in Omnifocus I would think.

oodude 2010-06-06 07:02 AM

I've been using this since the moment it became available and I love it. Synching between devices has always been flakey if I wasn't at home on my home network, but this now works anyplace, anytime.

iNik 2010-06-07 07:20 AM

Could just be me, but synchronization seems quicker than it was through WebDAV on Dreamhost.

The current service is just WebDAV, as far as I can tell.

Is there any thought being given to have a sync application/service hosted by Omni that would handle the heavy lifting of synchronization, conflict resolution, etc., so the clients would be a little less loaded down by zip files and managing it individually?

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