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kingsinger 2011-02-19 12:51 PM

Cool. I'm going to try that out right now. Wish I could get even that much functionality out of TB on the Mac.

Dalmet 2011-02-20 01:12 AM

Thank you very much for your work. It is very much appreciated.

absolut 2011-02-26 07:14 PM

This is so awesome! I've got it working nicely on the Windows side. On the Mac side I ran into issues with the folder action script. It only works once and stops after that. I couldn't figure out why (maybe the throttling?) Anyway I have Hazel installed and I edited the applescript slightly to use Hazel instead. It works perfectly. Thanks!

GrumpyDave 2011-02-27 01:51 PM

Thanks for the feedback. I'm wondering what the issue with the folder action is. I do know that without the throttle hack it does the same for me, works once then doesn't for a while and then works again. What version of OSX are you running?

If you'll share what changes were necessary to make it work with Hazel I might be able to add support for that in the next release. I do have a couple updates planned for the folder action script.

absolut 2011-02-28 03:10 PM

[QUOTE=GrumpyDave;94203]Thanks for the feedback. I'm wondering what the issue with the folder action is. I do know that without the throttle hack it does the same for me, works once then doesn't for a while and then works again. What version of OSX are you running?

If you'll share what changes were necessary to make it work with Hazel I might be able to add support for that in the next release. I do have a couple updates planned for the folder action script.[/QUOTE]

Hi GrumpyDave,

I'm using Mac OSX 10.6.6.

Here is what I did to make it compatible with Hazel

* renamed occurrences of _file to theFile
* where the script says "on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items" I replaced it with "on hazelProcessFile(theFile)"
* commented out the "repeat with _file in added_items" loop

Dalmet 2011-03-01 04:14 AM

I found a minor character encoding issue during my tests. I'm using both Mac OS and XP in German here and when I add a task with German characters (e.g. ö, ä, ß) on XP these characters they end up scrambled on the Mac. I'm using Dropbox to sync.

I've played around with iconv in Terminal but cannot get it to work properly in AppleScript.

GrumpyDave 2011-03-01 05:31 PM

I'm guessing the characters are being mangled on the Windows side. The basic version of AutoHotKey doesn't have Unicode support, but the AutoHotKey_L version does. I'll look in to what needs to be changed in the script to support it.

Dalmet 2011-03-01 11:51 PM

I have built the command

$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8

on the Mac into your AppleScript after that fixes it for me. However, I do not know any method where I can find out the encoding of the source file. Apps like TextMate can do this automatically but I have no clue whether AppleScript or the shell can do this. I've googled around a little without success.

GrumpyDave 2011-03-02 04:46 PM

Updated to v1.4.0
I've updated the file in the first post to v1.4.0
[LIST][*]Added Unicode support. The transaction files are now coded as UTF-8.[*]Added support for Hazel. The Mac AppleScript can now be used as a folder action script or a Hazel action with no changes needed.[*]Fixed a regression where the task notes on the quick input panel were not being populated with the clipboard contents when requested.[/LIST][COLOR="Purple"]Note: This version requires AutoHotKey_L on Windows. The basic version of AutoHotKey is no longer sufficient.[/COLOR]

Dalmet 2011-03-07 08:55 AM

Sorry, I was away from my Windows PC at the office for a couple of days. The new version works perfectly. Thank you very much.

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