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wilsonng 2011-04-22 04:17 AM

I'm not too keen on Life Balance. I can't really gauge Life Balance but it seems like customer support is poor. After personally going through Now Software's Now X debacle, monitoring SOHO Organizer and its lack of customer support, and the moaning/groaning of Cultured Code's Things, I tend to be wary of companies that don't respond or at least have an active user forum.

I was just looking at customer reviews for Life Balance on and it doesn't look too good.

Goalscape sure does look nice though. But I guess I like the more freeform method that Mindmanager and NovaMind offers me.

But I am keeping Goalscape in mind if/when I find myself stuck in mind map land....

ext555 2011-04-22 08:42 AM

I was a life balance user for years [pre OF and it's OP predecessor ; ) they are hard to gauge ..but the customer support is actually very good , they're very passionate about their product , but also very passionate about keeping their lives in balance so they only grow so big because of lack of updates etc . tried the demo of goal scape .. made my head spin, very complicated . Life Balance is too clunky to use for every day task management [I only use it for goals ] goal scape is clunky squared : )

wilsonng 2011-04-22 02:13 PM

aaahhh.... thanks for the heads-up about Life Balance.

I guess I just discovered mind mapping after ignoring it all these years so I'm currently enjoying doing the higher horizons that way right now. I'll have a look at Goalscape and Life Balance as a Someday/Maybe project.

I used to just use OmniOutliner for that kind of stuff but it's interesting to see it from another perspective.

NovaMind 5 has a view where you can see your mind map and outline at the same time. So that's where I'm at right now.

ext555 2011-04-22 02:41 PM

I wil take a look at nova mind for sure .
I use Inspiration for mind maps right now and it also lets you see the mind map as an outline . Inspiration is lower level than nova mind .

curt.clifton 2011-04-27 05:39 AM

[QUOTE=fedex;95270]Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I'm in the middle of setting up OO for goals and Curt's explanation gave me some ideas, but also confusing me.

Could you explain more how you keep the snapshots of your goals? If I'm reading your post I get the feeling you have each month for each year in your 1 year goal document, ie:

1 Year Goals 2012
- April 2012 (as set in april 2011)
-- Goal X
-- Goal Y
- May 2012 (as set in may 2012)
-- Goal XX
-- Goal YY

Doesn't this mean you'll have to set new 1 year goals each month? How do you prioritize goals early in the year opposite to goals later that year?

Hopefully I misunderstand your post because I would really like to understand the snapshot concept you're using.[/QUOTE]


Finally saw your post. Sorry for being AWOL from the forums. Life has gotten in the way lately.

I keep one document for One and Five Year Goals and one document for monthly goals. The top-level items in my One and Five Year Goals document look like this:

- [-] Goals set August 2010
- [-] June 2011 Specific Goals
- [-] Sharpen the Saw
- [ ] …
- [ ] Support and nurture my relationship with Lisa
- [ ] …
- [ ] Help manage our household
- [ ] …
- [-] Take time to have fun
- [ ] …
- [-] Create useful systems and propagate knowledge of computing
- [ ] …
- [ ] Build and sustain relationships with friends and family
- [ ] …
- [ ] Serve others and build a sustainable society
- [ ] …
- [ ] June 2015 Overarching Goals
- [ ] Sharpen the Saw
- [ ] …
- [ ] Support and nurture my relationship with Lisa
- [ ] …
- [ ] Take time to have fun
- [ ] …
- [ ] Help manage our household
- [ ] …
- [ ] Create useful systems and propagate knowledge of computing
- [ ] …
- [ ] Build and sustain relationships with friends and family
- [ ] …
- [ ] Serve others and build a sustainable society
- [ ] …
- [-] Goals set July 2009
- [ ] …

Each year I create a new item like the one above, setting new yearly goals and refining my five year goals. Two key ideas for me are to keep the number of goals relatively small and to treat the goals as guiding principles for decision making, not as "must do" items that simply impose guilt.

I keep my monthly goals in a separate outline. I set monthly goals based on lots of inputs, including reviewing my one and five year goals. The top-level items in my monthly goals outline look like this:

- [-] April 2011
- [ ] Keep the Saw Sharp
- [ ] Maintained normal sleep schedule
- [ ] Trained for the Mini with dedication and enthusiasm
- [ ] Support and nurture my relationship with Lisa
- [ ] Talked regularly
- [ ] Enjoyed visit
- [ ] Help manage our household
- [ ] Fixed hot tub faucet
- [ ] Got signed lease for renting house
- [ ] Corrected crawlspace mold/humidity
- [ ] Found housing in Seattle
- [ ] Listed stuff on Craigslist
- [ ] Take time to have fun
- [ ] Got RoseTime into the app store
- [ ] Provided solid feedback on OO beta
- [ ] Create useful systems and propagate knowledge of computing
- [ ] Did not go to the office on Wednesdays!
- [ ] Drafted SE and CS descriptions and differences, with the
vision task force
- [ ] Delivered 373 in a sustainable way
- [ ] Delivered 220 in a sustainable way
- [+] Build and sustain relationships with friends and family
- [ ] Serve others and build a sustainable society
- [ ] Sang in choir for Easter
- [-] March 2011
- [ ] …

I keep that document open on my desktop, hoisted to the current month, to help with decision making.

Hope that helps.

wilsonng 2011-04-28 01:33 AM

welcome back!

I've started to get into mind mapping and can already see how this can be created in MindJet!

I keep my own personal Life Map open in MindJet all the time.

I've learned that even if you just bring the window to the front once a day or even once a week, you can refresh yourself about the progress that is being made towards the one year and five year goals.

I was following the recommendation of Dr. Dini about just practicing the piano. Even if you don't intend to practice the piano today, just brush your fingers along the keys to keep your awareness of it in the back of your mind.

So, I only do an intensive review of my Life Map once a quarter, I do just open it up. I never know if some spark flashes before my eyes and I make some revision to my Life Map!

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