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mytreeoutside 2011-02-16 08:00 AM

With all this talk of webDAV and Dropbox, I thought I'd mention:
You all considered DropDAV, right?

To whpalmer, that might make your graffle workflow a little smoother. And, if omni supports WebDAV and not Dropbox, there's your best of both worlds.
Unfortunately, and for reasons beyond my understanding, I get errors when trying to use it with OmniFocus. I imagine it has something to with the OF file structure.

whpalmer4 2011-02-16 08:31 AM

Tried it with OmniGraffle and OmniGraphSketcher, but there are some issues that make it fail. Omni is apparently investigating with the DropDAV developer. It's probably not the OmniFocus file format, given that it also doesn't work with the other Omni iPad apps, and it also doesn't work with the Mac OS 10.6 Finder in my experience. The Omni apps and the Finder work fine with Apache.

mytreeoutside 2011-02-16 10:47 AM

Interesting, thanks!

whpalmer4 2011-02-16 11:12 AM

It's unfortunate that DropDAV doesn't work with both. It would make life slightly easier for me being able to go through Dropbox from the Omni apps, but even more of a win for me would be using the Finder to access Dropbox on a machine where Dropbox isn't installed (or has someone else's setup). Yeah, you can use the web browser interface to Dropbox, but it doesn't handle packages (used by many of the Omni apps) or give you the convenience of the Finder's tools.

Now, if I could edit Dropbox files cached on my iPad (via the My Favorites mechanism) when I'm offline, and have the changes sent back to Dropbox for propagation upon my next connection (like Mail does with IMAP accounts, or OmniFocus, of course), that would be very nice! I expect I'll be running OmniOutliner on my 3G iPad 2 before I see that, though...maybe even OmniPlan, too! :-)

WTFMD 2011-02-26 07:16 AM

Bluetooth Keyboard
Is there going to be support in OO for more extensive bluetooth keyboard use?In contrast to OF for iPad, OO is much more functional if data entry is easy. I would love the option of taking my bluetooth keyboard to a conference, etc. and using it to make notes in OO. OF allows typing with a bluetooth keyboard but you must use the touchscreen to navigate around.

HappyCatMachine 2011-02-26 08:05 AM

[QUOTE=WTFMD;94159]Is there going to be support in OO for more extensive bluetooth keyboard use?In contrast to OF for iPad, OO is much more functional if data entry is easy. I would love the option of taking my bluetooth keyboard to a conference, etc. and using it to make notes in OO. OF allows typing with a bluetooth keyboard but you must use the touchscreen to navigate around.[/QUOTE]

So few apps, even databases (!) on the iPad support the TAB key on them to navigate. It's a real pain but in the few cases I've spoken to developers about this it seems most aren't even testing with keyboards.

This is another thing that has always been in the Mac OS at it's most fundamental level. Developers didn't even need to think about it. The oversight probably is more Apple's fault than anything but we can only hope devs see the dropped ball and implement better solutions.

jamesafoster 2011-03-07 05:44 PM

Day to leave Omni
Ok, this has become ridiculous. I've waited long enough for both OO 4 and OO for iPad. Get real guys.

OF for iPad was amazing, and bought you a lot of time. But this is silly. I'll start looking for ANY alternatives to Omni. I can't hold my workflow hostage.

mytreeoutside 2011-03-08 08:49 AM

[QUOTE=jamesafoster;94486]Ok, this has become ridiculous. I've waited long enough for both OO 4 and OO for iPad. Get real guys.

OF for iPad was amazing, and bought you a lot of time. But this is silly. I'll start looking for ANY alternatives to Omni. I can't hold my workflow hostage.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you know what to do. No need for the negativity though. I use Taskpaper for my "other lists." Carbonfin makes others happy too.

shinfu 2011-03-08 10:21 AM

If OmniGroup is taking longer that we expect to launch OO for the iPad is not about they are sleeping or not involve in the develop.

The App Store and the Mac App Store, the iPad launch, Mac World, the beta of iOS 4.3, Lion incoming. These days are crazy for a Mac developer who has more that one app.

I'm waiting for both OO for the iPad and OO 4 but, you know what, NOTHING in the market approach to OO. I'll keep waiting and when the app will be ready they will launch it. Each pence of euro (in my case) I gave to OmniGroup has been reward with a great user experience, updates improving the apps, great customer service and AMAZING SOFTWARE.

I think sometimes, that the OmniFocus for the iPad was an inflection point for this company, the UI is being re design in all the app (my guessing) and it takes time. I'm pretty sure that OmniOutliner will be great and better than the version 3, and I canīt wait to have it in my iPad and my iPhone.

OmniGroup changed my workflow and my life and I can`t be thankfully enough.

Keep the faith. :-)

mytreeoutside 2011-03-08 05:05 PM

Well said shinfu :)
Yeah, I bought an alternative because I needed something in the meantime.

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