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basilides 2009-04-11 01:46 PM

[QUOTE=denrael;58159]On a day-to-day basis, the TLF's don't really come into play. Where they do help is in the review sessions. I do a seperate review for each focus point, and really try to look at every activity from the perspective of that high level.[/QUOTE]

Nice! So you have just three top-level folders then? And you review them separately? It sounds to me like you're managing to integrate your weekly review with higher horizons using this scheme... So, I'm curious: What does your weekly review look like?

WillisRB 2009-05-14 11:43 AM

Like basilides, I have definitely not reached a black belt level of OF and GTD implementation, but likewise feel I am definitely progressing.

I find that while it is ideal to stick to fewer project folders and contexts to prevent clutter, adding more has helped me significantly. By structuring more hierarchical project folders starting at about 20k feet downwards, I have been able to refine my projects to completable entities. Previously they were more general headings that could not conclusively be completed. On the context side of things, with so few contexts I was overwhelmed with a huge list that weren't all necessarily actionable, and was getting numbed. Specifying my Work context to Work : Computer, : Lab work, and : Agendas, makes operating in a more specific context a breeze to drill through actions, all of which are immediately actionable.

Also like basilides, I keep my higher than 20k levels in an OO document, as well as a copy in Evernote so that I can have constant access to it on my iPod touch. Defining these higher levels, and glancing over them about every day has been very helpful from a focus perspective, and helps to strengthen the intuitive priorities approach which DA advocates. I think that I'll definitely implement a Review context to schedule reviews of those documents outside of OF. I enjoy project planning/brainstorming in OO, but having things handy for constant review in Evernote is great.

For the project planning and brainstorming, harrison's applescripts for creating a matching folder hierarchy to OF in the finder with OO documents with in great. Creates a way to keep things organized like OF, but without diluting OF with non-actionable items.

Other potentially actionable lists like Books to read, etc, I keep in a S/M folder under single action lists on hold in OF, and find that works best.

My primary obstacle at this point is staying current on processing my ubiquitous capture items into actions and projects. I just swept up all my notes and notecards into the OF inbox, and now have ~180 items! Daunting, but I figure half I've completed or captured by this point. I also need to get more consistent with reviews, and setting up some more directed Focus's and Perspectives. One last point before I wrap this up, is that it would be really helpful for me to be able to rate actions by energy required so that I could tackle the tough stuff when energized, but stay productive on smaller things when more brain dead.

lolajl 2009-05-15 04:43 AM

[QUOTE=WillisRB;59842]One last point before I wrap this up, is that it would be really helpful for me to be able to rate actions by energy required so that I could tackle the tough stuff when energized, but stay productive on smaller things when more brain dead.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't you do this by using the Estimate feature?

WillisRB 2009-05-15 05:49 AM

Sure, you could use the time estimate field instead to rate energy requirement, but then you give up the time estimate. Although time and energy are sometimes corrolated, not always. The time field I do fnd valuable to filter what actions I might be able to complete before my next calendar item.

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