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fullcity 2010-07-15 03:20 AM

Can someone please repost the zip file somewhere? The original link seems to be broken.


balzercomp 2010-07-22 11:29 PM

Here are the scripts as they are posted in source in this thread.


This is only for those that have no experience with AppleScript-Editor.



nevwild 2010-07-30 09:26 AM

Almost there!
[QUOTE=balzercomp;80653]Here are the scripts as they are posted in source in this thread.


This is only for those that have no experience with AppleScript-Editor.



Thank you guys so much for the work you have invested into these scripts! They really are amazing. Before I found these scripts my supporting documents structure was a joke, and these really show a lot of promise. Sadly they still don't quite make that system perfect. While I have played around with Applescript, my skills are very elementary, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

My main issue is that I use my folders for prioritization, so I move my projects around quite a bit. Due to this structure, every time I move a project from my "pending" folder to my "current" folder (or something similar, I have several folders) the path for the [I]Project Notes[/I] script is broken. I know that this is because I am moving the project around from place to place. However, whenever a project is just at the "Library" folder level, both scripts work beautifully.

So my question is as follows: is there a way to make the scripts find the project regardless of which folder it is in? Could I move my "Fix Sink" project from "Pending" to "Current" and still be able to access the associated OO document via the [I]Project Notes[/I] script?

If that were impossible, is there a way that I could amend the [I]Project Folder[/I] script so that the associated .OO3 file is attached to to the notes section of the project? Then, all I would have to do to create a supporting folder and .OO3 document is run the script, and all I would have to do is expand the notes to find the support document for that project. This would be awesome.

Does anyone with some scripting abilities know how I could accomplish either one of these goals? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

dhm 2010-09-16 08:05 PM

Thank for you for the scripts. I tried to like OmniOutliner but I can't quite manage. Instead I'm going to use an Evernote notebook. They recently updated their Applescript dictionary. My plan is to create a notebook for each project in OF. The keys for anyone curious are found in the Evernote API Search Grammar [url][/url]

To open a named notebook:
tell application "Evernote"
open collection window with query string "notebook:\"Your Notebook Name Here\""
end tell

geggyta516 2010-11-19 06:36 AM

Awesome Scripts - Need folders and files to go to Dropbox

has anybody been able to change the scripts successfully to point to dropbox instead of documents?

whpalmer4 2010-11-19 10:14 PM


has anybody been able to change the scripts successfully to point to dropbox instead of documents?[/QUOTE]
Yes. As I posted previously, change this line:

set projectsDir to (path to documents folder as text) & "Reference" & ":" -- Path to projects folder (change this as you like)


set projectsDir to (path to home folder as text) & "Dropbox" & ":" -- Path to projects folder (change this as you like)

and you should be set. You need to create the Projects folder in your Dropbox folder before running the script, and you'll need to create a folder for each project by running the Project Folder script on each one.

Inastus 2010-12-21 10:48 AM

I can't seem to get it working. I tried both versions of the AppleScript. I have my Dropbox folder in the root of my user folder. The Projects folder is in the Dropbox folder.

Thanks in advance.

whpalmer4 2010-12-21 11:00 AM

Pretend you are describing the events to someone who wasn't there with you, and describe exactly what you did, and what happened. Did you do the second part of this:

You need to create the Projects folder in your Dropbox folder before running the script, and you'll need to create a folder for each project by running the Project Folder script on each one.

Inastus 2010-12-21 11:34 AM

I placed the two scripts in the OmniFocus scripts folder. When I select a project and hit the Project Folder Button. I am told "Please create the folder Macintosh HD:Users:Inastus:Documents:Reference: and try again. It seems to me its still trying to place it in my main Documents folder instead of my DropBox/Projects Folder.

Thx again

whpalmer4 2010-12-21 12:04 PM

It sounds like you didn't apply my [URL=""]suggested edit[/URL] to the scripts, without which they will attempt to use the Documents/Reference folder in your home directory.

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