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whpalmer4 2012-12-19 02:48 PM

The site is Rob's replacement for his old MobileMe site, and he is diligent about keeping the site up to date, in my experience.

RobTrew 2012-12-20 05:20 AM

Yes, as whpalmer4 explains, that is my site, and there are no later versions (by my hand) of those TaskPaper scripts.

As I have personally moved on to FoldingText, I can't really justify doing any more work to the TaskPaper code myself, but I have now put copies of the old scripts [URL=""]on GitHub[/URL] whence others would be welcome to fork and develop them further.

I do, however, strongly recommend [URL=""]FoldingText[/URL], which has a much richer scripting interface (now available in the AppStore version as well as in the DEV versions) and generally has much more power and potential than TaskPaper did. I think it will develop into a platform for quite a rich ecosystem of add-ons.

Yury 2012-12-20 05:28 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;118525]I do, however, strongly recommend [URL=""]FoldingText[/URL], which has a much richer scripting interface (now available in the AppStore version as well as in the DEV versions) and generally has much more power and potential than TaskPaper did. I think it will develop into a platform for quite a rich ecosystem of add-ons.[/QUOTE]

Since I am editing on an android system I do not care what I use since I can not use Folding Text since there are no versions for Android. I use a plain editor and just work with the data.

The difference that I noticed when exporting things was that the previous script had dates, and that was missing from the export for Folding Text.

What I am trying to do is adjust the system to using an Android phone, I do not want to PRINT the data and mark up PDF's to enter it back I want it to be a bit more fluid.

Now if I can edit the data on Android and bring it in to Folding Text to convert to OmniFocus I will be willing to give it a try. It would be a pain to use another program though to just convert the data.

I will also look at the Github and examine the scripts in detail, while I am no where close to you... I might be able to make sense of them and see if I can extend / maintain them.

BTW: In case I have not said it before, thank you very much for creating this.

amelchi 2012-12-25 02:36 PM

Hi Rob,
thanks for the scriptfirst of all1
it says "DEPRECATED get nodes as records path DEPRECATED selected nodes path"




RobTrew 2012-12-25 02:53 PM

The API of the MAS version of FoldingText has now caught up with the Dev version.

[URL=""]Ver 018[/URL] of this script (in a Github repository) will automatically use the newer API, as long as you are running FT 1.1+

amelchi 2012-12-25 10:53 PM


but now
error "Non posso trasformare \"1.2\" nel tipo number." number -1700 from "1.2" to number

I cannot transform \"1.2\" in type number...
relate to the FT version number, I am using 1.2 dev


I think is a system language problem: Italian, French and other Latin languages deal with decimal by comma, not by dot...
Could you please send me a little FT text sample that fits...

RobTrew 2012-12-26 01:08 AM

[QUOTE=amelchi;118685]"Non posso trasformare \"1.2\" nel tipo number." number -1700 from "1.2" to number[/QUOTE]

FT's version number string is "1.2" and Applescript is playing the innocent and claiming that it can only recognise "1,2" while its international settings are Italian :-)

Fair enough - a good Xmas puzzle ...

Perhaps we can gently explain to the Applescript interpreter that the "." is an exotic Anglo-Saxon translation of the second character in a decimal representation of Pi ?

Could you replace the IsDev() function with the code below and test it for me ?
If it works I'll put it into version 19, though I suppose that the numbers of those using FoldingText 1.0 are probably small now :-)

Have a good holiday !


[CODE]on IsDev()
set strLocalSeparator to (text 2 of (pi as string))

tell application "FoldingText"
set strVersion to version
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "."}
set lstParts to text items of strVersion
set my text item delimiters to strLocalSeparator -- local number separator
set strVersion to lstParts as string
set my text item delimiters to dlm

return (strVersion as number) > 1
end tell
end IsDev

amelchi 2012-12-26 02:47 AM

now it works perfectly with different languages
flawlessly with OO,
when it comes to OF it says
"[SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"]{"Subtree of 'todo three'", {{{|id|:"6", tagNames:{"done"}, textIndex:69, childIndex:3, tags:{done:""}, parentID:"1", lineIndex:5, type:"unordered", level:1, |text|:"todo three", |line|:" - todo three @done", previousSiblingID:"4"}, {}, false}}} non corrisponde ai parametri {strRootText, lstTree, blnSkipDone} per Export2OF.[/SIZE][/SIZE]"

Have a nice Xmas time and many thanks for your job, Rob!


RobTrew 2012-12-26 03:03 AM

Thanks for catching that.

Could I ask you to test the version [URL=""]here[/URL] ?

amelchi 2012-12-26 03:18 AM

ok for OO
almost same as before for OF,
error "{project id \"kZEpkel-Chd\" of document id \"juZgQoU9dg2\" of application \"OmniFocus\", {{{|id|:\"3\", tagNames:{}, textIndex:22, childIndex:0, tags:{}, parentID:\"1\", lineIndex:1, type:\"unordered\", level:0, |text|:\"todo one\", nextSiblingID:\"4\", |line|:\"- todo one\"}, {}, false}, {{|id|:\"4\", tagNames:{}, textIndex:33, childIndex:1, tags:{}, parentID:\"1\", lineIndex:2, type:\"unordered\", level:0, lastChildID:\"5\", |text|:\"todo two\", nextSiblingID:\"6\", firstChildID:\"5\", |line|:\"- todo two\", previousSiblingID:\"3\"}, {{{textIndex:44, parentID:\"4\", |id|:\"5\", lineIndex:3, level:1, childIndex:0, |text|:\"Mix in notes as you see fit.\", type:\"body\", tagNames:{}, tags:{}, |line|:\" Mix in notes as you see fit.\"}, {}, false}}, false}}} non corrisponde ai parametri {oParent, lstTree, blnSkipDone} per PlaceInOF." number -1721 partial result «handler PlaceInOF» from {«class FCpr» id "kZEpkel-Chd" of document id "juZgQoU9dg2", {{{|id|:"3", tagNames:{}, textIndex:22, childIndex:0, tags:{}, parentID:"1", lineIndex:1, type:"unordered", level:0, |text|:"todo one", nextSiblingID:"4", |line|:"- todo one"}, {}, false}, {{|id|:"4", tagNames:{}, textIndex:33, childIndex:1, tags:{}, parentID:"1", lineIndex:2, type:"unordered", level:0, lastChildID:"5", |text|:"todo two", nextSiblingID:"6", firstChildID:"5", |line|:"- todo two", previousSiblingID:"3"}, {{{textIndex:44, parentID:"4", |id|:"5", lineIndex:3, level:1, childIndex:0, |text|:"Mix in notes as you see fit.", type:"body", tagNames:{}, tags:{}, |line|:" Mix in notes as you see fit."}, {}, false}}, false}}}

actually it creates an empty item in OF...

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