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RobTrew 2012-10-10 03:38 AM

Are you still seeing this with ver [URL=""]0.04[/URL] ?

pattulus 2012-10-14 04:16 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;115818]Are you still seeing this with ver [URL=""]0.04[/URL] ?[/QUOTE]

Hi Rob, Version 0.04 only shows me the headline: "Due Soon or in last fornight (3 tasks)" but not the actual list of tasks. The good thing is it doesn't shows the completed projects with a due date anymore.

I'll continue using v0.03 for now (since it displays the taks).

Thanks for your support.

Tukanuk 2012-12-10 06:05 AM

Tasks starting today
I've read all through this thread and I must be missing something simple. I can't get:

[CODE]tasks where (dateToStart is Today) order by dateAdded --header=Tasks Starting Today ($N)\n | fold -s -w 40[/CODE]

to display tasks that are starting today. Based on:

[QUOTE]yesterday, today, now, soon
<jan> ... <dec> (Interpreted as references to midnight at the start of the first day of the next (or current) month of that name).

today +1w, now +2d etc.[/QUOTE]

from Post 1, it appeared I could use a relative date but obviously I am still doing something wrong.

Any thoughts?

RobTrew 2012-12-10 10:14 AM

The date fields are all timestamps (total number of seconds since the start of the epoch 2001-01-01 00:00)

So you need to get the moments at which today started and will end, and filter for cases where (dateToStart >= MidnightLastNight) and (dateToStart < MidnightToNight)

Or if 'today' and 'tomorrow' are predefined with midnight values, where (dateToStart >= today, and dateToStart <= tomorrow)

Tukanuk 2012-12-16 10:56 AM

Thanks that helped with the dates. The script was working perfectly for a few days and now is returning no results. Any thoughts on what may be wrong with:

[CODE]osascript ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus/GeekOFSQL.applescript 'tasks where (dateToStart >= today) and (dateToStart <= tomorrow) order by dateAdded DESC --header=Tasks Starting Today ($N)\n' | fold -s -w 80[/CODE]

RobTrew 2012-12-16 02:21 PM

[QUOTE=Tukanuk;118440]Thanks that helped with the dates. The script was working perfectly for a few days and now is returning no results. Any thoughts on what may be wrong with:

[CODE]osascript ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus/GeekOFSQL.applescript 'tasks where (dateToStart >= today) and (dateToStart <= tomorrow) order by dateAdded DESC --header=Tasks Starting Today ($N)\n' | fold -s -w 80[/CODE][/QUOTE]

Seems to be working here (though I would probably advise you to save the .applescript file as a compiled (.scpt) file from Applescript Editor):


kingsinger 2013-05-08 12:18 PM

Is there a way to use this script to filter things so that only items in particular OF perspective were placed on the desktop with geektool?

I have a perspective that I call current focus, which includes the 8-10 projects I'm focusing on right now.

I then typically switch that perspective to context view and look at things ungrouped, sorted by due date and filtered for next actions. This gets me down 5-10 actions that I should be focusing on right now.

Would there be any way to put that info on the desktop with this script?


RobTrew 2013-05-08 12:45 PM


Would there be any way to put that info on the desktop with this script?


I would be inclined to use psidnell's [URL=""]ofexport [/URL]command line script to put custom reports on the desktop with GeekTool.

kingsinger 2013-05-08 10:45 PM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;123837]I would be inclined to use psidnell's [URL=""]ofexport [/URL]command line script to put custom reports on the desktop with GeekTool.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I'll give that a look.

jasonclarke 2014-01-09 09:48 AM

Filtering by Started date
I'd love to put a list on my desktop of tasks that have a start date (i.e. not null, not in the future), ordered by the start date. Is this possible?

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