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rogbar 2010-01-29 12:48 PM

The one thing holding me back from wanting an iPad on Day One is knowing that I'm still going to have to schlep my laptop around because of a few key apps that won't be on it (OmniOutline being tops on my list).

An OO app for the iPad would be - for me - far more valuable than an OO app for the iPhone. It's hard for me to imagine my using OO on an iPhone for composing anything ... but on an iPad? Absolutely. And every day.

So please consider this a strong vote for OO for the iPad.

dhm2006 2010-02-01 12:53 PM

1) Do you need multiple columns of data, column types, or the column summary options?

2) Do you need formatting support? Or just plain text like OmniFocus for the iPhone.

3) Do you need attachment support?

4) Should it be a viewer only, or have editing capabilities? If just a viewer only, how well does the Quick Look preview/DHTML export meet your needs? (Viewing the export on the iPhone that is)

5) What kind of syncing expectations do you have? This would be one big reason why OmniOutliner 4 needs to be developed first as OO3 is not designed for merging synced changes.

1. I would like to have multiple columns, different column types, and summary rows.
2. Plain text is fine for me; formatting ability would be a nice to have.
3. I don't need attachment support.
4. I would definitely want editing capabilities. I want to be able to create a hierarchical outline on my iPod Touch.
5. I would want to be able to sync with or transfer to and from my desktop computer without going through email or through a third party website (even Omni's).

In addition, I would like to be able to have more than one outline.

Joe H 2010-02-25 04:31 AM

I love OO but ...
I'm thinking of just converting most of my lists into Bento files, because synching for iphone is so easy.

Another option I'm exploring is TaskPaper from Hogbay Software. (interesting because I used Hogbay notebook before I discovered Omni Outliner) They have a version for desktop and iphone.

At some point I need to be able to use my lists and notes on my phone, and the work arounds are a Pain in the .... neck.

joelande 2010-02-25 09:24 AM

And don't forget the new Numbers application for iPad has a specific data-entry mode that shows a typical spreadsheet in a data-entry form view for easy entry

santra 2010-03-23 04:48 PM

OK, I just have to say: Carbon Fin Outliner Online just doesn't cut. Awful, awful UI.

santra 2010-03-23 04:57 PM

[QUOTE=jbkendrick;72431]@santra - I'd be interested in hearing all the things you do with OO every day. While I appreciate it as an outliner, I haven't been able to really break away from using Word. Can you elaborate? Thanks, John[/QUOTE]

I have used PIMs (personal information managers) since the beautiful, ground-breaking, never-to-be topped, Ecco Pro, only to be seconded by InfoSelect or Bonsai. Ecco Pro was so incredible that it had aliasing (cloned items that were exact pointers, much like DEVONthink's "replicated" items, which are exact clones directly linked).

For years and years, Bonsai, made by Natara, was my workhorse, running on my Toshiba tablet and synced to my Palm. I used it for everything. I had (I think) at least 100 outlines.

Then I switched to a Mac. OmniOutliner is the best replacement I've found so far. There is NOTHING like a flexible, hierarchical outliner.

I only wish that OG had ported OO to the web and/or the iPhone and/or added aliasing a long time ago.

I use OO religiously for work—much better than my IT's firms KB.

Here's a sample of my notes from my Software outline, this being part of what I track and document re OmniOutliner:

- How tos:
* How to convert from Bonsai
* How to ATTACH a file
* How to SET the Outline's DEFAULT FONT
- Number selected items
* Number a level
* Get rid of bullets in entire document
- Remove direct formatting
* How to COLLAPSE a GRAPHIC (attached link to file)
* How to PASTE items to OF and have it turn into tasks on the fly

I love OmniOutliner. Not quite as good as Bonsai or Ecco Pro, but what can you do.

JohnJ80 2010-03-23 06:27 PM

[QUOTE=Joe H;73988]I'm thinking of just converting most of my lists into Bento files, because synching for iphone is so easy.

Another option I'm exploring is TaskPaper from Hogbay Software. (interesting because I used Hogbay notebook before I discovered Omni Outliner) They have a version for desktop and iphone.

At some point I need to be able to use my lists and notes on my phone, and the work arounds are a Pain in the .... neck.[/QUOTE]

Right now, I'd have to say that the elegantly simple Taskpaper is one of the best alternatives that syncs from mac to iPhone.


Arild 2010-04-30 03:52 AM

I can see that this thread has been spun for more than a year, but it should not end up with a Taskpaper recommendation:

Yes, a simple outliner for the iphone would be fantastic! I use Carbonfin's today and I would love to see an Omni app with some integration with both Omnifocus and Omnioutliner. Sending sections into straight into Omnifocus on the phone (as well as desktop) would be marvellous.
One column plus media attachments and notes would suffice mostly for my use on the phone, but adding columns for particularly calculations and dates is an interesting thought.
Sync on desktop could be something you set for each file/document.

Hope someone in Omni not to busy with the iPad is still subscribing to this... I respect the decision to focus on the iPad, but the phone is really my mobile device where I need a simple way to collect data and arrange them swiftly.

Mr. Reeee 2010-04-30 05:31 AM

[QUOTE=Arild;76613]I can see that this thread has been spun for more than a year, but it should not end up with a Taskpaper recommendation:

Yes, a simple outliner for the iphone would be fantastic!
Sync on desktop could be something you set for each file/document.

Hope someone in Omni not to busy with the iPad is still subscribing to this... I respect the decision to focus on the iPad, but the phone is really my mobile device where I need a simple way to collect data and arrange them swiftly.[/QUOTE]

OmniFocus is a quite workable, not perfect but workable solution as an outliner for now. It syncs between my Mac, iPod touch and iPad, so at least I needn't jump through hoops or use some awful "cloud" app. Unless something is capable of syncing between all my devices, I won't use it.

I hope Omni IS focussing on the iPad AND churning out all the apps they've listed (OmniFocus being first in line after OmniGraffle). OmniFocus on the Mac DOES need a lot of GUI tuning, so hopefully they're hard at work on that as well.

Luckily it looks as though Apple has found a reasonable, if clunky, solution for syncing document-centric apps (iWork) vs. database-centric apps (OF), so the doc-centric OmniOutliner should be less painful to build for the iPad/iPhone.

For Omni, I think it's important that they build their apps for BOTH the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. The iPad truly is a game changer in many respects (for those who GET IT), so ensuring that their apps work seamlessly between Mac OS X and iOS (an end-to-end solution) is in everyone's best interest.

wpitman 2010-05-02 02:58 PM

Sad and disappointed in OMNI
Message for DerekM -- the Moderator,

I have been a LONG time customer of The Omni Group products -- for both the mac and iPhone. I was the very first person to respond to this thread back on 1.1.09 -- over 16 months ago...and have waited patiently ever since.

But now I must be honest and say that I am VERY disappointed in Omni because nothing has happened yet for OO and the iPhone. OO for the iPhone appears to be nothing more than a vapor-app. The iPad has become the apple of your eye even though it has a far, far fewer customer base than the iPhone.

By asking the original question and getting an overwhelmingly positive response from long-time users, Omni encouraged and set the expectation of something to come...and so we waited and waited and waited. But by NOT fulfilling the very expectations that you encouraged, you damaged your own reputation (which to this point has been very positive for me) and proven yourselves to be untrustworthy.

On Omni's "About Us" page you claim to want to be a "different sort of company", provide "gold-standard customer support", and "treating our customers with respect" -- the agonizing delay in getting OO for the iPhone suggests otherwise.

My encouragement to Omni -- don't set expectations if you can't fulfill them. Learn to manage expectations better of your loyal customers instead of chasing new ones.

Please know that I still hope to be proven wrong and that OO for iPhone comes out very soon, but unless something changes soon, I will forever be jaded in my view of The Omni Group.

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