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vinceleers 2006-07-23 12:29 PM

Splash Screen - really necessary?
An option in the preferences to disable it might be nice. but that's just a thought.. not really necessary

vandelim 2006-07-23 04:14 PM

i wonder if there is a way that just deleting the image from the package would do the job

Jan 2006-07-25 12:50 AM

I don't think this would be a good solution vandelim,
because the image-load action would end up with an error,
which can never be good. Isn't it?!?

vinceleers 2006-07-25 02:15 PM

[QUOTE=vandelim]i wonder if there is a way that just deleting the image from the package would do the job[/QUOTE]

best way to disable it is probably to replace the splash image with a 1x1 pixel image.

frankiec 2008-06-27 03:25 PM

The splash screen has got to go. I'm surprised OG keeps it in. It's tacky and gives OW a dated feel.

slooude 2008-06-30 04:19 AM

Yeah I agree most apps that use a splash screen do feel dated. I for one have big expectations for version 6 and I'm confident Omnigroup won't let us down.

troyb 2008-06-30 08:46 AM

When OmniWeb 5 was first released splash screens were a lot more common. The main reason for using them was due to slow launch times (they tell the user there is something going on). OmniWeb starts up a lot quicker on modern hardware so there's a good chance we'll be removing it in a future release.

qazx 2008-06-30 03:03 PM

Hi I have been moaning about the splash screen for ages I have no idea why they have not done something as it obviously annoys a fair number of people! Anyway to be more serious it does not bother me much now because I have found a way to avoid seeing the thing when I login onto my iMac running OSX 10.5.4.

1. In System Preferences set Omniweb as one of your account login items and tick the box to hide it when you login

2. In Omniweb's Preferences under Tab & Window Preferences make sure there is no tick against 'Present a window when Omniweb starts'

When your desktop appears after you log in you should see a spot under the Omniweb icon in the Dock indicating it has started. When you then click the icon to launch you should get no splash screen just the browser window.

Hopes this helps ....


philonous 2008-06-30 06:31 PM

FWIW, a lot of Apple software takes a while to launch on my old Mac, and they have no splash. I'm just getting a little tired of splash graphics in general.

Handycam 2008-07-01 07:26 AM

maybe there is a hidden pref to disable this?

frankiec 2008-07-08 08:13 PM

I disabled the splash screen by control-clicking on the OmniWeb application and choosing "Show Package Contents" then going to Contents then Resources. There I control-clicked on Splash.nib and chose "Compress Splash.nib" (to archive it in case something bad happens) then deleted Splash.nib.

(It also seems to load faster too -- or that could just be in my head.)

Floach 2008-07-09 04:29 AM

As frankiec said, you can delete Splash.nib and Splash.png (or is it tif? Don't have OW installed at the moment) and everything continues to work fine. I've been doing this for a *very* long time. OW will throw a one-line error message in your system log as a result - which doesn't matter.

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