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paulduv 2009-10-10 11:07 AM

OmniFocus and Mindmapping: much more than "That'd be nice"?
I noticed a recent thread about integrated mindmapping software with OmniFocus, and it got me thinking about just how much of a chasm there is between my planning, and my use of OmniFocus. And I realized, for me, just how unbelievably awesome it would be if a mindmapping "interface" was built in to OmniFocus.

I'm thinking about those two software tools — mindmapping and OmniFocus — are counterparts to discrete stages of the GTD process. I'm quite sure I'm not exploring new conceptual ground — it's pretty fundamental stuff really, but still, when coming across threads and comments about mindmaps, I'm surprised the sentiments aren't more... hopeful, emphatic, [I]pleading[/I].

So I'm wondering how OmniFocus users and developers view the mindmapping/planning piece within OmniFocus:

• Tweeet! That's not what OmniFocus is for. Move along.
• Sure, it'd be handy for some people.
• It'd be ideal, but there are reasons why it can't be done.

Here's my two cents:

Mindmaps represent a crucial and necessary phase in GTD. While OmniFocus is helpful (for me, at least) in big-picture planning, it's not at all what David Allen suggests for planning / blue-sky / 30,000 feet processes. In fact, he emphatically teaches strategies that are [I]not[/I] "Thing 1, Thing 2 — subset A and B, Thing 3". Though OmniFocus is not as static and cognitively constraining as a pencil and a sheet of paper, it [I]is[/I] fundamentally based on lists and sub-lists, and as such, it's amenable to — no, that's too mild — it's precisely designed to implement — the serial, post-planning "runway" phase.

So I can imagine how unbelievably awesome it would be in my work, but more significantly :) , is it not the case that a pre-OmniFocus software tool, which facilitate and feeds into the OmniFocus/runway stage, would encompass exactly what GTD prescribes, and what its adherents (strict and approximate) must currently do by other means?

Toadling 2009-10-10 11:25 AM

[QUOTE=paulduv;68109]So I'm wondering how OmniFocus users and developers view the mindmapping/planning piece within OmniFocus:

• Tweeet! That's not what OmniFocus is for. Move along.
• Sure, it'd be handy for some people.
• It'd be ideal, but there are reasons why it can't be done.

I fall somewhere between the (1) and (2). I've personally never really felt the need for a discrete mindmapping tool and, to be honest, I'm not really sure how to use one or what exactly they do. I'm actually pretty happy with a combination of a task/list manager (like OmniFocus or OmniOutliner) and a text editor. But I'm willing to be enlightened. :-)

Does a mindmapping tool just allow you to graphically represent your thoughts? Could something like OmniGraffle satisfy the need, or is there some additional functionality specific to dedicated mindmapping tools?

I guess it largely comes down to how we each think and work. So I suppose I can see this being of value to some people, but I'm not one of them at the moment.


curt.clifton 2009-10-10 02:35 PM

So I'm wondering how OmniFocus users and developers view the mindmapping/planning piece within OmniFocus:

1. Tweeet! That's not what OmniFocus is for. Move along.
2. Sure, it'd be handy for some people.
3. It'd be ideal, but there are reasons why it can't be done.

Excellent thread topic. I look forward to learning from what others have to say.

Personally, I have no desire for mind mapping support in OF. I've tried mind mapping software and find that it gets in my way. Mind mapping only seems to work for me with pen and paper (or whiteboard and marker). I don't find mind mapping essential to GTD. It's helpful to me at the 50k level when I'm feeling anxious, but for translation to goals, projects, and actions, a nested list is adequate.

That said, I wouldn't answer (1); who am I to judge what others might find useful in a personal task management application. But I wouldn't answer (2) either, since effort on adding mind mapping would delay features I'd rather have available such as meta-data columns, smart folders, time-based views of data, and stronger support for Applescript queries of actions. I guess my answer would be, "Sure, add it to the list of requested features, but (at the risk of reopening [URL=""]the mother of all threads[/URL]) prioritize the new feature request appropriately."



wilsonng 2009-10-10 02:46 PM

it would be hard for OmnniFocus to be everything to everyone.

I'd love a mindmapping function but OF would probably need to be rewired to take advantage of it.

Yes, mindmapping is a crucial and necessary phase but there are already tools outside of OF that are available.

I'd love to have one program to have everything but I find it sometimes better to have separate programs.

iCal - for my calendared action items
DevonThink Pro Office - for my file reference and project support materials
OmniOutliner Pro - for my brain dumps and other various lists

As an example, I know I'd be trying to shoehorn in file reference and project support material into OF. So I'd rather use DevonThink which is more ideally suited for this purpose.

I know it's been brought up in the past to have a built-in calendar for OF. But the OF development team has placed it in the backburner.

But who knows, if there's enough people voting for mindmapping, maybe the OF folks would consider it!

epo 2009-10-11 03:05 AM

Give it a rest
Support forums appear to be full of threads along the lines of "I use X, I'd like to do Y, wouldn't it be awesome of X did Y".

The answer in almost every case is "no it wouldn't", most tools were designed to do one thing best, the alternative is the Microsoft Swiss Army Chainsaw approach where the suite does everything - badly.

filmgeek 2009-10-11 09:41 AM

Any reason why you couldn't launch a separate piece of software for mind mapping? You can attach documents to given projects (perfect for mind mapping.)

BevvyB 2009-10-11 10:08 AM

I was just about to start a thread very similar to this one, did a quick scan of the forums and found this thread...

Here's my story so far: Got properly into GTD just over a year ago when I got my iPhone and realised I could sync OF to it. I've now got much of the thinking of GTD as second nature and to be honest can't imagine how I got along without this type of GTD thinking before.

I have found OF invaluable in helping me get up to speed with all of this, especially with the basic concepts of:

Getting things out of your head
Next Actions and
Projects (when something becomes one)

and also to some extent:


So here's what I've found -


I feel like I've reached a ceiling with Omnifocus. Without a shadow of a doubt with the ideas in GTD and OF together I am finally at a place where all the clutter that used to really get me down is no longer an issue. This is nothing short of amazing. Now I find myself 'off the runway' pretty much all of the time (something I never thought possible) I am now able to tackle short to long term goals with a clear head. Awesome, I love it, never going back to the old 'me'.

Now, even though this is a great place to be, a lot of the other concepts that appear in GTD, such as setting goals, 30, 40, 50 thousand feet vision seem to be something I have real problems with. It's not that I'm having problem thinking in my head about what I want to achieve, where I want to be in 5 years etc - what I'm having problems with is HOW TO USE OMNIFOCUS TO HELP ME ORGANISE THESE CONCEPTS alongside all my runway / short term goal level stuff.

So currently Omnifocus to me is a 'runway to take-off' tool, something it does very well. As far as long term planning goes, I am completely at a loss on how to configure Omnifocus to do this. I've done all kinds of fiddling with it and it doesn't seem to want to 'fit'.

Now, as Paulduv who started this thread stated, Mind Maps are a great way of personal brainstorming where you'd like to be in the future and of visualizing longer term goals. Because for the first time I'm am now CONSTANTLY off the runway and seem to be circling wondering where to fly to in the somewhat distant future, I have started using Free Mind (free mind mapping software) to help myself find out more of the further afield and occasionally somewhat abstract notions of where I'm trying to actually get to. Using a mind map is great fun, and instead of wishing that Omnifocus had this mind mapping integrated into it I quite like having it all in a separate application that allows me to think free form instead of in lists.

This still leaves the problem however that when I have kind of figured out these longer term goals and strategies, I can't seem to work out an easy way to incorporate them into my Omnifocus workflow. Adding overarching themes and ideas into Omnifocus seems impossible, and in some ways I guess it's a problem of a list based system. I guess in a way some of the life goals and 'where you'd like to be in five years' kind of concepts could be considered a kind of giant project of sorts, but still I can't figure out how Omnifocus can help me get my head around this stuff, or link the smaller projects I'm working on into the bigger picture.


I should just mention that although I like the GTD book, I really HATE the whole idea of runways and takeoff and 30, 40, 50k feet - the analogy does nothing for me and I wish he'd described it in some other way. Height, for me, conjures up nothing but going on holiday and fluffy clouds. When I think of a better analogy I'll let you know!


Please bear with me, I now want to talk about something else I have problems with, and that is actually CONTEXTS. This is another part of the bigger picture for me that doesn't quite make sense. I have tried all kinds of contexts and now they're pretty minimal. Like many people on these forums, I spend a lot of time on the computer because everything I do nowadays seems to be something to do with it.

So here I am with my Computer context with almost everything in it (although I've subcontexted it a bit), a Comms context with all my email / phone / interaction stuff in it, and some other contexts which are a bit, well, meh. I swear I've fiddled with them to keep them simple, but to be honest I'm getting bored making everything one of four computer contexts.


Now as I read other stuff and look at other software, the concept of the different type of person you are during your day to day life looked interesting from the '7 Habits Of Highly Successful People' book. As part of the personal brainstorming in that system, you write down all the jobs you have to do, something like:

Web Designer
Semi-pro Footballer
Martial Arts Lecturer

and use these different "you"'s to figure out what different modes of working and living you have, so you can make sure you evenly distribute your time and goals to each person that you are. In my mind this concept works very well and is 'sticky', I can really relate to it as I do many various overlapping jobs. I'm sure some of you are well aware of this book, and also the authors idea of thinking of actions in four zones etc - if not I'll let you go and do some research on that, it's well worth a look.

But what I'm thinking is this - has anyone else here ditched the 'traditional' GTD style contexts and used context based more on the various kinds of hats you wear? At one point I was thinking of creating contexts based more on mood, but I think I can really see a value in having contexts related to the kind of person I'm at at any one time. 'This afternoon I'm only going to be a musician' seems to put me in a better frame of mind to tackle musician stuff, just as 'This morning I'm going to be a web designer' would. The idea of putting on a different hat seems to help me mentally adjust to the mode I have to be in, but may also really help me create some contexts that finally have some relevance, as opposed to 'computer, computer, computer'.

So just wondered if anyone had tried this approach, and if there were any other people who really didn't get along with contexts and had tried some radical new thinking to this. I know I'm not the only one thinking that contexts, as taught in GTD, just doesn't fit properly.

curt.clifton 2009-10-11 11:23 AM


Here are a [URL=""]couple[/URL] of [URL=""]threads[/URL] that discuss reviews. My [URL=""]post 13 in the second thread[/URL] describes how I'm handling the higher levels, with lots of references to Covey there.

I don't find GTD contexts extremely helpful, since I'm at a computer most of the day, but I do find standard Errands and Phone contexts useful, as well as a Chores context for when I'm working in the yard or around the house. I'm using folders for life roles and will focus on a particular folder if I need to firmly don that hat for awhile.



PeterS 2009-10-11 11:56 AM

I would be horrified if OF confused its interface with mind mapping. I use mind mapping tools almost every day, and used the technique long before it arrived on computers. I have two mind map progs (Novamind and Mind Manager) which work brilliantly but differently. OF for me is the best at what it does, and does exactly what I want, as do my mind mappers. I'm grown up, I can cope with an OF action to develop a mind map, I can tweek the action as the map grows if it takes time.

BevvyB 2009-10-11 12:29 PM

I'm grown up too. :P

elektroglide 2009-10-12 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=BevvyB;68144]I'm grown up too. :P[/QUOTE]

i'm not - i'd like to be able to seamlessly view information in any of the omni apps - graphic/flowchart/mind map > outline > todo list > project managament, and move easily between them as the focus requires. hyperlinking individual outline items to expanded mindmap/outline/todo's, converting any item to any other format etc etc.

i think the omnisuite might have some growing up to do yet...

ToddPeperkorn 2009-10-13 08:20 AM

I think I'd be happy with a scriptable way of importing/exporting data from OF into MindManager or NovaMind or something like that.

whpalmer4 2009-10-13 09:46 AM

I think you've already got it, though there might be more scripting involved than you want :-)

I don't have any of the commercial mindmap apps you mentioned, but a little bit of looking around suggests that you could use Rob Trew's OmniFocus to OmniOutliner export Applescript ([url][/url]) and then import the OmniOutliner file into NovaMind Pro or Platinum. Both NovaMind and MindManager appear to have Applescript support, so once you've figured out the appropriate incantations to generate an object in the destination, it should be feasible to take something like Rob's script above and modify it to build up mind map objects instead of an OmniOutliner document.

DamonC 2009-10-15 10:18 AM

This is a good thread, lots of interesting views.

I use MindManager on my Mac and find it immensely useful. I used to put most of my thoughts into OmniOutliner but find it's linearity to be, well, too linear. Don't get me wrong, I use (and love) OmniOutliner a lot too but it doesn't work well for me for brainstorming. I find the visual aspect of a mind map to be far more helpful to me than a list of items, I jump around the map and add things to it far easier than scrolling up and down a list. I design database systems in FileMaker Pro for my job and come from a Design/Print background so using a visual tool works well for me.

MindManager can export an OPML file so OmniOutliner can open that file and save it as a native OmniOutliner file and import into OmniFocus. I haven't played around with any AppleScript there but I would be able to build a droplet that you could drop the MindManager file onto and have AppleScript automate the process of bringing the mind map into OmniFocus' Inbox - so long as OmniFocus' import process can be scripted (I haven't looked yet).

philmur 2009-10-15 06:10 PM

Mind mapping - thoughts
Years ago I used [U]Inspiration[/U] as my outliner/planner. One could make mind maps and turn them into outlines at the click of a button. Then I discovered OmniOutliner, which won my heart. I must admit: I am more of an "outliner" than a "mapper." But as a teacher, the mind mapping feature of [U]Inspiration[/U] was invaluable. I could create dazzling maps to preview my lessons. What if OmniOutliner added a mind mapping feature? Would this solve some problems posters are having?

piratemacfan 2009-10-16 09:07 PM

GTD, contexts, and 'Hats'

I use 'Hats' to organize most everything I do: my document folders on iDisk; Safari bookmarks; Mailbox folders; calendars in iCal.

I used 'Hats' to organize tasks/projects in that other GTD software, Things. If you are familiar with 'Things', my 'Hats' appeared as 'Areas of Responsibility.'

I am testing 30-day trial of OmniFocus (for the second or third time). I haven't yet seen where 'Hats' fit in OF.

In summary, I have found 'Hats' works VERY well as the primary organizing principle for computer folders, bookmarks, mailboxes, and calendars. For GTD, it works well too. However, it introduces some 'clutter' and it may not be as efficient as 'contexts' and 'projects'.

piratemacfan 2009-10-16 09:25 PM


One additional item: a very nice post on the topic of 'Hats' in another section of this forum, in thread 'Fear of OF/GTD':

2009-05-31, 02:02 PM

BevvyB 2009-10-17 01:01 AM

re: Hats

I've started using the hats thing as project folders / sub folders - works very well and gives me another way to sort things

Toadling 2009-10-17 06:14 AM

[QUOTE=BevvyB;68445]I've started using the hats thing as project folders / sub folders - works very well and gives me another way to sort things[/QUOTE]

I agree. I've been using folders as areas of responsibility in OmniFocus for years now and it's worked extremely well for me. I've always thought that was the intended use for folders in OF. The ability to expand/collapse, focus, group, and nest projects and actions inside of folders allows me to stay on top of a lot more stuff than I might otherwise be able to handle.


johnsel 2009-10-20 01:33 PM

Just attach the mind map file
I use MindMap (free version) for mind mapping. It's simple, uncluttered and easy to use.
I think expecting to start with a mind map and then automagically generate OF entries is an unrealistic hope. The creativity of a mind map and the structure of an OF entry are not really very similar - other than some mind map nodes might well translate into projects and tasks. But you still have to assign contexts and perhaps dates and other supporting detail when you put it into OF.

What I do is create my map in MindMap. Save it. Create a placeholder Project in a folder called "WhateverTheTopic MindMap". I then add the MindMap as an attachment to that Project.

The topic will then have projects, tasks etc each of which are entered into OF, but it is quite seamless when I want to review my map to click the attachment.

I find this works very well.

I'm wary of turning OF into a swiss army knife, but if the Omni guys could add mind mapping that is a simple and streamlined as MindMap then I'd welcome it in the product.

Certainly OF has lots of things it could improve. But it is a great product and provides enough flexibility that with a bit of thought you can usually make it work the way you want it to.

rstraker 2009-10-27 04:41 PM

Contexts podcast


But what I'm thinking is this - has anyone else here ditched the 'traditional' GTD style contexts and used context based more on the various kinds of hats you wear? At one point I was thinking of creating contexts based more on mood, but I think I can really see a value in having contexts related to the kind of person I'm at at any one time. 'This afternoon I'm only going to be a musician' seems to put me in a better frame of mind to tackle musician stuff, just as 'This morning I'm going to be a web designer' would. The idea of putting on a different hat seems to help me mentally adjust to the mode I have to be in, but may also really help me create some contexts that finally have some relevance, as opposed to 'computer, computer, computer'.

So just wondered if anyone had tried this approach, and if there were any other people who really didn't get along with contexts and had tried some radical new thinking to this. I know I'm not the only one thinking that contexts, as taught in GTD, just doesn't fit properly.[/QUOTE]

FYI. Interesting podcast on using contexts skillfully. May have some useful ideas: [url][/url]

Butter 2009-11-03 06:02 PM

Mind Mapping is Needed.
My 2 cents:

I love Mind Mapping. Currently using the free XMind.
Seems to be a great mapping tool.

However, it would be great if Omni would have the option for exporting (or importing), data for mapping programs.

I don't think it would be a good idea to have mapping on a program like OmniFocus, but it would make sense on OmniPlan.

In the meantime, I find Mind Mapping an essential part of my process.
My method isn't entirely David Allen in the pure sense of GTD. I utilize parts of GTD on a daily basis, but I also use, Anthony Robbins RPM method which I personally find works better for me on a ultimate outcome, different level. GTD works for me on a daily task level.

Mind Mapping can work with GTD and Omni, but it doesn't need to be integrated per se. It would be nice if it could export and import at the least.

Another poster mentioned DevonTHINK, and I have to agree, that this is an amazing piece of software to utilize reference material and organize information. It also works with both GTD and RPM methods.

arathe 2009-11-04 01:15 PM

Simple Omnifocus/Xmind integration
I'm also a longtime fan of mindmapping... Many aspects of planning projects and schedules seem much more intuitive to me using a mindmap rather than a sequential list. I've found a (low-tech) way to integrate Omnifocus and Xmind. It works pretty well for me.

Here's what I do... I track all my tasks in OF, and use Perspectives to generate a view of tasks to do Today. I refine the list using Flags, filtering it down to those items I really, truly want to do today. Once I've got that, I manually copy the tasks to Xmind -- where I can sort them into mindmap branches, however best suits my planning. (I sometimes sort into major contexts and "hats" -- but almost always end up sorting into the various time-blocks that constitute my day.)

Copying from OF to Xmind is quite simple--but there's a trick. Essentially, it's a mere matter of selecting the tasks in OF, copying, and pasting them into the desired location in Xmind (whatever branch I'd like). The wrinkle is this: in the current version of Xmind for Mac, pasting that way will not generate a separate branch for each task, but rather one single cell on a branch, with all the tasks in a single text block. The best workaround I've found is to do an intermediate step: before pasting into Xmind, I paste the tasks, unformatted, into a NeoOffice text document, then re-copy. Not sure precisely why, but the result is that when I now paste the list into Xmind, each task shows up on a separate branch (the way I want it).

This workflow is a lot less cumbersome than it sounds -- and lets me track tasks with the power of OF, yet move my scheduled tasks for a particular day (or week) around with ease. My left brain and right brain are on speaking terms again. =)

mjstarks 2009-11-07 02:14 PM

Apple Slate
This thread reminds me of what I really would like to see with the Apple Slate (or Tablet, or whatever) - the ability to draw and organize with a omniGraffle like interface, linking things and ideas together then have them seamlessly added to omniFocus and OmniPlan to accomplish.

Of course, I would also like to have it work as a singular digital inbox, allowing me to capture all of my writings and notes, have it read my terrible handwriting and easily file everything to where it needs to be for both reference and execution.

I am hoping Omni is of a similar mindset, and Apple too. The above is what I need. The e-book, itunes, video thing should be the bonus, not the focus, in my opinion.

Ok, bringing this back to thread, it seems like OmniGraffle could be fairly easily adapted to mind mapping and integration between all Omni Apps needs to improve dramatically. I can't drag and drop content between Focus, Plan, and Outline? Ugh. Come on Omni, you are killing my workflow.

What we need is OmniWork in which their is seemless data transfer between all of the Omni applications. Oh, and perfect integration with the apple slate as the OmniInbox!

dastogie 2010-12-08 07:28 AM

Any progress or updated tips?
Before I go to far in investigating this, thought I'd see if there's anything new on this thread. I have previously been a user of various mind mapping tools, but I abandoned in favor of the ubiquity and wireless sych Omni gives me with Mac + iPhone. But now that I have an iPad, I'm really loving the ability to traverse maps, set up relationships, etc. The panacea would be to script perspectives into a mind map tool (and if I'm really being idealistic one that also syncs with a desktop tool).

policarpo 2010-12-08 10:09 AM

I'd be a little leery of having mindmapping in OmniFocus, considering it hasn't been done well in Omnigraffle. I'd suggest just keeping mindmapping in a dedicated app and just make sure it has .OPML support so you can get your data out and into OF.

Here's my workflow in regards to mindmapping and GTD:

. Start with Mindmapping (iThoughts on iPad and/or Novamind desktop)--iThoughts exports native NM files --
. Get the entire scope, vision, and bifurcations out and on the page
. Create a branch of Next Steps
. Create a branch of Someday
. Create a branch of FollowUp
. Copy these branches
. Export to .OPML
. Import into Outliner
. Copy and Paste into my Projects in OF
. Rinse and Repeat as needed

Tylast 2011-02-20 10:44 AM

I'd like to see MindJet (.mmap) compatibility.

mif 2011-12-21 09:56 AM

I have had the same thoughts. I have used mind mapping software for about 15 years and done 1000's of maps. One observation personally, is that I always seemed to clean up my maps by having everything branch out to the right, which basically is a Hierarchical outline anyway. I have discovered that Omnigraffle has a feature where you can do rapid entry in outline view while simultaneously presenting the data in any combination of patterns and directions which is extremely close to a mind map. I'm thinking that with a little more training on the program and a dash of creativity, I may not ever need to use my mind mapping software again.

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