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vitvit2002 2011-10-25 02:53 AM

Context with multiply geolocations?
With iOS5 new feature "Location Notification" it's very useful to be alarmed by OmniFocus for iPhone when getting certain place. But what if that place have multiply addresses? For example @Grocery shop: I have 4 grocery shops around my house and might be near one of them. Is it possible to set more then one location for context or maybe there is another workaround for this situation?
I know that I can set Google search result as a location, but Google isn't almighty and doesn't know every exact place, business, shop and so on.

Grail 2011-10-25 02:31 PM

Geolocation contexts are only useful for single locations. You might try setting up separate contexts for each grocery shop with a reminder to check the @grocer context? This could help get you in the habit of checking OmniFocus when you go to any grocer :)

vitvit2002 2011-10-25 10:15 PM

[QUOTE=Grail;103337]Geolocation contexts are only useful for single locations. You might try setting up separate contexts for each grocery shop with a reminder to check the @grocer context? This could help get you in the habit of checking OmniFocus when you go to any grocer :)[/QUOTE]
I can check OmniFocus on the way to the grocery shop without any location notification, it's obvious.
There are a lot of examples when context could have multi-locations: shops, car repairs, banks with departments in every part of the city and so on. In the such case location notifications would be more useful, especially if you often and randomly move throught the city.

Brian 2011-10-26 01:53 PM

We've got a feature request open on the ability to set multiple locations for a given context. I'll add your post to that item in our development database, vitvit2002, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added. (The number of folks asking for a given change is one of the metrics we use when planning our work.)


vitvit2002 2011-10-26 09:33 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;103369]I'll add your post to that item in our development database, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added.

Thank you, Brian!
Looking forward to get this feature in OmniFocus.

Mondozer 2011-12-29 12:57 PM

+1 for this feature.

nayamuwa 2011-12-29 04:23 PM

+1 for this feature.

madJeanne 2012-04-12 11:45 AM

Multiple locations for contexts (with notifications when near any of them) is the whole reason I switched to OF. It is now useless to me :-( Please please add!

whpalmer4 2012-04-16 12:56 PM

[QUOTE=madJeanne;109435]Multiple locations for contexts (with notifications when near any of them) is the whole reason I switched to OF. It is now useless to me :-( Please please add![/QUOTE]

How can it be the whole reason, when it has never been present? If you feel that you were misled, Omni does offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

leo 2012-04-18 06:14 PM

+1 4 this too!

bemental 2012-10-10 07:11 PM

+1 for this as well. I'd love to have sub-contexts feed into the parent and allow for multiple geo-locations WITH alerts.

Perhaps a better way to select business other than Google searches as well. Even when I refine my searches with some Google-Fu it still ends up failing (such as when a local elementary school partners with Barnes & Noble, posts it all over their school website which leads Omnifocus to send me there instead of B&N).

Dale 2012-10-11 12:25 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;103369]We've got a feature request open on the ability to set multiple locations for a given context. I'll add your post to that item in our development database, vitvit2002, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added. (The number of folks asking for a given change is one of the metrics we use when planning our work.)



+1 for me on the multiple geo locations per contact.

I would like to add my opinion and make a request for two associated items. I am not sure if these need a separate thread or not.

1) Updating geo location information when changes are made to the associated contact address. e.g. My sister moved and updating her address in the contacts did not change the geo location information under her context in OmniFocus on my iPhone.

2) This is a complete wish at this point. -- Attach geo location information to search parameters. When choosing search terms "Bank of America" to be associated to a context when the search updates the geo location information is transferred to the context and notification can be activated.

bemental 2012-10-11 02:07 PM

[QUOTE=Dale;115905]Attach geo location information to search parameters. When choosing search terms "Bank of America" to be associated to a context when the search updates the geo location information is transferred to the context and notification can be activated.[/QUOTE]

In theory isn't this how search-based locations are supposed to work? I'm not sure exactly when Omni does the search for a context, but from my understanding OF searches every time you pull up the map view?

That's a shame that OF isn't smart enough to check your contacts and know that they've changed. Silly!

Dale 2012-10-11 02:23 PM

[QUOTE=bemental;115908]In theory isn't this how search-based locations are supposed to work? I'm not sure exactly when Omni does the search for a context, but from my understanding OF searches every time you pull up the map view?

That's a shame that OF isn't smart enough to check your contacts and know that they've changed. Silly![/QUOTE]

Maybe I should be more clear. Currently when choosing the option to perform a search instead of assigning a contact to a specific context. There is no option to choose any type of notification. I would think if the location is being pulled down when I view my contexts in the map view this geo location data can be attributed to the search parameters and updated to provide notifications as is done with address information for items on my contacts list.

As for the updating of changed contact information. I am not sure if this has been something many people have noticed. I only realized OF was not updating contact information when testing geo location for the search of a specific context and noticed the pin for my sister's home was in the wrong place - her old address.


I should add I am not aware of the requirements Omni Group would need address to automatically access and update this type of information, both for the contacts and with search. My concern is more with OF automatically tracking a "movable" target than anything else. This type of variable target could be hard to hit, especially with the Google errors I constantly get. Try having your young child see "Toys R Us" on the map and in reality it is a clothing store at the mall. Google has recently become more and more useless to me with all the false positive results.

bemental 2012-10-11 03:11 PM

Yea, I think that if they allowed searches to give us reminders then we'd always be getting pinged for businesses that happened to somehow relate to a search (since the search parameters are so loose right now).

sgbotsford 2013-04-14 01:52 PM

[QUOTE=vitvit2002;103351]I can check OmniFocus on the way to the grocery shop without any location notification, it's obvious.
There are a lot of examples when context could have multi-locations: shops, car repairs, banks with departments in every part of the city and so on. In the such case location notifications would be more useful, especially if you often and randomly move throught the city.[/QUOTE]

The kludge is to work it this way:

Subproject in Groceries called "Grocery Check"
It has one action for each store you use, each one with a context for one particular store.

Subproject in Groceries that has your shopping list.

Groceries project has no start date, no due date.

Create the list. Then pause the project.

When you enter, or uncheck an item to buy, unpause the project.

Now when you are near any of the grocery store location contexts you should get an alert.

Or is my ignorance showing?

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