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alvarado 2008-01-21 10:52 PM

The format of single actions
I'm puzzled why, in a single action list, the font of some actions is gray and the actions are unavailable. (They do not have start dates.) The font of other actions, in the same list, is correctly blue. However, the correctly color-coded blue actions are also underlined. What does that mean?

Lizard 2008-01-22 09:55 AM

The ones that are gray -- maybe they don't have contexts or their start dates are in the future?

The blue ones being underlined -- maybe you turned on underlining by mistake? As far as I know, the defaults don't use underlining for any of our styles. Select one of the blue underlined tasks and type cmd-U and see if it goes away.

alvarado 2008-01-22 03:56 PM

The format of single actions
Thanks, Lizard.

Re the blue, underlined single actions: When I selected one and pressed command-U, the underlining did not go away, but became darker, on all the blue actions, as if the text was underlined twice. Next I went to Format>Font>Show Fonts where, sure enough, underlining was selected. When I changed the underlining selection to none in the Fonts Panel, the underlining on all the blue single actions disappeared. Yea!

Re the unavailable gray single actions, none of them have start or end dates, and they all do have contexts. So they should be blue and available, right? For what it's worth, if I try to "force" a gray single action to be available by setting its start date to yesterday, it stubbornly remains gray and unavailable.

Toadling 2008-01-22 06:38 PM

Maybe the Context assigned to those actions is "On Hold"?

alvarado 2008-01-22 06:52 PM

The format of single actions
Thanks, Toadling, you are absolutely right! I guess I've had my "duh" moment for the day.

Toadling 2008-01-22 07:12 PM

He he. We've all been there. Glad it was something simple.

Frosty Crunch 2008-01-25 10:13 PM

I had a project with all the remaining actions colored gray. There were no blocking or date issues to explain it. I then displayed all actions, revealing a completed action before the first remaining action. I moved the completed action to the bottom of the sequence, which turned the first remaining action purple. I then moved the completed action back up to position 1. The first remaining action remained purple, as it should be.

Is this a bug, or is there some other explanation?

Toadling 2008-01-26 04:10 AM

Hmm, that sounds like a bug to me. Can you reproduce it? If so, you should send feedback to Omni just in case they don't see this thread.

milkywater 2008-02-21 10:53 AM

Wow, I'm having what I thought was the same problem. These seemingly random highlighted blue actions just appeared one day and when I click them they open up a new, identical, Omnifocus window. I tried messing with the Font panel (underlining was not selected and won't take the existing underlines away) and now my formating is all screwed up. There are black dots next to all of my actions and everything seems tighter and smaller though the font size wasn't changed. This happened after I clicked Text shadow and then immediately unclicked it (I had highlighted everything in the wondow). help?

Ken Case 2008-02-21 11:07 AM

Sounds like you've accidentally set your generic action style. You should be able to reset it to the default state by selecting it and then selecting "Clear Style" from the Format menu.

We'll be adding some Style Preferences (probably in 1.1) to make style configuration clearer, and will probably also remove the ability to set them directly in the action outline to avoid accidental changes to them.

milkywater 2008-02-21 11:09 AM

Thanks, that worked. I'm still having the underline problem, but now each underlined action is purple.

milkywater 2008-02-21 12:57 PM

Okay, I get why they are purple, I just don't understand why they stopped being purple in the first place. I think it happened right around the time my blue actions became underlined and open up a new, identical window when you click on them. Still can't get that to stop.
While I'm here, what is the significance of the black dots to the left of some actions? They only appear next to purple, grey or orange actions (I have no red actions because I am the king of productivity, but I assume they would show up there as well?) Why grey and not blue?

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