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gobbel 2010-08-02 12:25 PM

OmniPlan 2.0, is this actually being worked on?
There are several features that have been cited for OmniPlan 2.0 (e.g., multiple projects) that I really need, but I've heard so little about new development on this product (and it's been a long time since the last maintenance release) that I'm wondering if it's still in active development. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Ken Case 2010-08-02 05:45 PM

OmniPlan 2 has been under heavy development for a few years and is nearing the end of its development cycle. (Most major product releases take 24-36 months to develop.)

The major focus of OmniPlan 2 is collaboration. We look forward to sharing more about it soon!

pheller 2010-08-04 06:16 AM

... hopefully "sharing more soon" means sneaky peaks!

sfillibeck 2010-08-05 03:08 AM

Good news that 2.0 is underway
I am really looking forward. Using OmniPlan for quite some time now (as well as OmniFocus and OmniGraffle) I would love to see the first sneaky peek asap.
If there is a need for Beta testers, do not hesitate.... ;-)

BTW: The Omni Team did a great job with ALL iPAD versions.

michaelaye 2010-08-05 10:52 AM

I just really hope that all the bugs/oddities I found (talk with Aaron ;) ) will be crushed as well and that OP 2 will not just suffer from the infamous coding disease 'featuritis'.
I still prefer OP over Merlin, don't get me wrong, I think OP is the best balance between complexity and features that I know of, but there are some essential things still not working that I am really really hoping to see in OP 2, with the most important being that resource levelling is handling equipment properly.
That is such an important and useful feature, I'm sure you would gain thousands of new customers, if that would work right.

(Omnigroup got me hooked btw, now test-driving OF ;) )

cbmackay 2010-08-11 06:52 PM

Glad to hear OmniPlan is getting attention, Ken. As with others, I've been anxiously awaiting the multiple-project capability. Having recently been lured back to using OmniFocus by its excellent iPad version -- and loving it -- I'm now looking at reviving my use of OmniPlan, but that multiple-project limitation remains a show-stopper.

Look forward to giving you more money ASAP!

BwanaZulia 2010-08-12 02:15 AM

Cannot wait... I just got the rest of my team using OmniFocus (on all devices) and being able to now collaborate in some fashion would be great.


nailen 2010-08-13 06:08 PM

Is there a sneak-peak beta of OmniPlan 2.0 available now?

mattao 2010-08-18 10:43 AM

Like to see a beta
I add my vote for a beta soon.

Miss the iCal sync of other softs.... and the iPad links.

Omnifocus is not sufficient for me...

rfoerster 2010-09-06 07:00 AM


Any news on OmniPlan 2.0 (with multiproject feature ;-) and iPad version of OP?

Cheers, Roland

Ken Case 2010-09-06 03:33 PM

Work on OmniPlan for iPad hasn't officially started yet, since the OmniPlan team is still busy working on OmniPlan 2.0.

I'll be officially back from vacation tomorrow, after which I'll review the current state of OmniPlan 2.0 and will hopefully be in a position to post an update. (We're very eager to share with you all the work we've done on 2.0 over the past few years!)

cbmackay 2010-09-06 04:40 PM

2.0 ftw!
Hi, Ken,

Can't wait to hear what you've got on OmniPlan 2.0. Just getting back into it after an extended break.

zbeckman 2010-09-08 11:27 AM

Hopes and plans doe OmniPlan
Hi Ken,

Looking forward to your update. I'd appreciate it if you could include a comparison to some of the more 'professional' features of MS Project, specifically enhanced resource management and EVM (earned value management). I've been watching (and trying) OmniPlan for a while, but right now I'm still stuck using a combination of Merlin (a great app but, I think and hope, not maturing as fast as OP?) and MS Project (ug).


SimonB 2010-09-15 04:10 AM

Any update on the update?
I'm a solid OmniGraffle, OmniFocus (MAC & IPAD) user and would like to have a rough idea of the timeline for 2.0 (I lived through the OF iPad release agony!). "Q4" is precision enough. A high-level list of features would also be very useful.

spinnakerco 2010-09-15 09:45 AM

I'd LOVE to help beta test...

pheller 2010-09-16 05:51 AM

Hungry for news..... Update please, Ken! :-)

a-one 2010-09-22 03:37 AM

I wonder if some integration between OF and OP might ever be on the cards?

Seems to me there is clearly a use for planning with OP and then heading to OF for day to day task management.

At the moment I effectively do this by using Merlin for project planning (largely because unlike OP it syncs with iCal to create 'all day event' calendars that are easier to share / sync with team and clients) ... and then manually re-set up my projects and set up their constituent tasks in OF. Works fine - but would be way better to keep all three elements (Project Planner, Calendar, Task Management) in sync ... and ideally all in an Omni way on the Project and Task fronts.

So, one would set up projects and their scheduling of start and due dates, dependencies, etc in OP, and then head over to OF to deal with the tasks that are needed to complete those projects.

Would be great to bring together Gantt chart based project planning and GTD task management. Somehow I suppose one would need to overcome the fact that each system (and therefore app) uses a different hierarchy of terminology though - ie. "Tasks" in OP are really "Projects" in the OF/GTD sense. Would "task groups" in OP become project "folders" in OF?

pslade 2010-10-11 11:19 AM

Would like an update also
I would like an update also on where OmniPlan 2.0 currently stands.

gobbel 2010-10-12 09:41 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;85058]... I'll be officially back from vacation tomorrow, after which I'll review the current state of OmniPlan 2.0 and will hopefully be in a position to post an update. ...[/QUOTE]

Eagerly awaiting the update...

whpalmer4 2010-10-12 10:46 AM

[QUOTE=gobbel;87303]Eagerly awaiting the update...[/QUOTE]

Go read the Omni blog, Ken spoke about current status of the various efforts there about a month ago, just as he promised...

Ken Case 2010-10-13 06:08 PM

To save you the effort of looking up [URL=""]that blog post[/URL], here's what I said about OmniPlan:
[INDENT]First, a quick update on OmniPlan: we haven't really started on OmniPlan for iPad yet, because we're still busy building OmniPlan 2 for Mac. That's about to enter private beta; hopefully that process will give us a better sense of how close it is (and thus how soon we can start on the iPad app).[/INDENT]
But before we start testing 2.0, we'd like feedback on our upcoming OmniPlan 1.7 release!
[INDENT]Integrated the latest version of mpxj from Most notably this adds support for Microsoft Project 2010 MPP files, and improves compatibility with 2007 MSPDI and earlier formats.[/INDENT]
To help us test OmniPlan 1.7, please visit the [URL=""]OmniPlan 1.7 sneaky peek[/URL] page.

Thank you!

okev 2010-10-14 12:42 AM

Upgrade path for new licenses
Hi guys,

Will you be offering a (free) upgrade path between omniplan 1.6/1.7 and 2.0 when you release it?


Brian 2010-10-15 03:24 PM

Updates of our products - going from OmniPlan 1.6 to 1.7, for example - are free, but we generally charge for upgrades. (Going from 1.x to 2.0 would be an upgrade.)

whpalmer4 2010-10-17 11:06 AM

If you happen to buy within the 30 days prior to a new major version coming out, Omni's 30 day return policy will give you a free upgrade, assuming the new major version is the same price as the old, and you act promptly.

mattao 2010-11-22 07:47 PM

And what are the news now?

Tom Bunch 2010-11-23 08:33 AM

OmniPlan 2.0 isn't ready for a public beta yet, but we're doing limited invitational usability testing. If you like living dangerously and would like to take part in the dialogue, you can request to be a part of it by sending mail including your forums username to [email][/email].

I hope Aaron doesn't kill me for publicly inviting a flood of emails!


Sanook 2010-12-09 04:19 AM

Sent an email. I look forward to 2, hopefully will include some much needed features (droplines) and improvements (multi-project, OF integration, etc).

samj 2011-01-17 04:12 AM

Sneaky peeks now available!
I just stumbled on OmniPlan 2.0 sneaky peeks at [url][/url]

Tom Bunch 2011-01-20 04:09 PM

[QUOTE=samj;91792]I just stumbled on OmniPlan 2.0 sneaky peeks at [url][/url][/QUOTE]

Indeed! That's where they are, but those builds won't work without a 2.0 license. The license will be made available once you've been officially granted access to it, which is, once again, by request to [email][/email]. At this point access is being limited by an arcane formula involving astrological signs and PayPal account balances, or so I'm told.

Ok, seriously, we are restricting access to avoid being overwhelmed by feedback and, anyway, this release may well kill your dog. It's not ready for a public beta.


cdharch 2011-01-22 08:53 AM

I prefer the Omniplan interface, but the lack of mulit-project support is about to force me to buy ConceptDraw project, which is not as clean and more expensive. Any sort of timeline for when OmniPlan 2.0 is coming? If it's going to be several months still, then I'll have to buy the other software to hobble thru in the meantime...

jamesb 2011-02-03 03:06 AM

[QUOTE=Tom Bunch;92013]Indeed! That's where they are, but those builds won't work without a 2.0 license. The license will be made available once you've been officially granted access to it, which is, once again, by request to [email][/email]. At this point access is being limited by an arcane formula involving astrological signs and PayPal account balances, or so I'm told.

Ok, seriously, we are restricting access to avoid being overwhelmed by feedback and, anyway, this release may well kill your dog. It's not ready for a public beta.


I've emailed for a beta tester license. Hopes of hope you will give me one :-)

Thank you

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