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Ken Case 2011-10-10 09:10 AM

OmniFocus for iPad v1.4 has been approved!
OmniFocus 1.4 for iPad adds Location Reminders, support for iOS 5, and other improvements and bug fixes.

This version of OmniFocus requires iOS 4.0 or later. In order to use Location Reminders, you need to have iOS 5 installed, and have an iPad 2 with 3G.


[I][NOTE: If you're reading this within a few hours of my original post, your local App Store might not have the update yet. If that happens, just wait an hour or so and then try again: it will be there soon!][/I]

We love hearing from you! You can reach us by tapping Contact Omni (in the Gear Menu above the sidebar), sending email to [email][/email], tweeting to [URL=""]@omnifocus[/URL], or calling 1-800-315-OMNI or +1 206-523-4152.

[B]Location Reminders[/B]
[LIST][*]Location reminders can be handy for getting a little nudge when you are in the right area to complete an action. In order to use them, you need to have iOS 5 installed, and have an iPad 2 with 3G. Please see Setting up Location Reminders in OmniFocus Help for additional information.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]Map mode always shows available actions and contexts with available actions.[*]Several improvements were made to the behavior of the Map when Location Services is disabled. (Map mode requires Location Services to be enabled for full functionality.)[*]Tapping the Center Map button always refreshes the current location before centering the map.[*]OmniFocus now refreshes the list of contexts and available actions when resuming the app into Maps mode with list display active.[*]Improved the fade out animation of context inspectors.[*]When panning the map before showing a context inspector, the location is panned completely into view before displaying the inspector.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]The Future section of Forecast mode always shows an action’s due date.[*]Fixed a bug where hour cells on the event timeline could get stuck in the highlighted state on iOS 5.[*]On iOS 5, calendars with identical names from different accounts can be independently hidden from the Forecast event timeline.[*]On iOS 5, calendars in Forecast View Options are grouped by account.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]Improved feedback when tapping on the location type buttons in the Context Location inspector.[*]Fixed a bug which caused the Context Location inspector to appear at the wrong initial size on iOS 5.[*]Fixed a bug which caused the item editor to reappear at the wrong location when the device was rotated while using the built-in web browser on iOS 5.[*]The Current Location button in the Context Location inspector is disabled when Location Services is disabled.[*]When tapping the Current Location button in the Context Location inspector, the user is alerted when the location cannot be determined.[*]The Context Location inspector better handles geocoding failures when setting up a context’s location using a contact.[*]The Project Type popover is now wide enough to accommodate the Single Actions type without truncation.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]The Remaining view filter in Context mode now displays remaining actions in remaining projects.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]The Bonjour login panel now identifies the Mac we are syncing with by name.[*]Automatic syncs are no longer inappropriately started when OmniFocus is waiting for the user to enter their sync username and password.[*]Fixed a bug where the Subscribe in iCal button was not enabled for Omni Sync Server users whose accounts reside on one of the alternate sync servers.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]The German translation for the “Completed” and “On Hold” button titles are no longer too wide.[*]Fixed a bug where the buttons in the review bar were sometimes inappropriately enabled after exiting Edit mode.[/LIST]
[LIST][*]Action groups are styled in bold when they appear in Context lists and Forecast mode.[*]When audio attachment recording or playback finishes, background audio is now resumed.[*]Tapping the View Options button or the Plus button in the toolbar now exits search mode.[*]Distances are now displayed in miles when the Region Format is set to United Kingdom.[/LIST]

acetuk 2011-10-10 12:22 PM


A new update... great!

A question though. Why do the Location Reminders need an iPad2 to work? I have an original iPad 3G - what is the difference in the devices that makes this feature not available?

Ken Case 2011-10-10 02:11 PM

iPhone 4 and iPad 2 3G added support for region monitoring, which is why they're required for the new Location Reminders. (Without that capability, there's no low-power way to monitor region entry/exit.)

whpalmer4 2011-10-10 02:15 PM

The help for location reminders in OmniFocus stresses that the feature isn't guaranteed to work, might give variable results, and suggests that you use it "as an extra layer of occasional helpfulness, not a crucial part of your trusted system." It might not be the end of the world not to have it :-)

Cedriclocqueneux 2011-10-11 02:01 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;102651]iPhone 4 and iPad 2 3G added support for region monitoring, which is why they're required for the new Location Reminders. (Without that capability, there's no low-power way to monitor region entry/exit.)[/QUOTE]

It's really a pitty :( I have an iPad1 with 3G and the GPS, this functionality would be great !

KiltedGreen 2011-10-12 04:04 PM

If it's possible that the iPad 1 3G could support the location reminders in a high power way, it would be nice to have the option to allow me to use up my battery to implement it rather than just assuming I want the longest battery life no matter what ... I mean, using the location services in the first instance uses more power than switching it off! ;)

Brad I 2011-10-13 06:24 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;102651]iPhone 4 and iPad 2 3G added support for region monitoring, which is why they're required for the new Location Reminders. (Without that capability, there's no low-power way to monitor region entry/exit.)[/QUOTE]

I love this idea and was wondering if it does eat away at the battery. I assume based on your comment it isn't as intense as the Maps app?

Also, I have a wifi iPad 2 that I tether. Is there any way to enable the location alerts for it? It works fine on the iPhone, but I prefer using my iPad for Omnifocus..

Greg Jones 2011-10-13 07:06 AM

From what I am reading, the iOS 5 location-based reminders are iPhone 4 and 4S only. I'm not seeing the ability to create location-based reminders on my 3G iPad 2.

DerekM 2011-10-13 11:38 AM

Location-based reminders do work on iPad 2 3G models. But it has to be turned on first in settings. It's located under Sounds & Alerts. This was done for those that use both the iPhone and iPad clients to avoid having both devices giving alerts. Sorry we didn't document that.

sgecko 2011-10-13 12:57 PM

notification header iOS 5
any plans to show past due, or items due today in the notifications header in the new iOS 5? i'm talking about the bar that scrolls down from the top, and/or in the locked screen. or do i need to make a feature request. thanks!

sgecko 2011-10-13 01:32 PM

also, i see apple split out the to do's from the calendar into a separate app. any plans to tie into that instead of the calendar?

Brian 2011-10-13 03:32 PM

Pretty sure the ability to see due soon items in the notification center is a new request - I'll make sure that gets into the development database so we can consider it. Thanks!

I don't remember hearing of any plans to tie into the Reminders app - though if you've got ideas about how you'd like to use them together, we're happy to file requests on that too!

Brian 2011-10-13 03:33 PM

Whoops, forgot to mention that past due items should essentially end up showing there as it is. OmniFocus adds the items to the notification center when the deadline arrives, so by the time you see them, they're overdue. :-)

sgecko 2011-10-14 04:31 AM

yep, now see the past due items. thanks for adding soon to be due items to the request list. not sure yet how to use the Reminders app yet. just playing with ideas on consolidation of lists. thanks for responding!

Brad I 2011-10-14 05:32 AM

[QUOTE=sgecko;102779]also, i see apple split out the to do's from the calendar into a separate app. any plans to tie into that instead of the calendar?[/QUOTE]
whats the difference between a to-do and what Omnifocus offers already? Personally, I think that is redundant, but am interested in other thoughts.

sgecko 2011-10-14 11:06 AM

you are correct brad. but in my case I have separated my personal and professional gtd lives into separate programs (apps). I love my omni focus, but it is not always the right tool for every situation. rather than going to two or three programs to see what I need to do for the day, could I use the new Reminders app at that daily list? or so that was the question I posed to myself.

I love that my past due events show up in the notifications drop down list. and am considering reworking my deadline times to an earlier time so I can see them coming, as opposed to a time they are due. but they don't stay in the list (they pop in at the scheduled time, but don't stay as part of the list). so for now, that doesn't work for me too.

yes, redundant, but if I could see all my deadlines (and to do's) in one place, it would be better re-use of the information I've input already. that's why I was asking.

wilsonng 2011-10-15 10:57 PM

I love that my past due events show up in the notifications drop down list. and am considering reworking my deadline times to an earlier time so I can see them coming, as opposed to a time they are due. but they don't stay in the list (they pop in at the scheduled time, but don't stay as part of the list). so for now, that doesn't work for me too.

My personal philosophy was to always set the due date at least 2 days before the actual due date. I'd rather turn in something early instead of trying to burn the midnight oil, sweating like a pig, and trying to hustle to finish a project. I treat the early due date as the real due date and stick with it. Once you start slacking off and know that you still have two additional days, you lose the effectiveness of setting early due dates.

I've heard of people who say "they work better under pressure." I always think they're just making excuses for procrastinating. I can only imagine their next doctor visit and looking at their blood pressure reading because of missed deadlines or down-to-the-wire deadlines.

Personally I'm gonna ignore the iOS 5 built-in To-Do list. That's one more bucket to look at. I concentrate all my tasks into OmniFocus. At least I know everything is in there I'll trust. If I start using the iOS 5 Reminders, I'll also have to check over there for tasks. Did I save Task X in OmniFocus or did I save it in Reminders? Too much headache for me to worry about.

Christian 2011-10-15 11:12 PM

People who are familiar/comfortable with OF have no need for apples reminder app. OFs inbox does everything reminder can do and then a lot. Location based reminders are in OF so no value added by that new app.

But hey, despite it being rather rudimentary it is still better than sync, anybody?

EDIT: thinking of about making it so that due soon and overdue items stay in the notification center (ideally you could switch that option on and off) until marked as done (in contrary to when they are being viewed, like it is now)? That would make managing important tasks even easier!

skillet 2011-11-17 05:10 PM

[QUOTE=DerekM;102775]Location-based reminders do work on iPad 2 3G models. But it has to be turned on first in settings. It's located under Sounds & Alerts. This was done for those that use both the iPhone and iPad clients to avoid having both devices giving alerts. Sorry we didn't document that.[/QUOTE]

I am having trouble getting this to work, I have locations reminders on and it shows the purple arrow that OmniFocus is tracking me under Location Services in iPad 2 preferences. I figured out finally a few days ago that Location Reminders in OmniFocus Settings had to be turned on (I thought you were talking about iPad Sound preferences at first mentioned above).

Do I have to be connected to 3G? I have a Verizon iPad 2 but don't use a data plan, the 3G models are the only ones that have GPS in it so that is why I got it. I plug into a power source in my car every time I drive.

I read through this article but not sure if I have to be on a data plan and if so why I can't just use GPS since it is tracking my location and showing me on the map.


Thanks for your help.

DerekM 2011-11-18 11:13 AM

What part are you stuck on? Getting the alerts set up for contexts? Or do you have them configured but you can't get the alerts to appear? It does work without a data plan.

skillet 2011-11-18 11:22 AM

Great to hear it works without a data plan. I do have all the contexts linked to locations but no notification shows up I have set it to Banners and Alerts.

I have stopped at the location where the alerts should show up for well over 30 minutes so it is not just that I am passing by it too quickly either.

In OmniFocus
Location Reminders: Show Alerts is On; Play Sound is On

When I click on Map view I see 46 Available actions and 4 are overdue where am at.

I am sure I am missing something.

DerekM 2011-11-18 12:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Have you set up the notification options on the context in addition to the location? When you go to context view and edit the location info for a context, there's an option at the bottom called "notification". That needs to be set to "When Arriving" or "When Leaving" for any alerts to appear. After one of those is set you can also modify the geofencing size.

Another thing to be aware of, location notifications are less reliable when the device is in low power mode.

skillet 2011-11-18 12:42 PM

Thanks for helping me through this. I did set that up after reading it in the manual, your screenshot reminded me that mine doesn't show the notification option at the bottom for some strange reason. Just teh location when "Exact Location" is selected.

DerekM 2011-11-18 01:38 PM

Do you have iOS 5 installed on your iPad? That's required for this feature. Otherwise the other requirements for that to show is having location alerts on, and having the context location type being either an exact location or an address book contact. Locations that are a search term such as "grocery store" can not have location alerts currently.

Greg Jones 2011-11-18 04:21 PM

Just curious, but what is low power mode? Battery at 20%? Does this apply to the iPhone also?

DerekM 2011-11-18 04:29 PM

Low power mode is the state the device goes into when the screen has been off and not being used for some amount of time. It applies to the iPhone as well.

skillet 2011-11-21 05:43 AM

2 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=DerekM;104158]Do you have iOS 5 installed on your iPad? [/QUOTE]

I do have iOS 5 installed and I am on the Verizon 64GB model iPad 2.

I was able to get show the location once on Saturday after a lot more adding and removing but not working right now.

DerekM 2011-11-21 10:43 AM

You won't see the location alert options when looking at the map like in your screenshot. You will need to go to the context view and edit the location there (you could also switch to list view of the map and access the editor there). They aren't available on the map view due to size constrants with the current design.

skillet 2011-11-21 11:23 AM

Got it that make sense. Do you know if sub context will inherit their parent context location if they are not assigned or do you have to assign every sub-context as well?

DerekM 2011-11-21 12:36 PM

It will inherit it.

skillet 2011-11-21 04:56 PM

Awesome, thanks for your help, it worked for me tonight. Very cool, I am so glad that it works!

DerekM 2011-11-22 10:02 AM

Great! Glad we could get that sorted out.

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