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BwanaZulia 2007-06-28 01:18 AM

iPhone and OmniFocus - A BIG NO!
From Pogue's Q&A.

"Do To Do items show up on the iPhone? Do memos in the iPhone’s Notes program show up on the computer? No."


Are you kidding me?


jstrat 2007-06-28 02:29 AM

[QUOTE=BwanaZulia]From Pogue's Q&A.

"Do To Do items show up on the iPhone? Do memos in the iPhone’s Notes program show up on the computer? No."


Are you kidding me?


I would have to say that this is not good for the first release, but I suspect that this will all change with Leopard. How the iPhone integrates with Leopard is more interesting with things like ToDos in the mail client and a full Calendar server solution.

To be honest I was not expecting great integration with Tiger.

Also being in the UK what the iPhone does now is a non issue, as it will be way more advanced by the end of the year! I hope.

BwanaZulia 2007-06-28 02:56 AM

To leave out 2 of the 4 most common PDA functions in this "Revolutionary" phone is just crazy (and shortsighted and dumb).


jstrat 2007-06-28 03:54 AM

No argument there. It will still be a success regardless as people will buy it for the cool factor and wait for the features that are missing. Kind of like the AppleTV, doesn't make complete sense as it stands but its a platform to build on.

BwanaZulia 2007-06-28 04:38 AM



dansays 2007-06-28 05:16 AM

I'm not worried. Omni's fledgling web interface looks fantastic, and depending on how the device behaves when viewing web pages in offline mode, there's potential for task caching/syncing with cookies. We'll find out tomorrow, I suppose.

As for the non-OmniFocus-using masses, I'm certain Apple will update this functionality with Leopard's release in August. Notes and embedded tasks are moving over to

BwanaZulia 2007-06-28 05:25 AM

As much I like the idea of OF to go (or mobile, or whatever) the fact that a $600 "PDA" or "Revolutionary" phone isn't going to be able to handle a simple to do or a note that actually gets back to my Mac is a HUGE bummer.

Leaving my Mac on 24/7 so I can hook up to OF only when I have access (not in the subway) so I can enter a task, is a pretty crappy solution as opposed to just syncing my iCal todos.


dansays 2007-06-28 05:47 AM

It would have been better to have the functionality at launch, I agree, but I'm sure it's coming in Leopard. Just sit tight. :-)

gotung 2007-06-28 06:11 AM

Saying people are simply going to buy the iPhone because it's "cool" is juvenile. People say thats the same reason people buy so many iPods.

But what makes it cool? Is it just the Apple logo?

Or is it the fact that people who use computers at work everyday of their lives, but have no idea that you can move documents by dragging them, can figure out an iPod/iPhone?

I work with these people everyday. Im the entire IT department for my small company. When I show them you can right click to create folders, and put files in there by just dragging them, they go "neat". But they don't get the "desktop" folder/file metaphor and they just forget the next day what I showe d them.

But they can use iPods.

Yes the iPhone is missing features. 99% of them are software related. This is a brand new phone platform. The software will get better.

Anybody remember OS X 10.0?

AmberV 2007-06-28 07:12 AM

I'm sure some tweaks will be made, but I wouldn't place too much weight on the fact that the iPhone can be upgraded. That was one of the main things people said when the iPod came out, and was revealed that its firmware and operating system could be easily upgraded. They said that the simplicity and lack of feature in the original iPod could easily be expanded by Apple.

Unfortunately, it never really worked out that way. Apple does release what amounts to bug fixes and minor changes in existing iPods--but to get any real updates you have to shell out for a newer iPod. I'm not saying data sharing will not exist in Leopard. That seems only natural since it will have system-wide ToDos and all. But don't expect miracles.

Yeah, I remember OS X 10.0, and that was what, almost $500 USD ago? My point isn't that they should charge for upgrades, but that buying the iPhone [i]now[/i] and expecting it to radically improve and evolve over its current limitations is perhaps a bit optimistic.

soundsgoodtome 2007-06-28 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=AmberV]I'm sure some tweaks will be made, but I wouldn't place too much weight on the fact that the iPhone can be upgraded.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=AmberV] get any real updates you have to shell out for a newer iPod.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=AmberV]buying the iPhone [i]now[/i] and expecting it to radically improve and evolve over its current limitations is perhaps a bit optimistic.[/QUOTE]
While it's always prudent to be cautious, perhaps you're unaware that Apple has already clearly stated it will release -- free of charge -- both (a) new applications and (b) new features for the iphone. This was widely reported, at least 8 weeks ago. You can read about it here:


geofffitch 2007-06-28 09:20 PM

All these reasonable assessments of the iPhone are great, but you know, love knows not of reason and, well, I'm in love. I guess it's a good thing I'll be on a plane tomorrow at 6:30pm where I can't do any serious damage. :-)

BwanaZulia 2007-06-29 01:24 AM

I guess I don't see task and note syncing is a feature apple should be "cautious" about.

That is PDA/PIM 101.

Not saying I won't be in line tomorrow, but it will damping the fun.


Beckes 2007-06-29 02:41 PM

Maybe I am just shedding cognitive dissonance (being a European without any chance of queueing for any iPhones soon), but I have recently jettisoned any pretension of synching todos with my mobiles at all.

I now use a Montblanc pen/notebook to jot down inbox items while on the go, and my morning review yields a list (printed from OF) of things that I need to do while enroute. (View availables, group by dues, then check as appropriate, after that change filter from availables to checked, print.)

Not only is my notebook svelte and sexy enough to impress (though not as much as an iPhone to be sure), I also avoid mixing up date-related (appointment) and to-do information. P.A. seperated them for a reason.


BTW, I am really looking for a single need-not-carry-anything-else device. A gadget with a puny 2 MP camera and neither flash nor Zeiss lens, scant room for about 20 % of my music collection and no 3G UMTS is not it -- and this does not even mention PIM integration.

The iPhone is likely to be a huge commercial success. What I really need, a UMPC-beating sub-1kg MacBook running OS X with an entire day's worth of battery life, is unfortunately not on Steve's radar, Apple having been eclipsed completely on that sub-market by Sony.

Now _this_ "MacPocket" would really be a killer GTD device, with no half-assed (sorry) synching at all.

whalt 2007-06-30 03:56 AM

[QUOTE=BwanaZulia]I guess I don't see task and note syncing is a feature apple should be "cautious" about.

That is PDA/PIM 101.

Not saying I won't be in line tomorrow, but it will damping the fun.

Show me one place in Apple's marketing where the iPhone is referred to as a "PDA" or a "PIM." Thier commercial says "there's never been an iPod that could do this, or this, or..." not there's never been a Palm or a Blackberry or even a smart phone that could do the demonstrated functionality none of which included organizer like functions, not even the built-in calendar. Get it straight, this is a CONSUMER device not a road-warrior utility belt meant to allow you to schedule conference rooms through your corporate email system. I'm not saying that features like note and to do list syncing aren't desirable and I'm sure they will be added, probably in October since both of these features seem to be undergoing serious revamping in Leopard, but they are definitely not what this device is being marketed for.

Not what you had in mind? Well luckily there's still a lot of other phones out there to choose from. I'm intrigued by the Apple TV but I know that my Tivo already does a lot more for me so I'm sticking with that. Different strokes, etc. Just because we're Apple fans doesn't mean we're required to collect the whole set.

curt.clifton 2007-06-30 05:10 AM

<parade weather="rain">
Perhaps I'm just trying to temper my own gadget lust for an iPhone. But I would be somewhat surprised if iPhone features were contingent on Leopard. It seems likely that the majority of iPhone users will be running Windows.

I've never connected an iPod to a Windows box. Does Mac-iPod syncing offer any features beyond Windows-iPod syncing? (That is, apart from the general usability and personality of the OS, which is why I'm only syncing to Macs to begin with.)

BwanaZulia 2007-06-30 08:34 AM

[QUOTE=whalt]Show me one place in Apple's marketing where the iPhone is referred to as a "PDA" or a "PIM." Thier commercial says "there's never been an iPod that could do this, or this, or..." not there's never been a Palm or a Blackberry or even a smart phone that could do the demonstrated functionality none of which included organizer like functions, not even the built-in calendar. Get it straight, this is a CONSUMER device not a road-warrior utility belt meant to allow you to schedule conference rooms through your corporate email system. I'm not saying that features like note and to do list syncing aren't desirable and I'm sure they will be added, probably in October since both of these features seem to be undergoing serious revamping in Leopard, but they are definitely not what this device is being marketed for.

Not what you had in mind? Well luckily there's still a lot of other phones out there to choose from. I'm intrigued by the Apple TV but I know that my Tivo already does a lot more for me so I'm sticking with that. Different strokes, etc. Just because we're Apple fans doesn't mean we're required to collect the whole set.[/QUOTE]

Well, neither phone nor iPod are said to have built in calendars so your arguement goes out the window.

Tasks and Notes are very basic, but very needed and supported in almost ANY phone. So calling this one "revolutionary" when it doesn't do some of the most basic things, is a little much.

That being said, I have mine sitting on my desk as we speak and it is great.

It needs tasks and notes syncing, but it is great.


omnibob 2007-06-30 01:19 PM

I hope this isn't too far out of line for this thread, but it has morphed into OF-to-go somewhat.

I've been using a Palm (DateBk6, Memo Pad, and To Do list (& FileMaker Mobile for my contacts)) syncing to Palm Desktop for years succesfully (had some sync issues long ago). Based on wanting to go OF <--> iCal <--> Palm DateBk6 and To Do list (and Mark/Space Notebook <--> Palm Memo Pad), I bought the Missing Sync 6.0, and have been living my worst sync nightmare since. I won't go into the gory details (many others are in the same boat), but the pain of having data wiped out for no good reason, reverting to corrupted backups, massive duplicate events, etc., was enough to drive me to buy an iPhone until I read the Pogue article. Maybe things will change (support for tasks and notes), but until then, I'm afraid I may have to retreat to Palm conduits and lose OF to go, but keep my sanity.


BwanaZulia 2007-06-30 04:50 PM

Hey Bob,

I am in the same boat but I gave up on MS 6.0 and Treo and went for the iPhone. There is just way too much in the iPhone platform that makes up for those two missing features.

Now is the time to bug the hell out of Apple to get them to sync those two.


whalt 2007-07-01 05:07 AM

Perhaps I'm just trying to temper my own gadget lust for an iPhone. But I would be somewhat surprised if iPhone features were contingent on Leopard. It seems likely that the majority of iPhone users will be running Windows.[/QUOTE]

A fair point. I think you're right that at least eventually more iPhones will sync with Windows but I also think that the Mac-iPhone experience will be the better one by design which might depend on better tools on the Mac for to-do's and notes which we know are coming in Leopard. While the Windows solution will most likely be Outlook based which I'm pretty sure is what the iPod/iPhone syncs it's contacts and calendar with now.

Just guessing though.

whalt 2007-07-01 05:21 AM

[QUOTE=BwanaZulia]Well, neither phone nor iPod are said to have built in calendars so your arguement goes out the window.

Hmm. Not sure what you mean here. Sort of sounds like you're remaking my point for me, that the the iPhone's built-in calendar is presented in the marketing materials as an afterthought or not at all while it's identification as a new kind of iPod is front and center.

But hey, I'm not arguing that task and note syncing aren't sorely missed features. I'd be surprised if they weren't part of some of the first available updates. As you must know by now, the software had to be updated before the phone could even be activated which means they were massaging it until the last possible moment. Also evidenced by the relatively late arrival of some of the how to videos in the days just before release. My guess is that there simply wasn't time for these features, especially since they involved syncing which is bound to be the one of the most problematic domains to program in for this device.

Anyhow, congrats on the new toy. I wish I had one but for now I'm leaving it up to pioneers like yourself to wear down the trail a bit.

Mindflayer 2007-07-01 10:39 AM

Ah, the joys of being a first adopter. ;)

I am sure something will come - there's just too much demand. As I noted in another post, the felt marker font used in the notes app is too alike that in 10.5 to not be a coincidence.

SpiralOcean 2007-07-01 12:25 PM

A big Yes!

Apple planning host of iPhone updates before Leopard release: source

By Aidan Malley
Published: 03:25 PM EST
While the more cautious phone buyers have stayed away from the iPhone for numerous practical reasons, one source claims that Apple's handset is due to solve most of these problems with upgrades in coming months -- many of which will arrive with or before the company's Mac OS X upgrade.

A Palo Alto mobile user interface designer that regularly associates with Apple employees has reportedly been told that many of the features lacking from the iPhone are already scheduled as part of future updates, most of which should arrive on or before the October release of the revamped Mac OS.

Some of these updates may arrive within weeks. A true instant messaging client described as a mobile version of iChat, will arrive "very, very soon" and certainly before Leopard, the designer says. Customized ringtones were also set to appear within the same timeframe.

But fall 2007 is when the iPhone's features are set to expand in earnest, he adds. The iPhone will not only gain a disk mode for transferring computer files but should also receive a full-fledged file browser that lets users store and open documents. Its omission from the iPhone software made available in June was supposedly made primarily because the company wants a fully developed browser very similar to that found in Mac OS X Leopard, including the option of Cover Flow browsing.

Leopard itself will also allegedly include hooks for the iPhone, opening an enhanced file window in Finder for dragging files to and from the device. Like the iPod shuffle, users will be able to set aside a certain amount of the iPhone's flash storage for iTunes content and the rest for general data.

Microsoft's expected fall launch of Office 2008 for Mac will also provide justification for the critical addition of full Exchange sync support, according to one of the UI developer's Apple-employed friends. In what may be an expansion of Apple's chief executive Steve Jobs allusion to official announcements on the matter, the friend claims that iPhones will be able to synchronize with Exchange Server without the insecure IMAP setting required today.

Less specifically-timed upgrades are also slated for the future, if the report proves accurate. iWork should be available in mobile form and will at the very least allow the display of Keynote slideshows beyond today's basic Excel and Word viewing in the iPhone's e-mail client. A simple auto-discovering file sharing system, "Spotlight-like" search, and widescreen typing should all upgrade the phone's core features at varying points throughout the current phone's life cycle.

The Apple employees are also purportedly aware of intents to bring in support for third-party applications, including Adobe's Flash. In at least the case of the animation plugin, however, performance optimizations and security measures are needed before it can be used on the slower and potentially more vulnerable mobile device.

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