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jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 05:08 AM

OmniFocus syncing with gMail task list
Google unleashed their "light" task list implementation in gMail yesterday. Any chance we could see synchronization capability between OF and gMailTasks?

whpalmer4 2008-12-12 05:32 AM

Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?

jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 05:47 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;52401]Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?[/QUOTE]
I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.

jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 07:26 AM

gMail Task List API
Does anybody know if Google has exposed the task list API yet?

lars.steiger 2008-12-12 10:15 AM

Hi jeremymayhew,

I don't know if it's what you're looking for. But I put a little service called Spootnik ([url][/url]) together which synchronizes Basecamp directly with OmniFocus and vice versa.

There exists also a Google Gadget ([url][/url]) for Basecamp which allows you to view your tasks inside Gmail.

Best regards,

JAA 2009-05-13 04:12 AM

This would be great - it seems like google is doing more + more with this feature - I'd love to see Omnifocus sync with Tasks!!


chriscraig 2009-06-27 03:11 AM

I too would very much like this..

creating tasks straight from gmail would be great

chinarut 2009-07-13 11:52 AM

wow - i'm glad to see others who are interested in this integration.

[QUOTE=jeremymayhew;52402]I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.[/QUOTE]

i think more fundamentally, a lot of us are hankerin for some type of web implementation of OmniFocus (can't see to find the thread related to this discussion at the moment...)

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be willing to give up location-based contexts and the full-project editor if it means something to play with short-term. it would definitely begin to replace my need to use tadalists as a stopgap when I'm on the go.

I do have a concern as to where the "sync engine" would live - I hope it is modeled a bit more closely to a service like Plaxo where it's on the web rather than a challenging experience I am having with something like TimeBridge - great idea but it really doesn't work to sync client-side!

erifneerg 2009-07-14 01:23 PM

bump for feature request. this would make OF a killer app even if it's something simple as syncing to the indox (for a start that is). anyone know if they have an API/etc for it? google task > baseamp -> spoonlink -> OF is too many loops and too many services I'd need to pay for. just google task -> spoonlink -> OF would enuogh for me.

wtmonroe 2009-07-15 06:24 AM

Another vote for a web implementation of OF. This would be very handy.

overhacked 2009-07-15 11:11 AM

I've been mulling a while on writing a "web services"-type library to add items to the OF inbox. I have WebDAV syncing enabled, and I'd like to use the e-mail-to-inbox feature of OmniFocus. I'm totally laptop-based, however, and don't have a spare Mac to sit around and process OF e-mails. The ability to simply forward an e-mail and have my mail server pop a task+note into the server-side OF inbox would simplify a lot of what I do day-to-day.

Of course, we could also just figure out a way to get from iPhone mail directly to the OF iPhone inbox...

roframor 2009-07-23 06:50 PM

gmail + OF
Somewhere I've read that you should plan in OF and live in iCal... but I really don't like ical or mail and I think google apps are a better experience. Imap in Mail is boring, slow and behaves in strange ways. I use two computers and most of my life has migrated to google. We don't need applications complicated with features we never use, but I NEED ubiquitous computing.

The exceptions are Devonthink, Nisus Pro, Final Cut and... all omni app! They are a joy to use and really useful.

I've used Ominifocus since it was Kinkless. My problem now is to integrate it with gmail in a easy way. What is happening is that I use less and less OF.

I use OF to organize my life, but I cannot lose time copying and pasting things from email do OF and vice versa and email has become the biggest source of to dos...

So, I want to plan in OF and live in gmail and google calendar!

The way I see it, we could use google Tasks as the list of tasks at hand that need action and also as a way to sync emails with OF.

and OF would be used for thinking, organizing and iPhone.



lars.steiger 2009-07-30 05:12 AM

Hi Roberto,

Did you already try Mailplane ([url][/url] It has an OmniFocus "Clippings" plugin ([url][/url]).

- Lars

sstringer 2009-08-29 02:31 PM

I would love to see this, but perhaps there's a better way to scratch this particular itch? This reply is half feature request, half question.

Basically, I have a bunch of clients, none of whom have OF, but all of whom are on various platforms, etc. The common thread is that I put them all on Google Apps as part of their setup.

I've always needed a way to publish my task lists for them for review. If there was a way to push a OF context or task group to a particular Google Tasks account, this would be solved. Currently, I'm printing a PDF which works in a pinch.

On an importance scale of 1 to 10, 10 being "solve world hunger" and 1 being "write an app just for me, pls", I'd put this at about a .5. This would be gravy on top of an already great app.


deadsunrise 2009-09-06 12:57 PM

I have a small ruby script that takes any stared mail in gmail and puts it in the omnifocus inbox (the subject as the task name and the body goes in the note with a link to gmail).

That way I just star and archive on my android phone and when I run the script it gets into my inbox and gets un-starred.

If someone wants it I can package it as a mac app.

techsavvyguru 2009-09-13 07:30 AM

[QUOTE=deadsunrise;66272]I have a small ruby script that takes any stared mail in gmail and puts it in the omnifocus inbox (the subject as the task name and the body goes in the note with a link to gmail).

That way I just star and archive on my android phone and when I run the script it gets into my inbox and gets un-starred.

If someone wants it I can package it as a mac app.[/QUOTE]

I would be interested in hearing more about how this works. Where does the ruby script run? I assume on the Mac w/ OF so it needs to be left running all the time. (Or does the script only run manually when you get back to your Mac?)

Where can the gmail mail message star be applied from? I assume any web browser - so could I star tasks in GMail on my iphone? (Like you do on Android phone) My Company has taken to blocking GMail access - so this is currently my only option.

icymay 2010-05-08 06:48 PM

omnifocus to allow to sync with normal google tasks and google apps tasks.
I would also like to request for this feature in omnifocus to allow to sync with normal google tasks and google apps tasks.

It would be a great feature!

I came across this iphone app called gee task pro.


It allows the app to be synced to gmail/google apps task.

if in omnifocus mac/iphone we create a action it can be synced to gmail/google apps task vice-versa. It would be make omnifocus the ultimate app!!

Please add this feature!!

Looking forward to it.

pwrmartin 2010-06-02 01:55 PM

Web-Application as Priority - another vote!
Another PC and Mac User (sometimes even from the same machine) in need of a way to use Omnifocus from a PC, whether an online system or a desktop App.

The online option makes more sense from Omni's perspective i would guess, but it's an absolute priority for me, if i'm going to use Omnifocus properly.

I'm happy to pay for something that works, but it has to work in all my contexts. To me 21st century thinking is cross platform anyway. I'm never going to be able to be a pure Mac user. I travel too much and work in too many different contexts - if you use Excel to any degree, you have to have a PC version. If you work in a big company, you're likely to be provided with a PC anyway.

I'm a non-zealot on platforms - Mac is great (by and large), Windows 7 is pretty damn good. Omnifocus seems the best version of a productivity management system i've come across. To be a committed user, i need it accessible on whatever platform i'm using. That functionality will breed my loyalty and like most of us, i guess, i'm willing to pay up for that.

So, please, Omnigroup sort this out. I've been looking at Omnifocus since 2008, but still can't bring myself to properly commit, because i don't see the commitment to my user-type ( the multi-platform user ) yet.

Thanks for listening :-)


Great tips above as well - spoonlink will be investigated further.

Basecamp (which i also use) seem to be getting close to providing more and more task management stuff. Still a way to go from them as well, but getting closer too.

erifneerg 2010-06-03 07:56 AM

[QUOTE=deadsunrise;66272]I have a small ruby script that takes any stared mail in gmail and puts it in the omnifocus inbox (the subject as the task name and the body goes in the note with a link to gmail).

That way I just star and archive on my android phone and when I run the script it gets into my inbox and gets un-starred.

If someone wants it I can package it as a mac app.[/QUOTE]

That sounds really great! I'll like to see that. Anyway to have it labeled based? I'd want to try it out eitherway.

WebScud 2010-09-06 08:30 PM

Gmail, iPad, and iPhone
I use Windows, iPad, and iPhone. The web sync addition a few months back was HUGE, but I'm still missing function on my desktop. I would love to see the tasks sync with Gmail. Even one-way sync to Google Tasks (OF to GT) would be great.

jtice 2010-09-23 07:24 AM

[QUOTE=WebScud;85072]Even one-way sync to Google Tasks (OF to GT) would be great.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Since there apparently is no full-blown solution on the horizon, I'd settle for just about anything that would allow me access to my action list from my Android. I still think that a OF web app, even with minimal editing functionality, would be a great solution and useful from all of the mobile platforms. Short of that a smooth one-way sync to Google Tasks would at least allow me to view the data remotely.

whpalmer4 2010-09-23 09:28 AM

There once was a rudimentary web interface for OmniFocus. I'm unsure whether it is still functional, as it has been about a year and a half since I last tried it. Details at [url][/url] It gave you the ability to look at your actions in a context list, tick them off, and even add actions, as I recall.

deladriere 2010-09-26 02:34 AM

[QUOTE=deadsunrise;66272]I have a small ruby script that takes any stared mail in gmail and puts it in the omnifocus inbox (the subject as the task name and the body goes in the note with a link to gmail).

That way I just star and archive on my android phone and when I run the script it gets into my inbox and gets un-starred.

If someone wants it I can package it as a mac app.[/QUOTE]

I would like to test this with my iPad to flag the mail that need actions and let my iMac send them to the Omnifocus Inbox
can you post it or send it to me ?
Thanks in advance

JAA 2010-10-15 06:35 AM

Any headway on this, yet?


sirvancelot 2011-01-19 07:31 PM

[QUOTE=deadsunrise;66272]I have a small ruby script that takes any stared mail in gmail and puts it in the omnifocus inbox (the subject as the task name and the body goes in the note with a link to gmail).

That way I just star and archive on my android phone and when I run the script it gets into my inbox and gets un-starred.

If someone wants it I can package it as a mac app.[/QUOTE]

Deadsunrise, I would love to have this as a mac app ... could I take you up on that and try it? Will try to DM you as well.

mrkevans 2011-02-21 09:16 AM

I like the ability to just convert emails into tasks really quickly.

Also id on't really use apple mail because it kinda sucks... but i use gmail from everything, so more integration w/ google and its mail is key.

marisa8184 2011-02-22 01:25 PM

Another vote from me too for web implementation.

avandelay 2011-03-17 08:33 AM

If what people are talking about here is a full-blown web interface for Omnifocus, I'd love to see that. I think the real strength would be the ability to delegate/collaborate on tasks or a project with someone who has nothing but a web browser. Sync that web interface with iPhone/Mac software? Wow, that would be a powerful, easy to deal with system. Sell OF web access/sync for $5/month or something, with a discount for the software.

bclohesy 2013-05-09 04:13 PM

Hi there - I'd love to see some sort of integration from google tasks to OF - mostly so that I can use other tools that create google tasks (e.g. my CRM) and still sync them to OF

This would then allow OF to be the trusted system without having to have things re-added - and if the task includes a link to the on line system then all of a sudden I have a way hook everything together and to use OF as the way to access it.

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